I have no dilusions that i have no idea how to programme any computer at all!
I was soooo happy to find a version of Star Control & i have downloaded it & i can hear is working but i am using a Mac G4 Powerbook & I am getting the banding effect which others have reported!
I dont know how to alter items in Terminal ... i have tried but its like wahting a child try & put the square peg in around hole!
If anyone wishes (can be bothered!) a step by step guide would be great. I am a hardened gamer not a programmer ... I am very greatful for all that has been done to recreate this classic! It works on my PC at work fine!
Help me & be nice I know how lame you must all think I am!
Please see here. I put those files up a good while back, and nonbody bothered to tell me whether or not they had any effect. If you could be so kind as to try them out and report your results, we can finally fix the problem.
"I’m not a robot like you. I don’t like having disks crammed into me… unless they’re Oreos, and then only in the mouth." --Fry