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Topic: The result of boredom. (Read 10499 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 21
Making comics showed me that arts attract the readers, storyline makes them reach the end of the story. So both are important.
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Posts: 100

That’s true. But it is better to have a good storyline before you do the arts, otherwise you might have to redo things a couple times because you change the technology, sails instead of steam engines for example.
The view of Massive Gazurtoid ships being destroyed single-handedly by the comparatively tiny Vengeance was replaced by the view of the Vengeance’s bridge, which looked quite dusty and empty. ,,Um, Where’s the captain?” ,,The captain dude and all the other dudes are still taking their nap. Well hello again, big sis and doctor dude, I’m back!” Anton’s cheery voice came over the speakers.
,,Hello , Anton. It is good to see you again. I believed you were gone forever.” Enterprise responded before Pearcy could embarrass himself for not remembering Anton’s name. ,,Nice to see you again, Anton. What brought you here, if I may ask?” ,,Sure, doctor dude. I just happened to be in the neighbourhood and noticed the party. Why didn’t you invite me to it?!”
,,Well, actually, I am sure we would have done that if we actually knew you were here.” Pearcy responded a bit awkward. ,,Ha, I knew it. This thing is just great! Hey, get out of my way, you stupid squid! I am talking here! Eat my stressbolts!” Another Gazurtoid bought it. ,,Bet you are all dying to hear it! This is just a small sample of the new toys I picked up. By the way, you dudes have got company, why don’t I come in and help you dudes out?” ,,That would be appreciated.” Pearcy responded, the memory of the Gazurtoid getting destroyed like it was nothing still fresh in his mind. ,,Oh, the captain dude is getting close to the bridge, I woke him up.”
Steven entered the bridge, still a bit annoyed at Anton’s rather harsh way of taking him out of stasis. He believed that he was the only one who seemed to receive this kind of treatment. The bridge looked the same as he remembered it, only a bit more dusty. The real surprise came when he looked at the view screen.
,,What the hell?! He turned his eyes to the ceiling, a habit he had taken up when talking to Anton. ,,Anton, I thought you said it would take us more then a hundred years to get back!” ,,Did I?” Anton replied. If he had a face, it would surely have a huge mischievous grin on it.
,,That was the worst and most boring movie I’ve ever seen. Lousy special effects.” Sergeant ironhead. The real reason why the alien brain on Cydonia was destroyed while in the middle of displaying a message telling the X-com operatives not to fire.
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Posts: 100

,,Well you sure did!” ,,I said that it would take over a hundred years using the super-photonic engines. I did just that for about three years, after that, I finished what I was building and have been cruising home for the rest of the time. So, what do you have to say about that, captain dude?” Steven sighed. ,,Why am I not surprised? Seeing miracles everyday must have made me get used to it. Fine, so we’re back early. Oh, sorry. I forgot about you, doctor.” Pearcy grinned. ,,That’s alright. I thought you would be gone forever, so it is nice to see you again.” ,,Great, now let’s blast some squids, dudes!”
,,Squids?! Why didn’t you tell me?” Steven said as he rushed for his seat and strapped himself in. ,,Yeah, looks like good old sol is throwing a little party.”
With the arrival of the Vengeance, the battle was pretty much over. Losses had been pretty heavy though. Not only had countless lives and many ships been lost, but ESF-HQ, the nerve center of all military operations in a large part of the Empire, had been destroyed and its remains now floated in orbit around mars. Afterwards Anton woke up the others, using a much more pleasant way than the one he used to wake the captain.
,,Think you can take care of this, doctor?” ,,I’ll see what I can do. But you have to realize that you are making high demands. It has been years since the council and the emperor himself met just because someone who wasn’t in politics wanted that.” ,,I don’t care. This is about the survival of all the races in this part of the galaxy, that should be damn important enough to get the council, the emperor and every damn ambassador that dares show his face here.” Steven paused a moment to take a sip of his coffee. ,,Wait, I know. Doctor, tell them that if they don’t give me this meeting, I will self-destruct the Vengeance, thereby preventing them from getting all those nice tools of death and destruction it has. They’ve got access to the sensor logs of every ship in the fleet, so I hope they’ve got the brain cells to realize that not even ten Uhleck warships could do that kind of damage!”
,,You would actually do that?” Blakes asked, worried for his pride and joy. ,,Off course not. But I’m not giving it to them either. My dad always said that you have to take responsibility for power. Imagine what would happen if there were a whole fleet of Vengeances around, and what if one would get stolen like that damn Warhammer all that time ago? The result would be pretty messy. And anyway, it never hurts to bluff. You don’t get to be captain of a Warhammer at my age by being a pushover. Doctor, can you handle it?” ,,Well, they did give me command of the most powerful ship in the fleet, after the Vengeance, so they might listen. And I would be happy to do an old friend a favour.” ,,Thanks, doctor. I owe you a lot.”
The answer came twelve days later, exceptionally short for the whole political body called the council, but still long enough to seriously lower Steven’s mood. He was ordered to leave the Vengeance under the *expert* supervision of a bunch of scientists and engineers specially chosen for this while using a shuttle to go to the planetary surface of earth. He had other ideas though.
,,I’m not going to let those braindead morons onboard. I’m not a politician, but even I know that no one will care about my little threat if they have those monkeys onboard who probably don’t even know how the coffee machine works!” ,,What is the importance of coffee for your race?” Leghk curiously asked. ,,I just think it tastes good, that’s all. Anton, why don’t you drop us of nicely in front of their doorstep?” ,,Welcome to Vengeance space liners, dudes! Fasten seatbelts and prepare for landing!”
The moment they stepped out of the airlock, they found countless honour guards and a few tanks pointing their weapons at them. The situation could have ended with explosive results, but the emperor decided his day had been ruined already anyway, so he ordered them to be lead to the council room. They arrived after half an hour of walking through corridors, still with several guns pointed at them.
,,Outrageousss! One ssship, and ssstil you come here and cower like an Elowannn!” The Thrynn ambassador spat in fury. ,,Thou hast insulted my kind. For that, I am obliged to demand an apology.” The Elowan ambassador coldly responded. The two ambassodrs stared at each other, both hoping for a chance to accuse the other of something bad. The Thrynn and Elowan had been enemies for as long as people could remember and only the empire kept one from wiping out the other.
,,Oh, just shut up, you bunch of rockbrained idiots! One ship, but that damned one ship is bigger than a starport! I’ve seen it wipe out a fleet that consisted of ships that would give a Warhammer a run for its money! And your damn future depends on it!” Steven shouted across the room. While he didn’t had the subtlety of a politician, he did manage to catch everybody’s attention. A tense silence descended on the room. It was the emperor who spoke first, sounding very bored:,, And do you have proof, captain?” One thing could also be said about Steven, he never showed respect to people from who he thought didn’t deserve it. ,,Oh, proof? Let me see. First we just happened to be a long way from home. We travelled through time, twice. We ran into the friendly cousins of the Uhleck, we brought a bunch of them with us, one of which is floating behind my back. They showed us what would happen till the finest details. They even were so nice to put some new stuff on the Vengeance and lead us to even better stuff! With that, we managed to make it back home in time for diner, while slaughtering a whole squid fleet on our own in the process. So what more proof do you want, mister big nose?”
The Emperor had a big nose, so it wasn’t so sudden, but still being called that destroyed whatever of his good will was left. As said, Steven wasn’t a politician. ,,You request that I believe you just because you say something that’s so unbelievable, it can’t be true. And this Leghk as you call it, is probably nothing more but some toy you bought in a toy shop somewhere. I have reached my decision. You are hereby expelled from the military. You have two days to take you personal belongings of that ship that is currently parked on top of my beloved flowers. Next week I demand of you to show up in front of a military court where your actions shall be judged. This meeting is dismissed!” Steven left the room without bowing for the emperor as he was supposed to do, his crew hurrying after him.
Anton had made the experts decide that it wasn’t such a good idea to enter the ship with a well placed blast from his lower turret that knocked out a nearby super-photonic wave array which was used for communication. As a result, there were no unwanted guests that had to be kicked out when Steven and the others returned. ,,So what are we going to do now?” Jason asked as soon as they were back in the airlock. ,,Cash in some favours.” Steven responded.
,,How many favours did you have?” Blakes said in surprise when he looked out of a window while they walked to an empty hangar in the Institute starport where the Vengeance had been built. The area around the starport was crowded with warships of all sizes, almost half of all the military ships in the system. ,,Two Grand Admirals, one normal Admiral, three fleet commanders and twelve captains. But most of the people out there had send their family with the Governor, or Noah 2 if you prefer that name. This is basically about saving their families and children.
Steven nodded as a greeting when the familiar sight of the green Leghkian came floating around the corner. ,,We could unload those kids and have them send out on a colony vessel if you like.” ,,No, captain. Before we are worthy to rebuild, we must confront the beast.” ,,I would have preferred to have them somewhere safe, but if you insist.” He took a longrange communicator out of his pocket. ,,Anton, are you ready to get this show started?” ,,You bet, captain dude! I’ve already imitated the voice of the local boss here to tell everybody to get off, they all fell for it. Scientists are so easy to deceive. Sorry dad.” Anton’s voice came out of the box.
,,I know a couple of talented young people who can become your science officer. You never had the chance to pick one up when we left in a hurry last time.” ,,What the hell are you saying, Blakes? I’ve already got the best science officer I can imagine. You’ve earned my respect Blakes. We would have never survived if it wasn’t for you. It wasn’t your fault that the Governor got in trouble, and it made it in the end. Now we just have to make sure they will continue to make it, and I would really like it if I had you by my side for this.”
,,That was the worst and most boring movie I’ve ever seen. Lousy special effects.” Sergeant ironhead. The real reason why the alien brain on Cydonia was destroyed while in the middle of displaying a message telling the X-com operatives not to fire.
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Posts: 100

The huge bunker doors, designed to withstand the heaviest bombardment imaginable, started to glow and vaporize as they were hit by the massive firepower of the Vengeance. The Vengeance flew through the hole it had created and activated its stressfield. While primarily meant for stopping incoming fire, the fact that no normal sensor could penetrate the dimensional stresszone that was wrapped around the ship made it just as useful for avoiding detection.
,,Ten minutes, I think we can open the doors now” Blakes said while looking at his antique wristwatch. ,,How are we going to explain this?” ,,Don’t worry, captain. There was an accident which knocked out all the systems in this particular hangar. We just pretend that we are trying out the doors after repairs.” ,,What a coincidence. But good idea. Without internal sensors, no one will notice Anton’s visit.”
The doors opened and closed two minutes later. As soon as they’d closed, the Vengeance became visible and extended its airlock.
Five minutes later, the doors opened again and the Vengeance flew out, hidden behind its stressfield.
As soon as they’d arrived in a position were no one would be able to know that they’d came from the Institute station, the shield was dropped and the Vengeance became visible again. With the shield gone, the communication systems could work again and had no trouble making contact with the Enterprise.
,,Hello, captain. Noah fleet is ready for departure.” ,,Noah fleet?” ,,Well.” Pearcy began. ,,I thought that we couldn’t leave without having a name, so I held a little vote. A majority of the crew wanted to name the fleet after the Noah 2 that brought the colonists to Arth. I hope you don’t mind.” ,,Offcourse not. So what are you going to do while we’re away for a while?” ,,I’m coming with you.”
,,Coming with us? Ah, what the hell. Welcome onboard. I wanted to head for deep space first, that should give us time to decide our next action without any impies putting their nose in our business.”
,,Hey, captain dude. I’ve got big nose here. He is making one hell of a lot of noise.” ,,Big nose?” ,,The emperor, stupid!” ,,Hey, don’t call me… Just put him on screen!”
,,Captain! What are you doing?! You have stolen an imperial ship! You’ve disobeyed my orders! You are now under arrest and you are not going to move a finger till my marines arrive to pick you up! Do you understand!” Steven simply smiled calmly while leaning back in his chair during the whole tirade. Seeing the emperor lose control of himself like this was rare and he decided to enjoy every second of it. ,,Well, do you have anything to say?” ,,Sure, big nose.” Steven answered, still with a calm smile on his face. ,,You know, you could have actually accused me of things if you did things different. Your problem is, the first thing you did was kick me out of the military. That means that I was a civilian from that moment. And you can’t drag a civilian in front of a military court, at least not legally. And you want me to hand over something that isn’t mine. I didn’t steal an imperial ship. Hell, I didn’t steal anything! The Vengeance is the body and therefore, according to article 5469, paragraph 87, subsection C of the civilian rights and duties, property of Anton, who has passed the self conscience test of professor Ekalim and therefore has the same rights as any organic sentient being. Anton has given no objections at all against my plan.” ,,What and miss out on all the fun? It was nice talking to ya, big nose dude. But we’ve got other things to do so we’ll be going now, see ya!” The emperor never got the chance to say anything before communications were cut.
Countless flashes lighted up the area as Noah fleet accelerated to super-photonic speed. Many people wished to see their families again, including Steven and, because they were basically deserting and didn’t had to follow the empire’s orders, they all went to Arth as their first destination.
The trip was uneventful, with the exception of an encounter with a few ships of the blob-like Spemin who ran as fast as they could when they realized they didn’t stand a chance against the fleet of imperial ships. It didn’t take long to arrive in the Arth system.
The colonists were quite happy with their unexpected guests and their commander explained what had happened. They had come under attack of Gazurtoid ships who did some heavy damage to the Noah 2. They managed to escape only by accidentally hitting a flux. The Mechan escorts had been lost though. Even though their trip had taken longer then expected, they made it and set up the underground colony. Just as everyone of Noah fleet prepared to spend some time with the colonists, all hell broke lose.
,,Hey, captain dude! I’ve got something!” ,,Not now, Anton. I’m going to visit my wife and kids, can’t you wait till I’m back?” Steven responded with an annoyed tone in his voice and extended his arm towards the airlock door. ,,Sorry, captain dude. I know you missed a few years, but this looks important. It is big, coming right at us, and I’ll bet my data core that it’s Leghkian!” ,,The beast.” Leghk said. While his expressionless face seemed as calm as ever, Steven still noticed a hint of fear seeping through its voice. ,,Are you sure?” ,,Yes, I am sorry.” ,,Dammit! Why can’t the damn thing wait?! What the hell is it doing here in the first place?! Anton, get everybody back in their ships! Get Jason and Blakes back here, we’ve got company!” Even as he was giving orders, Steven rushed back to the bridge as fast as his legs could take him.
,,Are you there finally? Strap yourself in, this isn’t going to be a pleasure cruise.” Steven said when a panting Blakes appeared on the bridge. ,,Hi, dad. Our friend looks like he wants to get into orbit on this planet.” ,,Alright. Here we go, let’s launch.”
All imperial ships were designed to be able to land without any special modifications. This was more meant to enable the crew to survive in the event of a crash landing, but it still had its uses when there wasn’t a starport in orbit. Now the whole fleet sped up through the atmosphere and back into space.
It was even bigger than it had looked in the halls of visions. It dwarfed every ship Steven knew, including the huge Gazurtoid ships. ,,Oh my god. Anton, take us in, let’s see if we can knock out a few turrets before the rest of the fleet gets in range. Hold your fire till point-blank range, I don’t want them to dodge and since we’re invisible, they won’t know what hit them. Can you see from under that shield.” ,,I can see and control invisible stresszones with the CDS launcher, so why wouldn’t I upgrade the sensors to do the same thing? I can see as good as you want!” ,,Then do it.” ,,Oh, yeah! Let’s rock!”
The Vengeance raced ahead of the fleet. But before it even got close, the big Uhleck ship was hidden from view by countless plasma bolts. ,,What the hell?!” Steven shouted when the Vengeance evaded the first wave of plasma bolts. ,,I don’t get it. They’re not tracking us, yet still it seems as if they can see us.” Blakes responded, pointing at his console which showed the direction the plasma bolts were travelling in. They all travelled in a straight line, without any sign of their feared ability to home in on their target.
,,The beast, I am sorry.” ,,What, Leghk?” ,,Inside the ship, one of the UHL’s offspring lives, controlling the Leghk onboard. It noticed me, a free Leghk and came here. Even now, it’s slaves can’t see us, but the beast can feel where our souls are.” ,,So, we’re not invisible? The forget about point-blank range, just open fire!”
The Vengeance now returned fire while still taking hard turns to evade the incoming plasma. Plasma bolts and phaser blasts impacted with the shields of the Uhleck ship in a colourful display. But the shields were strong and the only thing that managed to strike the hull were the stressbolts that slipped past the shield instead of trying to punch through with brute force.
It was like a swarm of mosquitos trying to take down an elephant. Ship after ship fell to the storm of plasma bolts and despite the heavy bombardment, the huge Uhleck ship kept its shields. Though the stressbolts kept chewing hole out of the hull, the damage was relatively small and the swarm of plasma bolts kept the Vengeance form being able to concentrate its fire on one spot and drilling deeper into the hole.
Despite the constant teleporting, the Vengeance was still being hit by plasma bolts almost constantly and its shields were battered down in minutes.
Even with most of the fleet destroyed, the rest of Noah fleet kept attacking the almighty behemoth.
The Vengeance kept shooting at its foe, despite the plasma striking its bare hull, now with all available power redirected towards its CDS launcher, allowing it to pump out a constant stream of stressbolts. Finally, after having been pounded relentlessly with plasma bolts, the Vengenace’s engines had been melted, its weapons destroyed and its hull glowing from the enormous heat.
,,Well, it was nice knowing you. Why don’t we make our last seconds as pleasant as possible?” Steven said with a sigh as he accepted his defeat. ,,Sorry, Leghk.” ,,Weapons and engines are destroyed, but the Chronotrium web protected everything that was underneath the armour.” Jason said. ,,Everything? Can we redirect every single bit of juice we have left to the shields and get them back up?” Steven answered has he regained a bit of hope ,,Well, we might, but the projectors were on the outside of the hull and have been pretty much reduced to a few molten bits of scrap. Besides, they’re only leaving us alone because we are dead in the water and the shields wouldn’t hold long, even if we had them.” Jason effectively managed to drill that hope back into the ground. ,,Dammit, and I had hoped we could use those shields to move. I remember Anton saying something to that effect.” ,,Well yeah, I did. The shields can easily be used as a superfast super-photonic drive system. But there are only three things I can think of you want to do with them, and I don’t know if I like any of them. I think I can rebuilt the shield system, though.”
,,That’s all I need. We’re pointing right at them and there are three rules I’ve learned about ramming. One, don’t do it. Two, never forget one. Three, the faster you go, the more damage you cause. Nobody know the damage that ramming at super-photonic speed does since normal engines can’t do it close to something with some decent mass, I think it’s time we find out. Anton, do it and go as fast as you can. Don’t hold back.” ,,Got it captain, dude. Oh yeah, I know what you’re going to say and the answer is no. If you think we’re all going to eject and let my simple back-up computer take over so I can eject my core, you are totally out of your mind! We’re staying!”
,,That was the worst and most boring movie I’ve ever seen. Lousy special effects.” Sergeant ironhead. The real reason why the alien brain on Cydonia was destroyed while in the middle of displaying a message telling the X-com operatives not to fire.
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*Many bubbles*
Posts: 100

The final chapter! Get ready!
The Uhleck ship renewed its interest and fired a stream of plasma bolts at the Vengeance, enough to finally melt the remains of its armour and everything underneath.
,,Anton, you better hurry.” ,,I’m trying! Rebuilding the shield system from scratch in seconds isn’t easy! Now shut up so I can use all my processing power for this!”
The bolts approached at a frightening pace. ,,Got it!” Anton shouted. For one moment, the Vengeance seemed frozen in space with the first plasma bolt about to strike. Then, it disappeared and seemingly instantly, the plasma bolts all received a clean hole through the middle as well as the Uhleck Behemoth, allowing the starts on the other side of the ship to be seen. The other plasma bolts that still flew through space continued to make casualties, but no new bolts were fired.
In fact, the Uhleck ship had ceased doing anything. Not only had the Vengeance flown right through several plasma bolts, it had also flown through the centre of the huge ship, hitting the core of the UHL that controlled the crew of Leghk in the process. The dimensional particles that made up the UHL’s atoms had been spread in all directions.
The Leghk onboard had all entered a deep coma. They had become too dependent on the UHL to control their minds.
,,Goodbye, Steven. And thanks.” Pearcy said, looking at the screen that showed the disabled hulk of the Uhleck ship. The Enterprise had taken heavy damage during the battle, but it was nothing that couldn’t be repaired with a long stay at a star port.
History isn’t made by great events or the decisions of rulers. Instead, it is made by the endless stream of coincidences that is called time.
The remains of Noah fleet limped home after destroying the remains of all lost ships as was tradition in the imperial fleet. The made it back to Earth and although they were dragged in front of a military court, they were all proclaimed innocent and taken back in normal service. The emperor needed a victim though, and Steven Cloudy was the perfect choice. Though placed in the books as a power-hungry traitor that tried to overthrow the empire, he would never notice it. In fact, he would have the last laugh as he died many years after all memory of the emperor had faded.
When leaving, Noah fleet forgot about one thing. The Uhleck ship still floated in space. In time, it was caught by Arth’s gravity and crashed on the southern hemisphere. This created what would become known as the southern hot zone.
The resulting earthquakes forced the colonists above ground, where they lost their technology and fell into a dark age that would last for many generations.
Only centuries later, their descendants would stumble on the long forgotten colony and the Noah 2 that was still there. They would use the technology found in the ships database to found the first interstellar organization on Arth, Interstel.
Just in time. The wave of flaring suns that had caused the demise of the empire, was about to reach Arth. In a last ditch effort, the Arthlings went to the Crystal Planet that was causing it. History had changed, and they were not stopped by the Uhleck ship that had been defeated by Noah fleet. Using several priceless artefacts, an Interstel ship descended to the surface of the planet. There, its crew planted an ancient Phlegmak device called a black egg, a bomb with enough power to destroy a planet. Escaping the shockwave and debris, they returned to Arth as heroes.
Far away from Arth, a new race made their appearance. While still young and few in numbers, they quickly earned the respect of their neighbours with the help of their ships that could teleport and fired bolts of plasma.
While they never left their space, they never turned other races away who passed by, if they were friendly. In fact, they would provide them with shelter and warn them of their brothers who were controlled by the beast. These brothers were never seen.
They also demanded that no one would enter a small nebula on the edge of their space. There was only one star with no planets in that nebula, so non of the races had any trouble with that.
There were rumours though about why the new beings wanted everyone to stay away. Some thought that a weapon could be found there, others an ancient ship, and some thought that the green floating beings originated from there. They never knew how close they were to the truth.
The truth behind these rumours would eventually be revealed when a group of ships flown by several new races appeared in the sector. One of those ships was known as, the ISS Retribution.
THE END (was about time! )
,,That was the worst and most boring movie I’ve ever seen. Lousy special effects.” Sergeant ironhead. The real reason why the alien brain on Cydonia was destroyed while in the middle of displaying a message telling the X-com operatives not to fire.
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Zebranky food

Posts: 21
The end of boredom? Or the end of the story? Now it seems the beginning of the making of the pics.  It would be nice if every chapter had a pic.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 100

Ok, then I'll need to do a few things.
Models: 3 different Vengeances (original, Leghk enhanced, Big mean Stressbolt machine ) Enterprise (Doing one were it is attached to the Institute station would be nice) Warhammer (the biggest and meanest warship in the empire, not counting the Enterprise and the Vengeance) Leghk Warship Uhleck Dreadnought (I can't leave the bad guys out, can I?)
Take a look to see if I can put it on the Internet somewhere. Add some modifications to the text to make things better. (The part between getting stuck in the Leghk sector and traveling back in time is crap.) Get rid of things that don't fit. (Steven suddenly became addicted to coffee, I should put it in from the beginning.)
That and some things I haven't thought of right now. Now if you excuse me, it's time for school.
,,That was the worst and most boring movie I’ve ever seen. Lousy special effects.” Sergeant ironhead. The real reason why the alien brain on Cydonia was destroyed while in the middle of displaying a message telling the X-com operatives not to fire.
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