Okay, so quite old news.. And many of you might know it already.. But for the few that don't know it yet... UQM got added to HoTU! Notice the "rate this title" thingy in the top right corner?
It also got added to the "Hall of belated fame", where other great games lile.. uuh.. Archon are, too!
« Last Edit: July 14, 2005, 02:51:28 pm by Megagun »
When I saw the subject, I wondered why UQM would be added to the Hordes of the Underdark (HotU) expansion to NWN...
Anyway, always cool to see this ancient game get the attention it deserves. Notice that at the moment, it is the top rated adventure game on HoTU - some forum regulars have already cast their ballots, I suppose.