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Author Topic: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?  (Read 21358 times)
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Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #45 on: May 13, 2005, 12:00:25 am »

edit:ah, thank you death.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2005, 12:02:56 am by michael » Logged
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Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #46 on: May 13, 2005, 12:23:14 am »

Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back - my personal favorite of the trilogy.

Matrix (only the first one) - One of the greatest movies of all time if it wasn't associated with its sequels.

Serial Experiments Lain (if you consider japanese anime) - If you thought the Matrix was confusing, try this one.  This isn't your normal anime with guns and porn.  This one will draw you in if you don't mind that the story progresses very slowly.
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Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2005, 03:17:25 am »

"At least it is good that Deus_Siddis is wasting all his fighting instincts on me"

Oh don't worry, your rainbow weeds are being taken care of. (Insert laugh from Predator, another great movie.)

"I am far too solid to care about what he is saying."

Having witnessed some of your vengeful outbursts, I find this highly unlikely.

"Matrix (only the first one) - One of the greatest movies of all time if it wasn't associated with its sequels."

I must agree with that, whole heartedly.
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Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #48 on: May 13, 2005, 03:36:09 am »

Wow, go away for one day and the insults start flying. Tongue

Is it just me or is VoID's list the most pathetically pseudo-intellectual thing ever?  "I'm so sophisticated because I like boring old movies!  Ooh!"  Honestly, why not read literature if you want to pretend to be erudite?  The only impression you're making is on your keyboard. . . .

Well, I am a pseudo-intellectual. Never claimed otherwise. Also, I do read literature. Yeah, I can read. Sorry. I recently finished reading Joyce's "Ulysses". Worse, I enjoyed it. I'm not saying this means I'm better than you or anything, although I have a feeling you're trying to claim the reverse. Now, I don't enjoy films and literature because I think it makes me look cool. If I have to find an explanation, I guess it's that I generally like thrills. (Don't worry, I'll get to the point eventually) Now, 2001. You write it off as "complete garbage", but to me the first viewing I had of it happens to be one of the single most enjoyable movie experiences I've ever had. Why? Because it left me flabbergasted, and because I didn't fully understand it. I'm drawn to things (movies, music, books) like that, because I hate not to understand something. So I viewed it again. And the film made me think. A lot. I love it when films do that, to me it's one of the greatest thrills there is.

Also, I don't like only "difficult" films. I also happen to be a big fan of gratuitous t&a, hilariously big special effects, and loud explosions in films. I find them all thrilling as well, although the thrill tends to be over the moment the explosion ends, a cut is made from an effect to a close up, or the bra comes back on. The thrill I mentioned above tends to stay with me for a long time.

They're all artsy bullshit.  Have you ever tried to watch 2001?  It's complete garbage.  People like it because they feel more sophisticated watching that than they do when they watch Star Wars.

Blade Runner is horrendous, it's plot tendentious and unexciting.  Who cares that some Brit tabloid found sixty scientists to yes men it? But at least it and Aliens are *flicks* rather than *films*.

Best ones are clearly: Star Wars, Gattaca, and if we have to be artsy losers, the Commie version of Solaris.

But seriously: read literature if you need to be a pompous ass.  All the star children in the world won't make you sophisticated.

Quick repartes:
-If you feel 2001 is complete garbage, that's your opinion. I happen to disagree. So shoot me.
-Blade Runner isn't a great film because some scientists liked it, I think it's interesting anyway. But the scientists' endorsement is an interesting tidbit.
-If you don't like artsy films, why list Gattaca?
-Final nail in the coffin, I guess: I happen to like Tarkovsky's Solaris. Guess I'm just too easy to please, huh?

If I thought he actually liked the movies on their merits, I'd agreee.  But most people "like" movies like that because they think it makes them sound cool and sophisticated.  It's similar to the absurdly pretentious "symbolism" in anime / manga (I give the word scare quotes because when you just throw imagery at the viewer willy-nilly, it's not really symbolism).  "Man, Neon Genesis Evangelion is sooo deep.  And 2001 man . . . that Star Child . . . Kubrick's a genius."

Not particularly fond of the star child bit myself, and I agree that a lot of manga tries in vain to pass as symbolic while it is really quite shallow. But I do think Kubrick is one of the most supremely gifted directors to have lived.

Yea, everyone who likes that movie says that. The manual tells you that  H.A.L. is I.B.M. with each letter having taken a step back, alphabetically.

Well, I think it's been pretty well documented by now that that was, in fact, a coincidence. The world is a strange place, and coincidences happen all the time. You better believe it. Wink

I also like Blade Runner. Unfortunately I bought the one without the voice-over comments, those gave it extra atmosphere.

Hey, you actually like them? Wow, that's a first. Everyone I've ever talked to about this slags off the voice-overs as crap (myself included, actually), so it's refreshing to see a new opinion. What I do like about the directors cut (the one without v/o), is that the plot makes a lot more sense. No, let me rephrase that. The plot makes sense, period. How many missing replicants are being listed in the beginning, and how many are retired during the movie? How many does that leave unaccounted for? I'll say no more.

is the anime version good?

I thought the japanese version was very good. However, as death_999 stated, it is a completely different film.

EDIT: Dammit, long post again! And the spelling! Aaargh!
« Last Edit: May 13, 2005, 03:37:06 am by VOiD » Logged

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Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #49 on: May 13, 2005, 04:08:05 am »

I forgot to mention the movie "Brazil". I can't make any sense of it, but I don't have to. It's like watching a dream, sometimes a nice one, sometimes a less nice one, especially the end. That movie has something special. But I didn't buy it, after a few times you've seen it enough.

Hey, you actually like them? Wow, that's a first. Everyone I've ever talked to about this slags off the voice-overs as crap (myself included, actually),

Right. I knew I had something special, just didn't know what it was until now. That voice as I remember it, is a bit dry, like bored and tired, and that goes well with that cop and those replicants.

I also watched Metropolis (manga) a while back. It's ok.

I also watched Enemy Mine a long time ago. That's pretty good too.

Space Odyssee: I did not like it, I thought it was too long and boring. I remember a few apes finding a bone and using it as a weapon, but I thought that was rather silly. I can understand the symbolism though. But it was overdone/overemphasized.

Matrix (only the first one)

How can you like a movie/story that's not finished? It's like only liking the first of the 3 LOTR movies. I think 1 was a nice introduction to the better 2, and 3 was also nice but looked a bit fragmented to me.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2005, 05:30:09 am by GeomanNL » Logged

Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #50 on: May 13, 2005, 08:35:35 am »

Joyce's "Ulysses"

I rest my case.

I suggest you listen to some jazz and quote Derrida whilst your at it.  Also, maybe eat some dim sum.

Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #51 on: May 13, 2005, 08:42:24 am »

If you don't like artsy films, why list Gattaca?

If you're asking that, you don't understand the difference between Dvorak and Straviski, the difference between soul and jazz, between crispy beef and dim sum.

We'll leave it at that.
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Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #52 on: May 13, 2005, 08:47:43 am »

Are you suggesting that if someone claimed they liked Stavinski youd tell them they didnt really and just wanted to sound smart?


Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #53 on: May 13, 2005, 08:52:45 am »

More likely, they wanted to believe that they liked it, because they think liking it is either a precondition to being sophisticated or at least a sign of sophistication.  So, wanting to believe it, they say it.  Maybe they even do believe it, like wine snobs believe they taste "a hint of tobacco."
Deus Siddis
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Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #54 on: May 13, 2005, 09:02:17 am »

"Wow, go away for one day and the insults start flying."

I had no idea a movie thread could turn into a hail of lead. It seems that everything I create only brings darkness.  Cry

"I recently finished reading Joyce's "Ulysses". Worse, I enjoyed it."

Uh oh, I read that too. :-/ The only two writters that I really like in literature are Shakespear and Pope. Pope almost wrote anti-literature, basically destroying all the rest through parody. Funny stuff.

"Dammit, long post again! And the spelling! Aaargh!"

Same here, there's no spell checker. You could paste your posts into word or wordperfect, and let that program(s) spell checker do the work for you (that's what I sometimes do, when I'm not too lazy).

"I remember a few apes finding a bone and using it as a weapon, but I thought that was rather silly. I can understand the symbolism though. But it was overdone/overemphasized."

Yea, I wish they were using shot guns. The scene would not have dragged out for so long that way.  Wink

"How can you like a movie/story that's not finished?"

It's easy if the sequels are bad enough.

"It's like only liking the first of the 3 LOTR movies."

The second one of those is the best. I like the darker, sadder music/atmosphere and the "everythings going down hill" feel.

The Matrix Reloaded seemed like a copy of the first one, to me. Find someone, fight a lot, neo gets cornered, somebody is going to die and neo can't stop it. . .oh wait, nevermind. The last one is the worst. After all the close calls in the first two, everyone starts dropping like flys and nobody seems to care. There's all these new characters we've never seen before, and old ones either get forgotten about (morpheus), or they get dead. Then to top things off, the machines give up after they are about to win, out of compassion, BUT the architect vows to attack later on. This leaves the question "Can a machine be on grass?"

Has anyone heard there is a remake of War of the Worlds coming out this summer? I wonder how that will turn out.

I would really like a Forbidden Planet remake at some point, too. The original was really creepy, despite the visual effects of the day. Damn, the SFX were great, and it really felt like nothing could stop that thing. And of course, without the Krell concept, we'd have no Ancients/Precursors/Forerunners/Xel'Naga.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2005, 09:05:20 am by Deus_Siddis » Logged
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Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #55 on: May 13, 2005, 09:12:48 am »

"More likely, they wanted to believe that they liked it, because they think liking it is either a precondition to being sophisticated or at least a sign of sophistication.  So, wanting to believe it, they say it.  Maybe they even do believe it, like wine snobs believe they taste "a hint of tobacco.""

I understand that boring things can get really over-hyped, by "intellectuals" whose name is a bit of a misnomer. But, I really don't think anyone is trying to show off here, you're just going to get bigger reactions in a SciFi thread, on a forum about a SciFi game. Why can't your grasp this?

Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #56 on: May 13, 2005, 02:33:13 pm »

Achmed boy here just tries to boost his own tiny ego by underminig others for liking something he doesn't understand  Kiss
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Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #57 on: May 13, 2005, 06:20:10 pm »

I rest my case.

I suggest you listen to some jazz and quote Derrida whilst your at it.  Also, maybe eat some dim sum.

Lots of great jazz out there, sorry to hear that you don't like it, but I guess that's your choice. I've never read Derrida, never eaten dim sum. You seem to have some pretty abrasive preconceptions; slow-paced films and jazz evidently are "artsy", "artsy" is "bad", and anyone who disagrees with this view are "pretentious". How about lightening up a little? If you met me in person, I'm quite sure you wouldn't recognise me as pretentious. Hey, I enjoy porn and listen to Iron Maiden, too. All while eating burgers. All I'm saying is that the enjoyment of these different things are not mutually exclusive, which is what you seem to claim.

If you're asking that, you don't understand the difference between Dvorak and Straviski, the difference between soul and jazz, between crispy beef and dim sum.

We'll leave it at that.

No, we won't. Imo, Gattaca is a slow-paced, thoughtful and yes, intellectual and a bit artsy movie. There are plenty of scientific, mythological, even biblical references throughout, even the title is made up of the four DNA bases' reference letters (A-T, C-G). In light of your other comments, I'm honestly surprised that you like it. But it only proves my point. You loathe so-called "artsy" movies so much that you go out of your way to harass those who do, when, in fact, you have likings in the same direction.

Has anyone heard there is a remake of War of the Worlds coming out this summer? I wonder how that will turn out.

Oh yes, looking forward to that one. I've read the book, and really enjoyed Alan Moore's treatment for The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol2. Dunno what Spielberg can make of it, but I'm definitely going to see it when it comes out.

On a related note, I'm also looking forward to a certain other sci-fi movie due out soon. Wink

I had no idea a movie thread could turn into a hail of lead. It seems that everything I create only brings darkness.  Cry

Nah, your anti-rainbow crusade has brought plenty of light into our lives. Smiley
« Last Edit: May 13, 2005, 06:24:10 pm by VOiD » Logged

I don't think so, therefore I'm probably not.
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Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #58 on: May 13, 2005, 08:50:48 pm »

"On a related note, I'm also looking forward to a certain other sci-fi movie due out soon."

Yea, I heard about that on a pepsi commercial, hehe. Seriously, if anyone wants to stop me from seeing it, they're going to need a lightsaber and a couple thermal detonators.

"Nah, your anti-rainbow crusade has brought plenty of light into our lives."

Yes, perhaps it is a noble quest. . .

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"Good work deus."

Destruction is what I do best.  Wink
« Last Edit: May 13, 2005, 08:55:22 pm by Deus_Siddis » Logged
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Re: What's your favorite SciFi movie of all time?
« Reply #59 on: May 14, 2005, 12:13:17 am »

If you pick an old movie you have a lot more years of accumulated material to pick from. Visual quality may be worse on older movies, but they're a very refreshing alternative to the formula used in movies today. Different pace, different design and different moral cookies.
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