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Author Topic: Ship graphics  (Read 2844 times)
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Ship graphics
« on: May 29, 2005, 02:21:56 am »

Does someone have SC2 melee ship graphics that have a higher resolution than those available in UQM ? I'd like to use them for my project TWX, and Megagun could use them for an unofficial TW-mod.

What I'd like to have, to name an example, is a picture of an Ur-Quan Dreadnought which has a size of about 100x100 pixels. Preferable larger for future alternative display use (it can be scaled down for melee purposes).
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Re: Ship graphics
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2005, 07:31:53 am »

Try a HQ2x (or 3x) on them? There's a little EXE on that site, command line.
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Re: Ship graphics
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2005, 12:17:26 pm »

That's higher resolution indeed, but uses a form of antialiasing to produce a fuzzy larger picture; I must say, the result is very nice for the kind of examples they show. However, I prefer having larger graphics with more detail in them than the smaller originals.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2005, 12:21:52 pm by GeomanNL » Logged
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Re: Ship graphics
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2005, 01:46:46 pm »

HQ2x is the best scale up algoritm I've seen so far. It's very crisp, better than the ones used by UQM now IMO... but it doesn't work that well with the UQM gfx unfortunately. It's much better for 4 color sprites (NES) and stuff with few colors.

Are you looking for pregenerated rotations (with a lightspot)?

It would be pretty easy to box model the ships. Just scale them up and use them as a background (top view) in the modelling app. Doesn't need textures if you're going for that clean and colorful SC look.

Edit: I'm learning Wings 3D now... (except I'm not cuz I my mouse doesn't work, only the wacom) ...and it's a pretty nice simple (and free) modeller it seems. Subdivision from primitives, mainly lowpoly stuff.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2005, 01:50:36 pm by Arne » Logged
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Re: Ship graphics
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2005, 02:08:29 pm »

Are you looking for pregenerated rotations (with a lightspot)?

Sorry I just realized I wasn't clear enough... I would like 1 picture, a bit like what you're drawing, i.e., seen and lighted from the top. I think that's easier for development than using pre-rendered models and bulky datafiles. That's such a hassle.

Also, I'd like it to be useable for background display (that's for future use, e.g. as background for ship-stats), for which I'd like a bigger picture, of at least 800x600 pixels. One can put a lot of detail in there.

Imo it's not needed to go through the trouble of making 3d models for this purpose.
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Re: Ship graphics
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2005, 03:06:04 pm »

The scaler arne suggested looks pretty solid. You should probably give it a try before writing it off completely.

Also- There are quite a few 3d models at sc3d and the timewarp "buncha models" archive, so you probably wouldn't need to model them yourself, just convert to whatever format you need, position, light, and render.

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Re: Ship graphics
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2005, 03:48:21 pm »

I was getting curious, so I decided to give the scalers a go myself. Here's what I wound up with while using hq4x (these results are basically consistent with the ones I got from hq3x and hq2x, but I've uploaded these since it's easier to make out the detail or lack thereof).

The algorithm seems to excel on curves.. but it's lacking when it comes to gradients and straight lines (mostly vertical ones).

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Re: Ship graphics
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2005, 05:43:17 pm »

HQ2x works really well on text, but not so good on aliased or dithered stuff.

If you have FCE Ultra (nes emu) you can try it out on various games realtime.

Here's Elite, which looks kinda funny cuz the lines squiggle. Other games look better, but this one is legal.
(To make elite work you have to activate PAL emulation in the config menu)

Anyways, the stuff I'm doing for my own project is not 100% true to the original SC designs. These were sort of close but they're B/W. I'll clean them up and color one day, maybe.
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Re: Ship graphics
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2005, 03:00:34 am »

I'll clean them up and color one day, maybe.

I'd like to try one when you get to it, but I only got the SC1 ships programmed right now, not the additional SC2 ships.
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