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Topic: Wanted: UQM savefile (Read 4933 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 4

Hello there.
You may or may not remember me. I'm with the band Axes Denied (, a gametune group that plays, among a bunch of other classics, a medley of six tunes from Star Control 2. Our live act involves a VJ displaying video clips of games as we play, and the SC2 medley is no exception.
We have a problem, however. We can't get good footage from the original DOS game because we'd have to shoot the computer screen with a camcorder - not our video capture method of choice. We'd use UQM, but at the moment none of us have any half-decent saved games at hand and we're all rather too busy to start playing the game seriously.
So what we need is a saved game that satisfies the following conditions:
- Precursor ship with maximum thrusters and turning jets so we can get good hyperspace cruising footage - we don't want the ship to move like an arthritic slug.
- Easy access to the territories of Thraddash, Yehat and Syreen. The portal spawner would be ideal.
Anyone willing to share their savefile with us would be greatly appreciated. You can contact us on this forum or through the Axes Denied website. Thanks in advance!
Zebranky food

Posts: 6

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Nicey SC2 remade soundtrack!
Ever considered making your own re-mix pack to UQM?
Posts: 580

Ooooh. Axes Denied.. Love that music, great stuff!  How you guys go from one SC2 music to another without you really noticing it is just.. brilliant..
Zebranky food

Posts: 4

I've got the urge to dice up that mp3 file into a series of oggs and make them useable in UQM. If I get them working, I can make it into a UQM addon pack for fun (with your permission, of course). 
We have no problem with that, I suppose, but I do suggest that you wait a while before you get crackin'. We have a gig coming up at the end of July (or so we hope, it hasn't been officially confirmed yet), and we're hoping to get a live recording of the medley that's better in terms of sound quality than the currently available one. No, the old one is not bad at all, but still. We've even been talking about making a studio recording (of sorts), though I have to say I wouldn't take that talk at face value if I were you...
As for making our own remix pack, it's an intriguing idea but realistically I don't see a way of it happening anytime soon. There are lots of great game soundtracks out there, and we don't want get preoccupied with any single one, even if it is such a vast and brilliant one as that of Star Control 2. We might knock up another medley some day, but I don't think we'll be making independent arrangements of individual tunes - we'd have to start another project dedicated solely to covering SC2 music and we honestly don't have the time for that sort of thing. I'm sure you understand.
Frungy champion
Posts: 50

I'm impressed by the effort, and it works as a proof of concept! I'm convinced if AD had the time and other resources to ever record a complete set of the tunes, the result would be highly entertaining.
as soon as our radio station and site are done revamping ill get your music into our 24/7 stream along with some FF remixes and Count Strike inspired music.
check it
Zebranky food

Posts: 4

Show's over
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2005, 09:22:36 am » |
Hi, I just thought I'd let you know that the Assembly 2005 gig went great. People loved the Star Control 2 medley (again), and the new video material captured from UQM worked very nicely, so major thanks to everyone who offered to help.
Unfortunately, the circumstances in the seminar hall where we played were less than ideal for mixing a considerably loud rock concert. What the audience that was in the room with us heard was fine as far as we can tell, but what went out of the mixing board and into the AssemblyTV stream was severely imbalanced - you could barely hear the drums at all. We have no recording of the gig besides the one we got from AsmTV, so it's unlikely that we'll be releasing any live audio tracks. Sorry. Do check out the gig report anyway, and while you're at it, leave a message in our guestbook.
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