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Author Topic: I just had one of those... you know... brain times  (Read 11045 times)
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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2005, 08:37:31 pm »

Ok.. The orz need to be creepy, but they shouldnt be creepy for shock value. I think what was tried in the 3d0 was perfect but failed, and what was tried in sc3 was just stupid.

What the orz actually sound like is up to you. Under water is a good idea, that would be a very nice effect to make, seeing that they are underwater. You could make them sound aggresive and masculin because of their nature.

The words that the computor says is different. You know the computors voice in star trek TNG?? Thats what they were trying to do in 3d0 me thinks. So, what you should do for that, is record those words seperately, and then splice them in so that they show non of the emotion of what the orz are saying. It doenst have to be a womans voice, but I would think of a stereotypical computor as a lady myself. But, male or female, doesnt matter to me, just make them very perfectly spoken, with no emotion. Sorta like the computor in star trek TNG.

And, my own idea, if you gave the orz voice a lot of reverb, then when you splice in the computor voice that would get cut out, and cut back in, and that could be a really neat effect..

Actually I wouldnt mind doing that for you, I dont have any access to recording equipment, but I can do some post production for you if you like, or just share these ideas.

But, btw, the talking pet was amazing, I loved, it was very very well spocken, and had a lot of expression and personality. I wouldnt EQ it cus that would take out the scratchyness... Maybe just make it a tad deeper. And add a squishy noise in the background.

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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2005, 10:46:41 pm »


Sounds good. What other voices can you do?

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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2005, 11:27:41 pm »


Sounds good. What other voices can you do?

I can do the VUX and Druuge very well, I can do the Mycon decently, I can do the Thraddash and Ilwrath pretty well, and could probably do the simpler voices like Commander Hayes and the Slylandro too. The rest I haven't tried.

As for the Talking Pet, I consider myself good enough at that voice to release the first part of the new voiceover add-on! All of the Talking Pet speech has been replaced, and I've done something special for his mental compulsion commands.

That said, there are two (2) problems:

1: Most of the subtitles sync up great, and the new voices integrate seamlessly. However, some aren't so good, and it gets to the point where I'm gong faster than the subtitles are or vice-versa. Is there a way to alter this timing for my add-on only (so it doesn't screw with people who want to play vanilla UQM)?

2: Hosting: If I want to distribute this, I need someone to host it. My website does not transmit files at a very quick speed, and a zip file with 75 .ogg files in it gets pretty hefty. For now, I'm going to have it TEMPORARILY hosted on Medieval Future (if I can find a way to get the file to TiLT).

You guys know how to use add-ons, right?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2005, 12:41:38 am by ChampionHyena » Logged

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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2005, 12:41:49 am »

1: Most of the subtitles sync up great, and the new voices integrate seamlessly. However, some aren't so good, and it gets to the point where I'm gong faster than the subtitles are or vice-versa. Is there a way to alter this timing for my add-on only (so it doesn't screw with people who want to play vanilla UQM)?

The subtitle timings are located in the .ts files in the same dir as the .oggs. You can include them in the addon package with the .ogg files. To create them you can use the synch tool from the 'tools' package in cvs.

2: Hosting: If I want to distribute this, I need someone to host it. My website does not transmit files at a very quick speed, and a zip file with 75 .ogg files in it gets pretty hefty. For now, I'm going to have to (gasp!) e-mail it. Toss me an e-mail at if you're interested, and I'll send it to you.

I can host it on if you want.

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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2005, 01:11:01 am »

I can host it on if you want.

Get a hold of me on AIM or ICQ or MSN or Yahoo! 'cause my e-mail can't handle files of this size.

Also, I'll be working on the sub timing. Thanks for the tip. Now, where's this tools package?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2005, 01:13:00 am by ChampionHyena » Logged

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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2005, 01:15:27 am »

GMail, maybe? (2GB, 10MB max e-mail messages)

Wait, let me send you an invite..
there.. Done..  Tongue
« Last Edit: July 07, 2005, 01:16:10 am by Megagun » Logged
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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2005, 02:12:06 am »

Also, I'll be working on the sub timing. Thanks for the tip. Now, where's this tools package?

See here for instructions. The modulename in the instructions should be "tools" for the tools and "sc2" for UQM itself.

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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2005, 04:05:58 am »


Get a hold of me on AIM or ICQ or MSN or Yahoo! 'cause my e-mail can't handle files of this size.

I don't do those things. You can catch me on IRC though (#sc2 on

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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2005, 04:59:02 am »

Very cool. Can't wait to hear it.

And yes, I imagine you are quite capable of voicing the 'coarser' races yourself.

What do you say to my previous offer to voice the slylandro for this project? I can send you samples upon request.

I might also be able to do other races, but I haven't thought of any yet. I could have another go at the utwig, I suppose...
« Last Edit: July 07, 2005, 04:59:31 am by Halleck » Logged

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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2005, 12:39:30 am »


I may have to leave this as is for the time being. In the meantime, I'll start recording stuff for other races.

Here's a preview of the Ilwrath (which just happens to be one of my favorite lines of theirs):
« Last Edit: July 08, 2005, 01:11:09 am by ChampionHyena » Logged

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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2005, 03:18:29 am »

While your screaming is waaay superior to the original's, the voice of the Ilwrath itself.. lacks somewhat..
It sounds to english (read: Yehat-y) at some points, and it lacks the "question"-y voice the Ilwrath have (they almost never go "down" with their voice at the end of a sentence)...

Not that I could do better, but... Tongue
Just try it again... Keep up the good work and the effort, though! You'll make it through it, definitively.. Tongue
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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2005, 03:53:51 am »

I agree. It isn't Shakespeare. I like the way the original emphasises every single word. Perhaps you should keep that.

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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2005, 04:48:42 am »

I love the screaming and tearing of limbs, but the rest is kind of mixed. And stop breathing into the microphone, man! Smiley

I also agree with the above posters. One of the funny things about the old voiceovers for the Ilwrath was how they sounded more like wannabe-evil than real evil, which fits them well.

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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2005, 06:07:22 am »


I'll ask you a third time: do you want my help on the slylandro?

EDIT: Finally found the dialogue duration times. TRT is around eleven and a half hours.
total voice-acting: 11:23:01
arilou : 21:17
black-urquan : 14:10
chmmr : 16:29
commander: 1:00:00
druuge: 31:45
ilwrath: 38:02
melnorm: 72:07
mycon: 12:15
orz: 35:25
pkunk: 45:14
shofixt: 8:13
slyland: 24:20
spathi: 46:28
supox: 14.36
syreen: 27:47
talkking-pet: 22:42
thraddash: 40:18
umgah: 20:21
green-urquan: 24:17
utwig: 45:40
vux: 21.22
yehat: 22:26
zoq-fot: 20:35
« Last Edit: July 08, 2005, 07:20:39 am by Halleck » Logged

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Re: I just had one of those... you know... brain t
« Reply #29 on: July 08, 2005, 07:45:10 am »

if you had a soundblaster live! soundcard, and live!ware installed you would have an easier time changing your voice.
i use my software to make myself sound like satan just for the hell of it, and it scares the shit out of the people i live with.
especially if i do it in the dead of night, i'd send you a sample of me trying(keyword: trying) to do the kohr-ah voice but i'm too shy.

put edit here----> i was just fooling around with some frequencies, actualling i was just screwing around, i was just making noises into my mic and if i got really close to my mic while i had my software make my voice a little deeper and kind of did a high pitched voice i got something that sounded like a spathi if it were a big black dude.i'll keep screwing with the "frequencies" for a little bit to see if i could get a "spathi" like voice.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2005, 07:54:29 am by jhguitarfreak » Logged

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