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Topic: un-cdrom is missing from the faq page, help replac (Read 3508 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 17
I can't seem to get the dl to start and when I page jumped to the root, I find a ?russian? site, but the link isn't even on it, any help?
« Last Edit: July 02, 2005, 08:37:56 am by Rougethebat »
Zebranky food

Posts: 17
Forbidden Remote Host: ---ip deleted---
You do not have permission to access
Data files must be stored on the same site they are linked from.
Thank you for using 50megs
this is what I got, I deleted the ip for security. could put it on your page and set up a link? I really appreciate your help!
Zebranky food

Posts: 17
HELP... I thought I needed 1.4, but I gather this is the one at least you use... now my disc is in pretty bad shap, as it is an original from when it was brand new but sector 0 is fine. I noticed that the disc is supposed to be dumped as a mode1/2048, mine is coming out as a mode 1/2352. I have tried the turorial in the faq's and have used cdrwin4a and clonecd since the one sent to me was expecting a IMG, neither works. I have made a copy (long ago) that I play off of and it is doing the same. I used it first and used the copies of uncd that I found laying about the net after I googled. but they are all 2352 and the program just scans and doesn't find the header. any help as to why this is happaning or what I should do would be great!
Zebranky food

Posts: 17
I did all of that but no luck (that was the tut I was refering to that I tried) whenever I do it makes a mode1/2048, and uncd just scans all the sectors in the cd, fails to find a 3do header and stops. I noticed that it is not supposed to go past sector 0, but I have let it complete on every occasion. nothing.
Zebranky food

Posts: 17
Thanks for all the help guys!
I have some vids now and they work GREAT! I know a bit more about cd imaging than most, thats why I was going nuts, the file had to be a 2048 I knew, and there was no reason for it to be otherwise. I have been working with cd images since 2 speed burners were the hot new thing, and frankly I could notr see a reason why this did not work. luckily some one very nice I happend to meet while hunting around ended up helping me. I am absolutly positive that you are allowed 1 backup (in usa) but that it HAS to be mad by you from your copy... no if ands or buts. as for converting, the converters I have (and I have about a half dozen) all say the same thing that the cd image isn't in 9660...but of course it's not, the original cd isn't... but luckily I have it working. and I have tried reripping (since the format was wrong and just about everything autodetects) it always comes out wrong. I actually would have looked into a torrent if I could not have gotten help, but that was a last resort since I am on Dialup!
ultimatly I just want to thank all of you again for your good help and kindness.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
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