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Author Topic: And the two greatest games in the world are....  (Read 24922 times)
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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2005, 06:37:13 pm »

Best RTS: Total Annihilation, Dune II, Dark Reign 1
Best FPS: Tribes 1, Quake 1
Best Adventure: Zelda 1, Metroid 1, Blaster Master, Exile (C64), Megaman Legends series
Best SpaceExpl: Elite II, Star Control II
Best RPG: Pen, paper, imagination and a good GM, there are no computer RPGs.
Best StatFap: Pokémon
Best Sim: Sim Life, Sim City, Sim Ant, Utopia I & II
Best CoffeBreak: Soldat, and  too many to mention.
Best Beatemup: Barbarian, Rival Schools, Bruce Lee (C64)
Best Sports: SuperCars II, Sensible Soccer
Sexiest Girl: Adriana Lima

Best: Superlow cotton panties

Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2005, 06:47:40 pm »

Egads!  How is it that I can disagree with almost every recommendation by someone who otherwise seems to have impressive aesthetic taste!

I would have to say:

RTS: Starcraft (by a significant margin)
FPS: Team Fortress
Adventure: (console) Super Metroid; (computer) Grim Fandango
RPG: Planescape Torment
Sim: Oregon Trail (damn straight!  you learned exactly how the buffalo got depopulated -- so, so fun to kill)
Beatemup: River City Ransom (come on, how could you miss this?!) or AD&D Shadows over Mystara (or its predecessor)
Sports: Madden (duh)
Zebranky food
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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2005, 09:17:11 am »

1- x-com ufo defense
2- Star Control 2
3- Fragile Allegiance
4- Mordor II  Kiss aaagh, too many games... like master of magic,
dune, nethack...

(rts: Total Annihilation, sure!!! and then Starcraft!)
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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2005, 08:36:57 pm »

Fragile Alligience is sort of Utopia II - K240 in a "better looking" PC version. I got the CD here on my desk, found it for $1 in a budget bin (german version), but I probably can't run it on XP without hazzle. It might be abandon/freeware by now. Saw it at underdogs anyways.

It has a sloppy montage including a nasty worm-eaten zombie on the cover and I have no idea why. I would guess the biological warfare deal is responsible, but it just manages to be distasteful and incredibly cheesy at the same time.

I love equipping my eagle fighters with different weapon systems and just... launch them in and out the underground docking bays. It would rock with a modern version where the Asteroids are roundish with buildings all around and possibly there could be some HomeWorldish control of the fleets. Unfortunately HomeWorld didn't even come close to the complexity of K240, but maybe it didn't aim for that as the target market today is only receptible to extremely shallow gameplay.

If you liked K240 then Colonial Conquest might be worth a look (Amiga). I've got a project for that game btw.

oops, I just wanted to expand on K240/fragile alligience a bit.
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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2005, 03:24:45 am »

Something like imperium galactica II ?

i want a game that is like star control and ufo!!!!
today i've tried smuggler III, is a very nice game!!!!

and I think that ogre battle is better than ffantasy tactics!!!!  Tongue

i've tried rebelstar... ufo is better!!!!
and i like  more laser squad nemesis than rebelstar

  Smiley pssst, Arne!
 Cheesy I love you...
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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2005, 06:59:07 am »

4- Mordor II  Kiss aaagh, too many games... like master of magic,

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

I'm Shon-dahre on the Demise forums.  If you didn't know about it, Demise is what Mordor evolved into.  There is a long interesting history behind the company David Allen started, but Demise is really fun Cheesy Check it out!!!
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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2005, 02:06:34 am »

I know it, but mordor II is mordor II...
i love mordor II !!!!!
Mordor 2 is faster and simple but unlimited
demise look better but
mordor II IS the best !!!
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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2005, 10:03:05 pm »

I like Star control 2, but I'm surpirsed no has mentioned Halo 1 or Halo 2!!!!!!!!
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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2005, 01:46:31 am »

Shame on you people, no half life?!?!?!

Best Games EVER!

1. Half Life
2. Halo (sorta corny game to me)
3. Half Life2
4. UQM
5. Half Life: Blue Shift
6. Half Life: Opposing force

The half life series is like 1998. The graphics are outdated but i still find that game fun. If you have Valve's "steam" then you get  free half life series. GET HALF LIFE2 IT IS SO BETTER THAN HALO2 OR ANYOTHER FPS ON THE MARKET, CURRENTLY. ALSO THERE IS PLENTLY OF MODS FOR THE GAME!!!!11!!!

« Last Edit: October 07, 2005, 01:59:03 am by Mr._Jiggles » Logged
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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2005, 05:11:21 am »

Halo?!  You've got to be kidding me.

I played it once and it's a poor excuse for an FPS.

Give me Max Payne or UT2004 any day.

Halo 2 was the biggest overhyped pieced of trash (according to what I've heard) in the history of game consoles Wink.

Actually do you guys want to know the BEST 3d shooter EVER?

It's called Blood.  It was made with the build engine (the same one Duke 3d used) but the depth of the game is incredible, it can be quite freaky at times and because it uses sprites rather than 3d models for items and actors it seems a bit less plasticky than some 3d games with models rather than sprites.

Oh yeah, did I mention you really get immersed into it?  It's a fantastic game and puts modern 3d shooters to shame.  You can get the full version from The Underdogs I think, it's now abandonware.  You'll need either the ability to boot to DOS or you might be able to get it running under DosBox though if you use 2k or XP.  I actually have a drive in my computer with Win98 on it which I have also set up to boot to DOS mode with legacy audio drivers (SB Audigy quality sound in DOS games ROCKS!!!) and it'll run any protected mode games although some much older games (pre-486) either don't run or have difficulty running.

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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2005, 10:59:19 am »

For once I agree with deus siddis... the battlezone remake series is completely underrated, they'd be on my top 15.

As to the two greatest games of all time...
Hm, I'll have to go by genre.

Best Game of All Time: Star Control 2
Best Space Games: Elite 2, Vegastrike (+Star Control 2)
Best RPG: Knights of the Old Republic
Best Modern Adventure: The Journeyman Project series
Best Classic Adventures: The Dig, Beneath A Steel Sky
Best Shooters: Deus Ex, Far Cry, Half-Life
Best Un-Categorized Game: Darwinia

Currently working on: Going outside more

Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2005, 04:38:05 pm »

My personal favorites

1 XCOM (You really cannot beat this game considering it came out in 1994)
2 Fallout1/2 (Planescape was pretty awesome too)
3 Civ 1/2
4 MOO 2 (Why does Moo3 have to be the worst sequel since SC3 and XCOM3?)
5 All the blizzard games...
6 Dungeon Keeper 2/Evil Genius (Evil Genius would have been best game in years if developer had finished the damn thing before realsing it)
7 Halflife (This is IMO far and away best FPS ever, but i am not a huge FPS fan)
8 Homeworld
9 Scorched Earth/Worms
10 Caesar 2

Honorable mentions
Deadlock 1/2
Europa Universalis 2
Knights of the Old Republic
Populous 2
Shogun Total War
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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2005, 04:40:17 pm »

Doh! I forgot to include SC 1/2 in honorbale mention  Grin
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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #28 on: October 12, 2005, 02:25:05 am »

Oh.. Remembering all these good old times of my youth. What were the games! Every one of them had piece of soul. Those will allways remain in my heart..

Star Control 2, Relentless (Little Big Adventure), Dune2, UFO (X-Com), Transport Tycoon, all of Ultimas, Civilization 1/2/3, Master Of Orion 1/2, Master of Magic (almost all of old Microprose!!!), Quest for Glory I (VGA remake is simply charming)  Wink

The latest that I enjoyed - Planescape Torment, Knights of the Old Republic, Deus Ex, Fallout1/2, Europa Universalis, Total War series  Roll Eyes
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Re: And the two greatest games in the world are....
« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2005, 07:40:17 am »

Here's my list. Know that I tend to forget things sometimes, so it is probably not complete.

X-com: Ufo Defense (Yeah, I am addicted to this, as you can probably tell from my avatar and signature Grin)

Master of Orion (only one of the series I've played, and it worked like a charm till I got Windows XP Angry Nothing was as much fun as sending a single battleship to wipe out entire races, or even better, a fighter! Cheesy)

Star Control 2 (Love the campaign mode. This one has got some wonderful characters, from the ultimately scared but ass-kicking Fwiffo to the funny Supox and the depressed Utwig, Oh, and I can't forget good old commander Hayes.)

Little Big Adventure 2 : Twinsen's Oddessy (This one has been one of my favorites for a long time. Too bad I haven't got a chance to get LBA 1 to work. I just love spinning around with my sword using agressive behaviour. Cheesy)

The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind (OK, apart from the fact that I've got the only damn 3D card in the list of not supported ones, which causes me to have all the colours and textures messed up. And the fact that whenever i get in an area with something magic (Which probably means 95% of the game! Angry) it crashes, this thing rocks.)

,,That was the worst and most boring movie I’ve ever seen. Lousy special effects.” Sergeant ironhead. The real reason why the alien brain on Cydonia was destroyed while in the middle of displaying a message telling the X-com operatives not to fire.

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