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Author Topic: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?  (Read 6840 times)
Zebranky food
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Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« on: June 21, 2005, 10:44:12 am »

I thought the Arilou really warned you against the Orz.  They are kind of evil; having utterly destroyed the androsynth the way they did.  And so on; the Arilou were pretty clear on that point.  Creepy Lovecraftian stuff.

So... why are the Orz still good guys?  What's the deal?  Was this resolved in some way I didn't notice?  

Zebranky food
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Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2005, 06:10:02 pm »

Well, the Arilou did warn us that the Orz are not what they appear to be and I for one believe that their alliance with us is based on some ulterior motive. We learn next to nothing about the Orz in the game, which is scary, considering how they practically "invade" our starbase once the captain forms an alliance with them.

I think that if you talk to the orz a bit more, you may be able to read between the lines that though they keep up a certain appearance, they are far from being upfront honest.

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Deus Siddis
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Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2005, 09:35:38 pm »

Well maybe the orz are a threat to the new avatar fleet, but given the ease with which are cruiser roastes a nemesis, I don't think there is much to fear.
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Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2005, 09:46:35 pm »

I've always thought of Orz as a baby demigod, who's babysitter/parent left unattended for a while.
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Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2005, 12:26:17 am »

If you want a really creepy take on the Orz, go over to the SCDB ( read The Grand Council and related threads in heavy space. Also, it's fun to read. Tongue
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Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2005, 12:55:48 am »

"I've always thought of Orz as a baby demigod, who's babysitter/parent left unattended for a while."

Yea, and they play the harpsicord and serve you tastless grapes.

Spoiler: To defeat an orz, break the mirror on his ship. Behind it is a machine that is the source of his power.
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Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2005, 05:28:22 am »

I think the Orz definitely have a darker side. Carefully read some of their dialogue (it didn't really hit me until my third time through) and visit the Androsynth homeworld.

However, the Arilou are a bit shady too, with their visits to earth in the past and modifications of humans.
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Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2005, 08:28:24 am »

I like the baby demi-god idea. That's cute.

Seriously though, maybe the Orz are the demons to the
Arlio angels? The ying to their yang. To a neutral person
(such as the humans) they might both seem good (or
bad....). But I see them as opposing fleets/forces and
that's my personal explenation of why we're warned about
the Orz.

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Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2005, 08:47:14 am »

maybe the Arilou want you to avoid them because they don't know too much about them, other than they are from another dimention, and poped up right (before?) when the androsynth dissapeared....
Zebranky food
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Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2005, 04:40:58 pm »

"I've always thought of Orz as a baby demigod, who's babysitter/parent left unattended for a while."

Yea, and they play the harpsicord and serve you tastless grapes.

Spoiler: To defeat an orz, break the mirror on his ship. Behind it is a machine that is the source of his power.

Orz is not Trelane, *Silly Cow*

An original Star Trek fan, eh. Smiley

I like the baby demi-god idea. That's cute.

Seriously though, maybe the Orz are the demons to the
Arlio angels? The ying to their yang. To a neutral person
(such as the humans) they might both seem good (or
bad....). But I see them as opposing fleets/forces and
that's my personal explenation of why we're warned about
the Orz.

The Orz are very childish in their dealings with other races - quick to make friends, but just as quick to lose their tempers.  For all we know, they could have killed the Androsynth by accident or not sufficiently protected them from THEM.

There is most definately a bad history between the Arilou and the Orz.  I wouldn't be to trusting about what they say about each other. (Like Melnorme and Druuge)
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« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2005, 08:25:25 pm »

Not really, when I was twelve or so they had an ST marathon over the summer and played the whole series in sequence. Now that somewhat cheesy show is stuck in my chemical memory and I get seem to delete those files. One thing I do like about the original, was the lack of adherance to the federation's obnoxious laws. A bit more aggresive too. In TNG they always wait until the romulans have cut large holes in their hull with green beam weapons, before they lock phasers and "prepare to fire".

As for the orz, I think they are the opposite of the arilou. Arilou are mellow and stable, orz are emotional and unpredictable.

Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2005, 11:18:59 pm »

The whole destruction of the Androsynth thing is an obvious nod to the H.P. Lovecraft story "From Beyond" in which a man gains the ability to see otherworldly creatures from another demension through the use of a machine that grants him a new "sense". Notice how the Orz always say  *smell* instead of  "see". That is that sense; it is not sight nor sound, it is an altogether new and unknown ability to percieve. These creatures constantly surround us, everywhere, yet due to the fact that no one knows they are there, they never come into contact with humans and vice versa. Once someone gains the ability to witness them, however, the creatures in turn become aware of that person--"If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you"

This is how the Androsynth were destroyed, by the Orz. The Orz you see in the game are not their true form, it is merely the result of their *fingers*, aka, them inserting parts of their essence through their demension into ours.

The Androsynth witnessed the Orz in their true form and were destroyed. The Orz became aware of our reality and were curious of it, so they exerted their influence and created physical constructs that were able to explore our physical reality.
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Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2005, 12:07:05 am »

OR, it was the Ariloo who destroyed the androsynth. The poor orz were simply playing with them when they were destroyed. Now the baby demi gods unleash a fiery rage when the topic is introduced, like a child who watched his friend die.

*Juicy* doesnt mean delicious, it means fun.

The ariloo  warned you against the orz for they fear anyone should find out their dark secret..

What was the ariloo's motive? How did they do this terrible dead. who knows?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2005, 12:08:50 am by Chrispy » Logged

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Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2005, 11:43:53 am »

The Orz *are* "Them", and they're the ones responsible for the disappearance of the Androsynth. This is one of the few plot points in the game that's been confirmed externally by Toys For Bob in an interview. Fun as it might be to speculate that the Arilou are just plain lying and the Orz are innocent, it not only goes against (in my opinion) almost all the evidence in the game, it also goes against the creators' stated intentions.

As far as why the Orz don't just kill you, then, and why they ally with you, there are hints to that in the dialogue. (Basically akin to the time not being right and your not being in the right mental state, possibly due to Arilou interference. They make reference to *cousins* coming to deal with you in the future, implying some other Orz-like entity may be the one assigned to deal with the Human race.)
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Re: Orz & Arilou: What's the deal?
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2005, 02:38:11 pm »

The Orz *are* "Them", and they're the ones responsible for the disappearance of the Androsynth. This is one of the few plot points in the game that's been confirmed externally by Toys For Bob in an interview.
Only the latter has been confirmed by TFB (though perhaps you meant that). The Orz being "them" is still open. And I suspect that TFB intended the Arilou line "The Androsynth showed themselves, and something noticed them. There are no more Androsynth now. Only Orz." as a red herring, as they go out of their way to *imply* that the Orz did it, without explicitely saying it.

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