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Author Topic: the game cheats the player  (Read 6280 times)

the game cheats the player
« on: August 12, 2005, 02:45:40 am »

Ok, first, I do appreciate the original creators and those who ported the game and made it freeware. The game is well done and I have enjoyed playing the game... up until now.

I am pissed off that the game claims that my starbase has been destroyed by the Kohr-Ah when in fact I am circling my starbase and have ample power to destroy any Kohr-Ah that get near the starbase.

I cleaned up Sol's system of all Kohr-Ah and then I return to the starbase. The starbase is fully intact and I circle the Earth - killing time, and no Kohr-Ah are seen.  But eventually, I get this Kohr-Ah communication telling me that all sentient life in my region of space has been destroyed and so has my starbase -  when in fact, no Kohr-Ah is even in sight of the starbase.


Sure, I would lose in a battle of attrition to the Kohr-Ah eventually, but that does not mean the game gets to CHEAT and claim that the Kohr-ah destroyed my starbase when in fact they didn't.

I consider this a MAJOR bug in the program.
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Re: the game cheats the player
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 03:42:47 am »

you have a time limit to "somehow stop the urquan and kohrah". you can extend this time limit, but only by one year. start over, and try not to waste too much time. plan your trips accordinly. dont take unnecessary detours and dont think you can mine all the stars. you cant. listen to hayes, he tells you how long you should spend mining before questing. he has some good advice.

thats all im going to say without spoiling it for you.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2005, 03:45:33 am by DEFIANT » Logged
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Re: the game cheats the player
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2005, 03:44:37 am »

Your not supposed to sit at your starbase and wait  Tongue.  Your supposed to hurry, but then the kohr-ah destroy the base behind your back Grin !

Re: the game cheats the player
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2005, 04:52:01 am »,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?
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Re: the game cheats the player
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2005, 09:10:48 am »

Actually, this ending makes more sense than you think. If the name Sa-Matra means anything to you, it should explain how the Kohr-Ah can take out your starbase without sending in Marauders.

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Re: the game cheats the player
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2005, 06:31:41 pm »

But the Sa-Matra was always sitting in Delta Crateris, it couldn't move that quick to destroy the starbase.

Also, HAHA your space bar is broken Rensalear  Cheesy

Re: the game cheats the player
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2005, 08:25:09 pm »

Just to verify that the Sa-Matra did not use it's long range weapon against the starbase, I orbited the solar system waiting for the Sa-Matra to enter from hyperspace. It NEVER did, but I still get the communication that the starbase was destroyed. 

I also orbited the hyperspace hole where Sol is located. All the Kohr-Ah ships that came at me were Marauder class, never the Sa-Matra.

It would be nice to defend you starbase to the bitter end or AT LEAST see it get vaporized by some long range weapon.

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Re: the game cheats the player
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2005, 08:34:47 pm »

Great idea!  Let us know when your patch to the game is ready to playtest.

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Re: the game cheats the player
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2005, 01:05:13 am »

lol 0x that it totally fucked up to land the patch on him. Sure let him do all the work  Tongue
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Re: the game cheats the player
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2005, 09:30:25 am »

Maybe the Sa Matra uses warp bubble tech from SC3 =P

Seriously though, they have it auto lose because...  You can't win.  You can't defeat their entire sphere of influence, no matter how fun it'd be.
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Re: the game cheats the player
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2005, 06:36:02 pm »

Simple. Self-destruct button...

When Hayes noticed the Kohr-Ah approaching, he hit it..

The Kohr-Ah say "we" because that just sounds more badass... Wink

Problem solved!

Okay, so that's a lame answer.. But still... the only valid answer is that it's just a game... And the developers never thought of you sticking out at Sol starbase... Tongue
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Re: the game cheats the player
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2005, 11:27:07 am »

I guess a satisfactory fix in the case where the player is near enough to the starbase to notice incoming Marauders (in Sol system or within scanning range in Hyperspace) would be to send in a really large swarm of Marauders heading straight for the starbase. If one of them reaches the starbase, play "you lose" message. If the player engages a Marauder, the others have time to destroy the starbase. In other words, let the player win or escape, then play the "you lose" message, or just make sure the player doesn't have time to intercept the other Kohr-Ah (there is a minimum time in IP between encounters, isn't there?).

Either way, it's easy for the Kohr-Ah to win, so this change doesn't really affect gameplay. However, implementing and testing this requires more time than it's worth, IMHO.

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