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Topic: UQM painting (Read 11420 times)
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Thats amazing. I love the depth. I think that, because of the style, it is lacking photographic persision, but, because of the style, I dont care. Its amazing! Good job.
Posts: 817
i love it. truly!
Posts: 520

Thnaks..thansk... ... ...thx
I'll be sure to fix those claws/hands. Need to up the detailing aswell.
Just did this for my project. Closer to the SC designs than my older stuff. I was thinking the Cruisers could have a costly but poweful nukes, and cheap regular missiles. Carrier is WIP, it's sort of like a Dreadnought, but less powefull. Lots of point defence lasers (flak) as common on carriers. Lander redesign bottom right. Gave it wings and a containerish hull, plus a small-plane like nose area to bind it with the fighter design, which is a paraphrase on Vought F4u Corsair. The wings fold up, and they're stacked nose against the wall in the blue section of the carrier. Maybe 20 will fit (5*2rows*2floors). They launch to the sides. There's some idea scribbles for ship types top right.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2005, 07:10:44 pm by Arne »
Posts: 520

Speaking of which, my idea for the Slylandro Probe is as follows.
Size: Small. This becasue it has no live crew, and it should be easy to make. It only needs to fly around and record data.
Movement: Rotates, and turns by anchoring the ends one at a time, sort of like Clu Clu Land.
Weapons: + Assimilation bolt. Slowly repairs probe and fills reserves. + Copy bolt. Slowly makes another probe. + Stopper missile. Does 1 damage, removes any kinetic energy from target. This allows escape.
Story: Design purchased from the Melnorme by the Slylandro. After a programming mishap, most probes were destroyed. Because of the large number of probes replicated, mutations in the design and program occured, and this resulted in a single probe escaping self destruction. Although it's debatable whether it's sentient or not, it's out there making copies of itself, but not in the chaotic manner of its predecessor. It appears to have an agenda.
Original Sylandro probe:

(Will draw the new type later.)
As for ship... volume atleast, I'm working on a program that'll calculate it for me. Then I'll have multipliers to get armour, internal space, etc. The ships will be sort of customizeable like in Elite, but some components will be fixed into the designs.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2005, 03:28:46 am by Arne »
Posts: 520

I'm not familiar with dak*... are they SC3?
Mycon are biological and it's debatable whether they're functioning properly or not. It's also unknown how they came to malfuntion, and in what numbers. My probes are similar though, in the sense that they have an unknown agenda. You think I should change it to: 'Gather underpants'?
Anyways, I believe this particular story stereotype is unused.
Oh, I drew in the mutated probe, the blue one. Also got some alternative sketches for stuff.
The mutated probe, which I might name 'One' after the borg in StarTrek, has the same propulsion system but more mass, so my system will make it slower. Unlike the normal probe, One has offensive weapons.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 167

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Dunno what this has to do with an uqm painting anymore. Say, I had an idea once, that a Slylandro does a mind patterning onto a Probe, using help from a rather advanced race, so that it could leave its planet and explore the stars. Nobody except me liked it, but maybe you do.
(edit) In any case, there is some resemlance to sc3, but I don't think you really need to take that into account. The idea is quite general, and applying it to a Probe is preferable than that other stuff. Imo of course (not that I dislike all sc3 races, some I do like, but I absolutely do not like the 2 examples you mention : green mycon and the daktaklakplak).
« Last Edit: May 05, 2005, 05:17:13 am by GeomanNL »
Posts: 520

Geo > hehe, yes I'm drifting, sorry about that. It's not like I'm posting pictures of my cat though.
I too had the idea of the Slylandro leaving their planet. They can't build stuff themselves, but I have this idea of a race helping them to build a rather large gas bubble ship.
I think I'll post my other pics on PoNaF. This forum has no real section for general SC project stuff.
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