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Author Topic: Some completely random points  (Read 2841 times)
Kizor notloggedin

Some completely random points
« on: May 09, 2005, 04:39:48 pm »

Here are some thoughts that have popped into my head about Star Control. There's no point in founding several topics.

1) Is SC3 Orzese consistent with true Orzese? Contamination from the abomination's storyline would be a certainty, but it seems unlikely that the Accolade desingers would just ignore what's already there knowing that SC2 fans are going to be a significant demographic. SC3 could give us a lot more content to work with in deciphering the thing.

2) You aren't a true Star Control player until you've seen a Cruiser nuke intercept another missile or its own ship.

3) Wouldn't Orz marines boarding another Orz vessel be equally matched?

4) A Pkunk ship gets its crew sucked out by a Syreen and blown away, reincarnates, takes a couple of hits and then collects the crewmembers still floating in space. Hilarity ensues.

5) Is there a limit to how many limpets can attach to one vessel?
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Re: Some completely random points
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2005, 05:12:01 pm »

1) The Orz in SC3 are a lot more shallow than in SC2. I still haven't figured out why they suddenly became hostile towards me. I wouldn't be surprised if the makers of SC3 didn't think much about it.

2) Been there, done that - several times.

3) Are humans equally matched when fighting each other?

4) fun

5) I would assume that there is a very simple algorythm to how much one limpet slows the ship down. Since it would have to be done percentually, there would be no need for a limit.

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Re: Some completely random points
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2005, 08:50:08 pm »

It is not done 'percentually'
I'm not sure how it actually is done, but it could be that each limpet merely adds 1 to the timeout on the victim's thrust and turn.

This would thus have no effective limit (if the thrust and turn are stored in a BYTE, then you can limpet them until they can thrust every 8.5 seconds; a WORD, they get to thrust every 36 minutes. A DWORD, and they get to thrust once every 4 years.)

Re: Some completely random points
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2005, 11:16:00 pm »

1) While I champion the idea that Orzese does have a meaning, I don't think there was ever an Orzese dictionary that TFB wrote down that gives a specific meaning for every Orzese word. In any case, the SC3 people certainly didn't have access to it -- Paul and Fred have made it clear that they weren't directly consulted by anyone at the upper levels of the SC3 project. But then again, there were people *on* the project who were SC2 fans, and I'm sure they all had played the game and knew it (even if in some cases they didn't respect it), so whatever interpretation they used of Orzese should be at least as valid as ours.

The only pertinent thing I remember from playing SC3 some time ago is the Orz calling the Eternal Ones *friends*. That was kinda cool.

2) Yes. Cruisers should always be wary of firing those things when moving quickly. (This really doesn't make much sense when you think about it, since in real life "wrapping around" would mean consciously traveling in a circular path rather than just going too far in one direction, but hey.)

3) Orz that are crewing a Nemesis are not suited up in their Marine exoskeletons, so the suited-up Orz have a big advantage over the floating-in-those-control-console-pod-things Orz. The game actually makes no distinction between different species when calculating how many crew a Marine takes out; it's always on average three, I think, with a random factor thrown in. (I would imagine that damage done by a Marine has less to do with how well it could best an alien in a fair fight and more to do with its ability to blast holes in bulkheads and depressurize cabins and such.)

4) Yes, the possibility of Cloned Pkunk is one of the weird things about Pkunk resurrection.

5) I dunno. For balance's sake I hope it doesn't work the way Death_999 proposed (even a hyper-limpeted ship should still be capable of motion). Also I don't think it's as simple as adding to timeout on movement -- isn't there some variable for a ship's "mass" in the code, that limpeting increases? The prime example I'm thinking of is the Arilou who have no inertia and are unaffected by gravity until they're hit by limpets.
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Re: Some completely random points
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2005, 01:23:13 am »

Here are some thoughts that have popped into my head about Star Control. There's no point in founding several topics.
2) You aren't a true Star Control player until you've seen a Cruiser nuke intercept another missile or its own ship.
the former happens when you move to fast(IE.alot) and the latter when one cruser fights another.
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Re: Some completely random points
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2005, 02:34:08 am »

UQM counts up to a certain amount of frames between each turn step and between each unit of thrust. Being hit by a limpet increases these delays by 1 up to a maximum of 255. The thrust unit is also decreased by 1 (pixels per frame, I think) and the maximum speed decreased by the same proportion as the thrust unit, unless the thrust unit is at its minimum value. If the thrust unit is at a minimum, max speed is set to twice the thrust unit.

See src/sc2code/ships/vux/vux.c for details.

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