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Should the fan-made sequel should be a brand new game or mod of UQM?
brand new game |
mod |
Other/hybrid |
Topic: Fan made Star Control sequel – how should it be made? (Read 5704 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 76

Wow. This topic (and the SC remake one) got me to post after a long time. And also replay UQM (not that I played it that many times as people on this forum) Now, I would be glad to help, but I have a lot of going on so I don't have a lot of time and I have short attention span with these projects, I get all started up and then forget about it  Anyway, I do have couple of ideas. Firstly, a lot of people have started to make some sort of a sequel and always start with Melee. I propose that you make a simpler game for a start, some sort of strategy, but with the storyline and races form SC2 universe. It seems to me that would be a lot easier to program for start. I also had this idea to remake SC2 as a strategy since it never made sense to me that: a) There were no ships to protect starbase from Ur-Quan and other eneies b) You could only recruit at your starbase even though there were 2 others, not to mention homeworlds of your allies.
But that's just me. Anyway, someone should really step up and become the leader, or at least make some sort of core team, and then after that make some decisions what should be made, start with something concrete. I'm sure there are a lot of good ideas floating around, but someone needs to find them and combine them all.
That's just my 2 cents, tho.
Sig fixed at Shivers request.
Zebranky food

Posts: 6
I don't think that a MOD would be marketable. You would have to go casual gaming and disappoint those who love the series or go all out full fledged storyline, RPG with action (tactical) space combat. I think it's the storyline that people remember about this game the most. Besides, the Star Control universe is perfect for a MMO. Although I am not a fan of them, and the chances of it financially succeeding are slim, it has potential.
I think what the franchise needs is to feel that you are part of the universe. That there are things within your control, but also events that are not. You would also want to be able to feel what it would be like to pilot each ship or command them from the bridge of a powerful precursor vessel. Again, emphasizing tactical combat over real time.
Of course there would be classic melee 2-D style as well.
Anyway, I think that the way games are headed, co-operative play is a must. So 4 friends coming together, commanding large space battles while also being able to go off on their own missions might be successful.
Not sure, space genre / sim is pretty stale these days. Last few projects were cancelled or flopped. Anything would be a tough sell.
Someday perhaps.
Lachie Dazdarian
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

Well, no offense, but MMO suck. MMO is the opposite of a story-driven game, and SC was all about that.
And why are you talking about market here? Fan made Star Control sequel has to be freeware. Or did I miss something here?
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