Sup guys. I've been trying to install the newest version from source code on my Ubuntu system, and I've come to the conclusion that I suck at installing from source, haha. I don't have much problems running the older version of the game that I installed from a .deb off of the Debian repositories, but I'd really like to play the newest version, I hope somebody can give me a little advice. The error I get when I try to run the newer version is
Initializing base SDL functionality. Using SDL version 1.2.8 (compiled with 1.2.8) Could not initialize SDL: No available video device.
So I guess I'm kinda curious how I get the new version of the game to tell SDL that my video device is x11, or if I missed out on getting some particular dependency?
I was also having problems with the older version and trying to get it to use ESD for sound, but I don't know if that's going to be the case in the new version cause I haven't gotten that far in running it yet, but any hints on that would be appreciated too, I tried using an argument of --sound=ESD but it didn't work. Is there something else about the syntax of sound arguments that I'm missing, or perhaps something else I'm supposed to specify?
These are SDL issues. You need to have a version of SDL which is compiled with x11 support to run in X. There's probably a package for that. Similarly for the various sound drivers that SDL supports. You can override the default video and audio driver with respectively the environment variable SDL_VIDEODRIVER and SDL_AUDIODRIVER. See here for the possible values.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Cool, that's exactly the stuff I needed to know, thank you very much. I got the sound working now on the old version thanks to that info, and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get the new one working now too, once I mess with it a little more. You were right, there was a SDL package compiled for x11, even one compiled specifically for ESD. I hadn't added non-main repositories to my apt-get yet cause I just formatted, and so didn't see the packages. Oh well..