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Author Topic: What if you don't have enough room to accept ships aliens give you?  (Read 2063 times)
Zebranky food
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What if you don't have enough room to accept ships aliens give you?
« on: September 23, 2005, 11:48:53 pm »

Hi, I'm pretty new to the game (The Ur-Quan Masters). I started playing it recently.

I experienced the Pkunk's giving me four of their ships after I visited them. I am curious what would have happened if I had already had nine or more escort ships when I visited them, and thus would not have had four open escort ship slots to house their ships, and what would happen when meeting with other races who would give me ships without enough unused slots to accept them.

I'm curious especially because I'm considering using my extra RU's to fill some of my escort slots with Cruisers, and so I want to know if there could be loss of potential gained ships or something else if I met another race who would provide me with them and didn't have enough slots free at the time.

I greatly appreciate your reading my post, and answering it if you do, of course. By the way, I would like it if you didn't tell me about anything else that happens in the game, or, for example, if no one else gives the player ships, if you didn't tell me that (except that I've already read that I believe the Ariloulaleelay also later give the player four ships, but if I remember that incorrectly I would also appreciate it if you didn't tell me the correct version (heh)), because I want to experience the game myself as as much of a challenge or something as it is, and information or hints/advice and things could disturb that.

I'm sorry that this is so long, by the way, and that I'm rather wordy often.

Thank you, again.
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Re: What if you don't have enough room to accept ships aliens give you?
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2005, 11:56:17 pm »

In most (all?) places, if you can support at least 1 ship, you'll get as many as you can handle. If you can't support a single one, then they keep offering ships when you return.
Also, the Pkunk hand out ships on a regular basis. So it may be better to accept just 1 ship if you can handle any more and you don't plan to return to them for a while.

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Zebranky food
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Re: What if you don't have enough room to accept ships aliens give you?
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2005, 12:15:52 am »

If you can't support as many ships as a race would give you, but can support at least one, and they give you as many as you can handle, are the rest available if you return with open slots later, or lost forever (if they don't give out ships repeatedly like the Pkunk, and, in that case, are the ships you couldn't take on the first time available (in their reduced number) before they would next have another batch of ships available?)?

Also, does the message change ("We will give you four of our . . ." to "We will give you three . . ." or "Oh, you don't have enough room, so we will give you only three . . .")?

If a race would give you ships, and you have no open slots at all, do they tell you that they would give you some if you had free slots/if you returned with free slots?

Thank you for the answers. I appreciate it, of course.
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Re: What if you don't have enough room to accept ships aliens give you?
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2005, 12:39:19 am »

The ones you can't accept are lost as if you had got them. The message depends on the race from whom you get them. It appears that even my claim that you always get another chance if you have no room at all is not correct in one occasion.
You never get given more than 4 ships at once though, so if you don't want to miss any gifts, you just need to keep enough space for 4. There's one exception, but I can't say any more about that without giving away spoilers. Just keep enough space for 4.

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Re: What if you don't have enough room to accept ships aliens give you?
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2005, 02:40:47 am »

As for your bulking up on cruisers idea, here
is my suggestion.
Fill up your slots. Fill 'em all up, except one. However, before
you visit any planets deep within a species sphere
of influence, sell off a couple of them.
This way, if you get "free" ships, you'll get at least one.
With careful planning, you can get the rest.

Also, if you don't mind "cheating" a little, save your
games before you go adventuring. If you find a group
willing to part with their ships, re-load and sell
some cruisers.

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