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Topic: Favorite SciFi *VILLAN!* (Read 14060 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 20

The fuzzibly huggable, Mr Kitty Man
I'm not sure is been stated before, but Shodan...
and with my entry, a snippit from an article I read
-- She's a sinister sister to 2001's HAL, capable of scaring the daylights out of most players. As the chief villain in Origin's System Shock, she's Orwellian in scope, always watching and calculating, and equipped with a voice that could make your toes curl. Shodan was more than an evil machine; she was a force to be reckoned with.
And the readers say:
"Shodan far surpasses the nefarious and evil quality of your other villains. I was weaned on Doom, and thought SS was just another shooter. So I bought it. I will never forget my shock, fear and dismay as Shodan sussed my plans to dismantle her electronic core and sent an ambush of mechanical servants through cyberspace to kill me. Never before has a villain had such personality and presence. My whole view of SS changed at that moment. I would sit up past midnight, crouched in a corner, fearing if Shodan knew my location. I snuck through halls in darkness, waiting and dreading the mocking face of Shodan to appear on a broken terminal. Even now I know I did not truly defeat her, and that soon [with the release of System Shock 2] once again we will do battle!"
"Shodan impressed me from the beginning as truly nonhuman and utterly ruthless in pursuing its goals. Even in writing this, I hesitate to apply a male/female/human pronoun to this AI. In fact, I do not consider Shodan evil, but completely amoral. Good and evil were not considerations evident in its decisions. The design team put together a game thick with atmosphere which reeked of the menace of Shodan."
"I still have shivers running down my back every time I remember that disembodied modulating voice in the dimly lit corridors of the station... and if you listened carefully those sound effects that accompanied it could be heard as screams and whimpers of tortured souls."
"When I first heard Shodan taunt me in System Shock it was one of the very few times in my game-playing or even horror-movie-watching history that I felt absolute fear."
"It has to be Shodan. She's a perfect example of how dangerous self-conscious machines can be if they escape human control. She is omnipresent, knows everything and controls everything. A real big foe which is immortal to any weapon. The ultimate enemy!"
"This bitter evilness (or the other way around) combined with the feeling of being watched all the time is what raided my dreams for quite a while!"
"Shodan was by far the best villain ever, and System Shock the best game ever. But I couldn't help but want more at the end. All you do is jack into cyberspace and fire your pulser at this cone-shaped rutabaga thing, while being spun around in circles. When you finally defeated her, which you could never tell how close you were to doing, you were dumped into a rather average cutscene. I was really hoping for something along the lines of 2001, where Bowman pulls all the chips out of the console, all the while HAL is saying 'I can feel my mind slipping away!' until finally, 'Hello, I am the HAL 9000 computer, Dr. somerussianguy taught me a song, it goes like this, "daisy, daaaiissy..."' Or something like that."
"One of the few games that creeped me out so much I had to turn it off a couple of times. Shodan was the perfect evil bitch."
"Getting e-mails from Shodan was one of the freakiest game experiences I'd ever had." --
"Life is tough, life is tougher when your stupid" ~John Wayne
Frungy champion
Posts: 73

Doctor Doom. He was the basis for Vader.
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