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Author Topic: Zoq Fot Nitpick  (Read 3694 times)
Zebranky food
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Zoq Fot Nitpick
« on: June 30, 2005, 08:10:06 am »

I noticed that the Zot ship has ten crewmembers.  Which leads to an interesting delimma, since the zot work in units of three.  Which means that someone is very lonely, since there would be three units and one lonely guy on the ship.

Or, there are ten units of three--- in which case the zoq fot is seriously underpowered, since there are actually 30 sentient creatures on the ship, and there is no reason to think that they absolutly have to have a trinity to work.  They seemed spunky and independent enough to me.  So--- which is it; lonely guy or seriously underpowered?

I'm mostly just trying to be an ass.  But seriously, they might think of upping the crew to 12.  Then it would fit.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2005, 08:10:20 am by toxicroach » Logged
Zebranky food
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Re: Zoq Fot Nitpick
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2005, 12:41:43 pm »

I think it's seriously underpowered.

The picture of the captain/pilot of the ship below the health and power bars always shows a unit, even when there's only one crewmember left. Of course, it COULD simply be a lack of bitmaps there, but to fill in the hole in logic, I'll go with underpowered.

Still, there's another question I'd like to know... are there absolute equal amounts of Zoqs, Fots and Piks on their homeplanet? Is there a government system that restricts breeding and matches everyone up into a unit? I don't think this is answered in any of the games.

Edit: If they upped the crew to 12 it probably would still show a unit when there's just one crew member left, making it even more underpowered.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2005, 12:43:26 pm by Dritheon » Logged
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Re: Zoq Fot Nitpick
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2005, 07:04:36 pm »

I think each crew unit represents a triad of zoqfotpik.  Which would explain why if you kill off all but one crew member, you still have the three guys alive and well in the captain window.
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Re: Zoq Fot Nitpick
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2005, 08:51:00 pm »

Similar arguments apply to the Earthlings and the Androsynth, whose portraits include multiple crew (there are others, I think).

This has created confusion over the number of crew who actually fly on these ships; some have claimed that cruisers have thousands of crew.

However, from the dialog you get when running into Fwiffo on Pluto, it's pretty clear that at least for humans, one crew unit is one person. So, captain portraits' representations of multiple crew are to be discounted.

As for the necessary trinity -- well, maybe they rotate based on watches (they bring 3 Zoq, 3 Fot, and 4 Pik, and the Pik spend more time asleep)

Or maybe they act together as a strict trinity only when in a leadership /diplomatic role, and other times imbalance is acceptable (2 Fot is ok, or something like that). That said, the anecdote shared from their history (flaming wheel incident) involved a strict trio.
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Re: Zoq Fot Nitpick
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2005, 09:42:14 pm »

Since we're nitpicking about the number of crew members, I want to know why the number of crew aboard a ship is directly associated with the structural integrity of the ship.  For example, why is it that a fresh new Ur-Quan Dreadnought which launched every one of it's fighters can only take one shot from a Shofixti peashooter?
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Re: Zoq Fot Nitpick
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2005, 07:02:51 am »

The ZFP aren't a symbiotic group.  They're three seperate races that happen to coexist on the same planet (and have the same culture as a result).  Presumably there would have been a fourth if the ZFP hadn't resorted to genocide.  Nevertheless, I'm guessing only a Zot, Foq, or Pik is needed to pilot, not all three.
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Re: Zoq Fot Nitpick
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2005, 08:34:50 am »

If they are symbiotic species, which is strongly suggested by the dialogue, then they would not be able to breed with each other. Unless they were like horses and donkeys, they would just not line up, so any fooling around wouldnt result in a baby.

If, however, they are the same species, and can reproduce, it could be possible that they are three 'genders'. And that instead of an x x or an x y, they have more complicated genes, resulting in 3 possible genders. This leads to the question, if the Zoq mates with the Pik, whos mating wiht the Fot?

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Re: Zoq Fot Nitpick
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2005, 09:22:44 pm »

The reproductive process begins in the Fot. Then the Fot permits a Pik to stick that springy part down its fins to retrieve its genetic material. This is implanted into the Zoq's inner surface for the embryonic phase. Once it is visibly large, the Zoq rubs it into the Fot's pouch (not visible on comm screen, but a bit above and behind the eye). Once it is too large for that, the child is considered 'born', and suckles at the vents of the Pik.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2005, 09:23:07 pm by Death_999 » Logged
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Re: Zoq Fot Nitpick
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2005, 11:42:38 pm »

The US navy uses dolphins and humans to find mines, but they do not need to have EXACTLY equal proportions of the two species. Each ship probably has at least one of each species onboard, but nobody said they have to work in groups of three.
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Re: Zoq Fot Nitpick
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2005, 05:44:24 pm »

In the game, it is said, that they are three races.

So, on the planet you have the people of the Zoq, the people of the Fot and the People of the Piq.
The Zebranky have been genocided by these three.

Apparently, the ZoqFotPiq use the different strengthts of all three races to form a perfectly balanced and strong team. For example: the Zoq is the best leader, watching everybody and thinking ahead (strategist), the Piq is the compaasianate/aggressice one (watching the weapons systems), and the Fot is the specialist for the engineering.

As for the Captains window: I regarded it always as "artists freedom" to give it a special picture. As well as the structural integrity of the ship does not go equally down woith the crew. I regarded it somewhat more freely: if the ship takes a hit, sometimes crew will actually die. Others will be taken from service at the cannons (or whereever) to watch the repairs (or to glue the ship back to working conditions). To repair the ship, especially in space docks, dagnerous works have to be made: the buying of new crew at the Starbase can be explained by replacing "lost" crewmembers who want to quit active patrol duty (and risk their lives) as well as accidents during the dock-repairs. Furthermore: being nearly killed (and injured) during a fight can make people going nuts. And these have to be replaced as well.

Just as an idea to regard the relation between structural integrity and remaining crew....

Also: Less crew would always mean less efficiency (except if fully automated). And this still doesn't happen.
In some SC-Handbook I once read, that each cruiser needs personel for the defence laser (identifying dangers, targetting and firing), IF only the captain remained, the PDL would needed to be switched of, as well as the number of laser rays would need to be limited as the crew "dots" become less....

Anyway, enjoy life, it's your last chance on the earth!
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