sorry to bring up and old topic, but i use the hex editor called "hex workshop". I try to find the location d0598 but i can't. The Binary string for the enegry module rapid recharge needs to be replaced? Is this info for 0/4 version instead of 0.5. Could somebody please help!
The information in this thread is for UQM v0.4, although most of it should be applicable to v0.5. It's highly unlikely that the offsets in the executable file are the same, though, so you'll have to look for the corresponding values elsewhere in the file (Hex Workshop seems to have a decent search function; I suggest you try it).
please explain this to me. I am new. Just try to see if you can find how to do it. Then tell me step by step how do do it. It is much appriciated Novus. Sorry I bear the blunt of the work on you. But i am rather inexperienced.
Step-by-step instructions are, as Meep-eep already commented, a pain to write out, especially since my UQM setup (compiled from CVS on Linux) is completely unsuited to giving detailed hex editing instructions for Windows binaries. I think it would be much better if you just try following Meep-eep's instructions.
This thread go on for days like this. When I said I didn't have the time, I didn't mean I didn't have 20 minutes. I meant I didn't have half a day. Because that's how long it would take to get you through this step by step. At least. So, I've got an alternative: directly edit the values in the .exe file. With a hex editor, search uqm.exe for the binary string Code:
0a00 0400 0101 000a 1106 0609 0a
(it should be at location d0598 in the file) and replace it by Code:
0a00 0400 0f01 0001 1106 0609 0a
I haven't actually tested it, but I think this will work. (Windows .exe files don't have checksums that are automatically tested, right?)
Let me get this straight; you have a hex editor, you know which string to search for and replace, but you don't know how to perform this operation in the hex editor? Have you read the Hex Workshop documentation on the subject?