What Debian version are you on (platform, release, et.c.)? As far as I can tell, current Debian unstable and testing contain UQM 0.4. On my local Debian mirror (ftp.fi.debian.org), uqm-0.4.0-1 is in contrib/games and included in the unstable and testing distributions. Debian stable has uqm-0.3-3.
If you're running stable, you should realise that you're running out-of-date versions of pretty much everything.
I'm using Kubuntu v5.04, it is heavily based off of Debian.
I usualy go to apt-get.com and get any repositories from there, With .4 I found three, but all three did not work. I ended up getting .4 after all with the music and voices. I had to download the .deb files and install them using kpackage.
The .4 program works perfectly witht he music and voices, but now synaptic thinks UQM is broken and wont do a system upgrade until I uninstall the UQM. Do you know of any way to force the system to think it is not broken?