Just want to remark here for the record that the guy using my handle is doing so without my consent and will be sued if or when I find him.
Unless, you're the ancient Greek god of thunder, I don't think any court will listen to you. I doubt you'd have a case even if you were, but then atleast you could fry them all with lightning.
Also, if you're not the god of thunder, you should watch for those damn time-travelling ancient Greeks, because they might want to sue you too. Unless, you are a time-traveling ancient Greek yourself, in which case you shouldn't go outside on a rainy day, as I heard your gods are quite touchy when it comes to blesphemy.
Your bruises are reminders of naivete and trust
Re: "gay" « Reply #62 on: November 10, 2005, 04:16:33 pm »
With the risk of being politically incorrect (or intrinsically ironic), I'd say that reviving a thread about wether using the word "gay" is offensive or not to make a cooment like that is.. well gay1.
With the risk of being politically incorrect (or intrinsically ironic), I'd say that reviving a thread about wether using the word "gay" is offensive or not to make a cooment like that is.. well gay1.