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Topic: Favorite Sci-Fi Series (Read 18932 times)
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"Otherwise the only other way to transport someone is to deconstruct atom by atom and hope you have the same elements available at the other end to rebuild a human. Then you would need to restart their heart and everyone would wonder if their souls came along."
Hehe, yea I've wondered about that.
I mean, if you break someone into bits, haven't you just killed them (permanently)? If someone died in a fire, and you found all their atoms and replaced them exactly as they used to be, would that person be resurrected?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 100

Ah yes, one of those nice things you can talk about for hours. Me, I wouldn't step into one of those damn transporters if my life depends on it. I remember seeing this episode of star trek were this guy was scared of the transporter. I felt so sorry for him, not because he was scared, but because everybody refused to listen to him and even had the guts to call it a rare disease that had to be cured with a hypospray! I mean, just listen to the guy! He doesn't like being taken apart, killed and have a clone reconstructed of him!
I'm saying, the Federation isn't pacifistic, they're one of the most bloodthirsty organizations in sci-fi! They even have a method of transport that kills you as the number one means of transportation!
My revenge? I tried to make this star trek fic (never got far with it though, just an Excelsior getting blown up by the purple beam of death) were there was this race that hated transporters. I wanted to put in this scene were the human captain was complaining about the fact he had to walk, only to hear that the only transporters on the ship are used for ferrying cargo.
Anyway, I really think star trek (and most sci-fi series I know have the same problem, only different names) could use some diversity, instead of having everybody use warp, transporters and the same damn energy gun on a daily basis. Voyager solved the problem of just one faster than light travel method, but managed to screw up by having Janeway run across this super warpdrive every week, go really fast for a while, then throw the super engine out of the window and ending with talking about how much it took of their journey. (Janeway would beat every competition at screwing up get home early opportunities)
,,That was the worst and most boring movie I’ve ever seen. Lousy special effects.” Sergeant ironhead. The real reason why the alien brain on Cydonia was destroyed while in the middle of displaying a message telling the X-com operatives not to fire.
Hoe meer zielen, hoe meer vreugd! (yes I'm dutch)
That 330 MTon quote is what I was trying to find. Was it Asimov who did that calculation?
Guess I was waaaaaaayyy off on the energy levels. The sun burns up 233,000,000 equivalent people masses EVERY SECOND. GEEZ.
The sun is truly larger than you can fathom sometimes.
I wonder if we are capable of managing energy levels anywhere near that? I can't find the maximum current levels in the new HAC colliders network....
They got close to explaining the transporter in the Tom/Will Riker episode. But they wussed out...
Posts: 520

I got the quote from a report the US military commissioned on the subject. Not sure how accurate it is. They spent 25k on it, if we are to believe internet sources. "The Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas" did the study.
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