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Topic: Difficulty Settings for Combat? (Read 8522 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 7
Please, please, PLEASE don't flame me. I know SC2 is the most balanced, perfect game ever created, yada yada yada, but still...
I love the adventuring, roleplaying elements of UQM. But for some reason, I find combat really, really difficult. I have no idea why. In order to increase the appeal of UQM to dumb noobs like me, is it possible that a difficulty setting for combat could be implemented?
Posts: 580

Hey, Plankhead..
Well, in-game battles can be quite difficult, but here's a few tips for you.
1) Use the Gravity Whip effect (try to locate that planet ASAP and use it's gravity to slingshot you away) 2) Don't use the Precursor ship. Use the "fleet" you assemble instead. Spathi Eluders (Fwiffo!) are damn great against practically every other slower ship! Use it well! 3) Get Thrusters and Jets maxed out on your Precursor ship. This way, you'll practically NEVER have to battle anymore! You can outrun everything! Ain't that great? To achieve this, just ditch the weapons on the Precursor ship. you don't need those. Ditch the Earthling Cruiser, too.. It sucks. Now just place all those thrusters and jets on your ship. Et voila! Instant no-more-battles! 
Have fun..
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

Get Down!
Then he loses Fwiffo his only escort and lands in druuge space, Great idea megagun 
He shouln't ditch anything, have him just mine the sol system and that should have enough RU to cover the costs of thrusters and turning jets.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 316

Resident pseudointellectual
Please, please, PLEASE don't flame me. I know SC2 is the most balanced, perfect game ever created, yada yada yada, but still...
I love the adventuring, roleplaying elements of UQM. But for some reason, I find combat really, really difficult. I have no idea why. In order to increase the appeal of UQM to dumb noobs like me, is it possible that a difficulty setting for combat could be implemented? Why should I flame you, when I agree completely?
I used to have problems with the melee-portion of the game. I don't anymore, though I still think there should be more ways to avoid combat. Christ, in the beginning I kept getting my ass whipped by the Ilwrath ship in the very beginning! (When I decided not to use the Vindicator, everything worked out just fine, but that's another story)
The only way through is practice, pal. I did some practice when I helped Shiver debugging his FAQ, and it only took about ten, fifteen attempts (tops) until I had adequately mastered most of the ships available (except the Stinger and the Scout, but they're hardly for beginners) to beat most of the challenges. Sweet!
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Practice with Eluders in melee mode, and then beat the urquan battle thralls with fwiffo. 
And if you want a more powerfull ship, fly over to orz space and pick up some nemesese.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Avoid combat? Are you crazy? Explosions and death are the best part of the game, after it's humorous communication paths.
Wait, so you can avoid combat? By just flying off the screen? This game although very good has a learning curve that seems to involve alot of question asking of experts. I just read the manual and the only thing it mentions about avoiding combat is the emergancy warp which takes 5 fuel points and five seconds, does this take extra fuel points?
The specific combat I am having trouble with is the probes in hyperspace. I can never get past facing the second, and the only semi effective thing I can use against them is the cruiser because it has missiles, even then I sacrifice a cruiser to put the probe at a point where sometimes I can kill it with the flagship. I read the wiki article on them and it suggested engaging at mid range, but I am pulled towards them and then cannot get away. Are they supposed to be this hard? I realize I am not very good at combat in this (not nearly as good as I was with Space Wars, an old DOS game simular to this. Maybe I just need more turning jets. Even the cyborg cannot beat them though, just spins around randomly. Almost ready to start a new game, save up all the minerals for fuel and fly out to get the self destruct code.
Any help would be appreciated.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Austin, adding thrusters to your flagship affects its speed in all aspects of the game including HyperSpace, solar systems and combat. Use this to your advantage.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
I always clean out the 2 ruby worlds in alfa centuri with a_lot_of_saves. That gets me maxed out thrusters and turning jets really early on.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 316

Resident pseudointellectual
Wait, so you can avoid combat? By just flying off the screen? This game although very good has a learning curve that seems to involve alot of question asking of experts. I just read the manual and the only thing it mentions about avoiding combat is the emergancy warp which takes 5 fuel points and five seconds, does this take extra fuel points?
The specific combat I am having trouble with is the probes in hyperspace. I can never get past facing the second, and the only semi effective thing I can use against them is the cruiser because it has missiles, even then I sacrifice a cruiser to put the probe at a point where sometimes I can kill it with the flagship. The emergency warp does indeed take 5 fuel points. The main drawback, however, is that if you're up against a fast ship, it can whip up a great deal of damage on the Vindy before you get away.
Personally, I have two main tactics against the Slylandro Probes: 1) Max out thrusters and outrun them. Of course, they follow you around, so you're gonna have to fight them sooner or later. 2) Get the best weaponry your money can buy and fill up the front two slots on the flagship. With some dynamos, you can usually kill the probes before they even get to you. The best idea in the long run, imo. I know some people will argue that you can use this or that fighter. Screw that. If you have a powerful Vindicator, the probes are history after mere seconds, and you are 550 RU's richer.
what do you mean by "a_lot_of_saves", Saving after each successful lander trip, I suppose? I guess he was trying to get it underlined.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
When. Is. A. Save. Not. A. Save.
When. It. Is. Loaded.
Har. Har. Har.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"When. Is. A. Save. Not. A. Save.
When. It. Is. Loaded.
Har. Har. Har."
Hehe, that's funny.
"If you have a powerful Vindicator, the probes are history after mere seconds, and you are 550 RU's richer."
Yea, don't stop the probes, they're your only unlimited resource, mid-game.
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