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Author Topic: gospel of Judas  (Read 4084 times)
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gospel of Judas
« on: April 07, 2006, 10:46:42 pm »

I read this news page

about the gospel of Judas.

I have not yet been able to find a copy of the text so I don't know what to think of it yet.

I any one finds a copy online let me know.

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Re: gospel of Judas
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2006, 11:23:19 pm »

So the accusation "you damn Judas!" will be open to interpretation now?

On a related note, the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is also out.
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Re: gospel of Judas
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2006, 03:51:10 am »

I saw an interview done on this last night. Besides the fact
the interviewer seemed completely uneducated on all
things Biblical, it was a good show.

I've always held the idea that since Jesus knew someone would
turn him over to the Romans and didn't do anything to stop it,
that the idea Judas was acting in accordance to Jesus' will
was obvious. Why the need for this extra document? The
idea is already in the existing four gospels.

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Re: gospel of Judas
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2006, 04:05:25 am »

I saw an interview done on this last night. Besides the fact
the interviewer seemed completely uneducated on all
things Biblical, it was a good show.

I've always held the idea that since Jesus knew someone would
turn him over to the Romans and didn't do anything to stop it,
that the idea Judas was acting in accordance to Jesus' will
was obvious. Why the need for this extra document? The
idea is already in the existing four gospels.

I still want to read it.

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Re: gospel of Judas
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2006, 06:39:10 am »

I've always held the idea that since Jesus knew someone would
turn him over to the Romans and didn't do anything to stop it,
that the idea Judas was acting in accordance to Jesus' will
was obvious. Why the need for this extra document? The
idea is already in the existing four gospels.

I'm simultaniously trying to resist the urge to comment on this and at the same time beat everyone else to it.

What the heck.

First of all, rejecting the idea of extra documents is a dangerious thing to do. Just because we have a Bible doesn't mean that it is the end of God's word. When did God die? When did he become mute? The idea that "We've got a Bible and don't need anything more" is dangeriously like turning your back on God. Keep in mind, in the dark ages God did not abandon man, man abandoned God.

However, as for the Idea that we didn't need this book because "obviously" the cruicifiction couldn't have happened without Jesus' concent, I have one word. Bull. (To no-Americans unfamiliar with the vernicular, that's an abreviated version of a phrase that means, in this case at least, "That's a worth-nothing lie.")

Jesus knew he was going to be betrayed, yes. But his will was not to do anything to stop it. The idea that nothing happens that is not God's will is often erroniously interpeated to mean that everything that happends is because God wants it to. This rather Calvinist idea has one major flaw. God loves us all.

God knows that some of us are not worthy of the eternal gifts and glories that others are. So how will he show us what we're worthy of in a way that we can not argue with him about what we earn? Simple, he lets us do what we want, what we will. Thus, the evil that happens is not God's will that it happen, but rather God's will that it be permitted to happen. Imagine if God struck down every evil doer before they had a chance to hurt anyone. The whole plan of salvation would be frustrated.

A side effect of this is that the actions of the few wicked leaves a trail of innoscently wronged in it's wake. However, the justice of God is such that the unjustly wronged will be rewarded in heaven if they suffer their afflictions well and remain rightous.

As for the validity of the book, like I said, don't be so quick to discount new scripture. However, be cautious. By even the 1st century after Christ was gone the church he had established was more than gone, hearlding in the age that Isaiah said would be a famine, not of food or water, but of hearing the word of God. Any book written in this period has the possibility of being erronious.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2006, 10:04:32 pm by guesst » Logged

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Re: gospel of Judas
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2006, 11:57:31 am »

I did not, at any point, say extra documents be rejected. That
would be silly and puposefully close-minded. I simply
stated that this Gospel of Judas doesn't break new ground.
All these people running around yelling about how this
goes against the established four gospels seem a bit silly.

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Re: gospel of Judas
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2006, 10:36:58 pm »

I've edited my remark somewhat. I'm glad you don't feel additional scripture is an impossibility. A lot of people do. One of the big bruhaha's about the book of Judas is that the Bible is less the end all-be all of the word of God and more a collection of books chosen for their political significance as, if not more, than their spiritual significance.

As for it going against "established" gospel, the funny thing about the bible is it is almost possible to have ANYTHING you want fall into line with the Bible. Murder, rape, and all maner of crimes against God and man (and women) have been justified by the Bible. More scripture can help clarify some matters, but there has to be something else because reason can twist anything.

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Re: gospel of Judas
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2006, 05:26:44 pm »


After reading your comments on this thread, I would say that you would be Mormon too. Or at least you all but quoted a passage from the Book of Mormon.

Tell me if I get a point.

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Re: gospel of Judas
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2006, 08:42:11 pm »


After reading your comments on this thread, I would say that you would be Mormon too. Or at least you all but quoted a passage from the Book of Mormon.

Tell me if I get a point.

Well, I thought I was the only one here. Then again, I think I'm the only one anywhere. I was concerned about the phrase "plan of Salvation" but "point of mortality" wasn't correct and I didn't want my message to be misunderstood.

Point to XR4-IT.


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Re: gospel of Judas
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2006, 09:23:41 pm »

Well, I thought I was the only one here. Then again, I think I'm the only one anywhere. I was concerned about the phrase "plan of Salvation" but "point of mortality" wasn't correct and I didn't want my message to be misunderstood.

Point to XR4-IT.

I guess you stopped looking at the Afghani Man being setenced to death for converting from Islam to Christianity!!! thread before it turned into a full on religious forum, and Zeep-Eeep  guessed that I was Mormon for a point.

Any how not to stay off topic I found this on line

It’s the Gospel of Judas that was published by the National Geographic Society.
I have not had time to read it yet as I just found it today.

If any one has time to read it let me know what you think.
I’ll read it too and get back with you.

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Re: gospel of Judas
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2006, 10:16:13 pm »

Ok I just read the PDF.

The translation is spotty at best, and there are sections of text missing.

The parts that might have the most relevance to Christian doctrine seem to have the biggest holes in the text.

Perhaps there is a better translation out there some where.

I don’t think that this one even had all the lines that were sited in the news stories where in this copy.

So the search continues.   

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Re: gospel of Judas
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2006, 01:07:45 am »

A thread filled with LDSs. I feel surrounded. Ah
well, I've rarely met a missionary I didn't like. So,
guys, what now? Anyone wanna go out for
coffee? ... What, was it something I said?

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Re: gospel of Judas
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2006, 06:52:37 pm »

A thread filled with LDSs. I feel surrounded. Ah
well, I've rarely met a missionary I didn't like. So,
guys, what now? Anyone wanna go out for
coffee? ... What, was it something I said?

Ok that was funny.

I was wondering if any one has had time to read the PDF yet. It’s only seven pages long so it won’t take too long to read, Also has any one found a different version of the text then the one that I fond?

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