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Topic: Tiny graphics bug, after battling Fwiffo at Pluto (Read 2305 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 122

I am using a recent build, titled "0.12", courtesy of McMartin. I went to Pluto, and attacked captain Fwiffo, destroying him. After the battle, the game took me back to the Planet Scan screen. There I found that any graphics that I had moved my ship selection icon over (before the battle) were still being rendered. The graphics went away after exiting the Planet Scan screen.

I tested this in both OpenGL and SDL graphics mode, and the bug is present in both.
I know, I'm a monster for killing Fwiffo, but I was just curious about what he would say.
Edit: Turns out this was fixed after I posted the thread 
« Last Edit: December 12, 2002, 08:40:24 am by Parker »
Hmm.. is it just me? Or does the 3d planet view not work in .1? Or is it just that .12 "fixes" it? Wondering if maybe I have it set up improperly or something...win32 version
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 122

There is no 3D planet in .1
Zebranky food

Posts: 10

Moo. Moo I say.
I am using a recent build, titled "0.12", courtesy of McMartin. I went to Pluto, and attacked captain Fwiffo, destroying him. After the battle, the game took me back to the Planet Scan screen. There I found that any graphics that I had moved my ship selection icon over (before the battle) were still being rendered. The graphics went away after exiting the Planet Scan screen.
I know, I'm a monster for killing Fwiffo, but I was just curious about what he would say.
I don't know if you wanted conformation on this, but it was easy enough to replicate on my windows cvs copy (PIII, winXP).
And yes, you are a monster.
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