Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
I just made the Source forge project and here is the address: I have yet to do much to the project but that will change in time.
I will be putting what I have in terms of source code on there in a while, and maybe you guys can help me figure out a "few" of the bugs I have.
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
I put the sourcecode for the Physics part on SourceForge a while ago, but not the part that renders it. I Finally fixed a problem with friction so i most likely will put up a new version on I Do Plan Put up the driver part so you guys can screw around with it.
Once i do 2 primary things and a billion little things ill start on the game itself!
I might be rewriting a few parts of it in C++ to see if that speeds anything up.
Keep up the good work.
I got my undergrad degree in Physics but I'm sure my understanding of mechanics would be enhanced by understanding your code.
Any plans to simulate relativity?
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
While talking about traveling faster then the speed of light I just had an idea. According to the equation thought up by Einstein an item traveling faster then the speed of light goes back in time. So that led me to think about time travel. It made me think of a rather interesting concept for a computer game or a sequel to SC2.
The idea is as follows:
After the ship explodes you have a vision out of time just like in SC3 but instead it’s of the past. You see yourself doing things that you have never done. Like giving a warning to the Talio about the Dynarri So that they would have the mind shield built right before their destruction or causing the Starship factory on Vela to go into sleep mode so it will be functional in your time. So the Game would consist of you going back in time to make sure all the items that were there for you use to be there when you used them.
could also make it so that on each mission it would be more of a “splinter cell” stealth mission then “If it moves blast it” game. You would have to avoid certain races or ships and such.
I think it would be an interesting game to play. And if anything it would be an interesting fan fiction. I just wanted to get this idea out there.
I don’t claim to be able to write in English but I try the best that I can.
Now About the Game Im Writing I’ve fixed a few problems and added a run able project to the file releases on the source forge project. I have even added a webpage.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2005, 03:02:35 pm by BioSlayer »
Good idea for making StarControl 3 never happened. You shifter time lines by going backwards.
Like the string theory episode of TNG where Enterprise C and D meet and Tasha Yar is alive.
BTW, have you thought about encoding the entire 11 dimensions of string theory into your physical model? I was thinking of going back to college and taking a class in String Theory and the Grand Unification attempt with Euler's theorum. Coding that into a program would certainly help me understand it much better. You seem capable of understanding this more easily than I will be able to.
Dimensional shifts like in SC2 are possible: The dimensions are like sliced bread and every so often two touch at a point and interact.
Trying to wrap my mind around 11 dimensions/degrees of freedom is .... wee ooo hard.
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
would you like fries with that?
Just had a brief look at your source code. I'm only a lowly C programmer, but I'm already im the process of signing my future house over to you...
But seriously, i'll have a more in-depth look tonight - should proove interesting. I didn't see yet; is there any documentation along with it?
- Dean
I havn't got a decent version of Studio.NET - can you email me a binary? It is acessable via ActiveX API's, or just the .NET framework? I'd love to be able to experiment with this!
Pfft to the number of lines. I wrote a VB program called "DeepLook" which, incidentally, profiles VB projects and it tells me that it has over 9,000 lines.... 
But seriously, you need to advertise this or somthing. It's WAY COOL and I want to be able to interfact with it with good ol' VB6....
- Dean