Topic: And the two greatest games in the world are.... (Read 24930 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 74
The two GREATEST games of all time would have to be X-COM 1 (2 was a clone and 3 was inferior) and Star Control 2 (Am I biased in favor of science fantasy? Naaaahhh!)
Reasons: Gameplay (especially mixed gameplay!), storyline, dialogue, humor and graphics that were state-of-the art at the time make them not only playable, but enjoyable and even superior to this day.
MOO-2 and The Secret of Monkey Island come pretty close behind those two, though.
Best RPG: Pen, paper, imagination and a good GM, there are no computer RPGs.
True. Anyone who disagrees with this statement doesn't know what an RPG really is. There are, however, a lot of good computer adventure games that call themselves RPGs.
NeverWinterNights: Shadowlords, Dreamcatcher series by Adam Miller Honor Among Thieves by Baldecaran Twilight series by Rick Burton (Finish it Rick!!!) Art of the Thanaturge by Wes Lewis How could you forget Penultima? How? You must not have played it. That's the only explanation I can think of. And Demon is a big improvement on Dreamcatcher.
The birthright of all computer games... Dungeon, Adventure! and Zork especially Zork Grand Inquisitor... Return to Zork was the best Zork game that I played. It was the most Zork-y, though YMMV.
Tender Lumpling
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
I want to play too. Breaking it down into rough genres (just because I don't want to make a 'top ten' list)
Best adventures: Grim Fandango, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Best FPS: System Shock 2, Thief: The Dark Project, Deus Ex
Best CRPGs: Wizardry VII: Crusaders of the Dark Savant, Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment
Best strategy: Master of Orion, UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-COM), Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Best 'hybrid': Star Control 2, Ultima Underworld 2, Sacrifice
There are plenty of great games out there that never get mentions, too. How about Realms of the Haunting? Beneath a Steel Sky? CyberMage? Entomorph? Shadows Over Riva? They've pretty much faded into obscurity now, but I'd include any of them on a "best 100 games of all time" list.
And I've got to concur that the overall "best" two games would be X-COM and Star Control 2, for the reasons Lance listed.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2006, 10:13:11 am by Tender Lumpling »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 304

A paranoid android.
5. Master of Orion 2 (DOS) – Best turn-based space sim ever. I loved designing my own ships and sending them out to crush those annoying Klackons.
4. Unreal Tournament (Windows) – Had some great times with this one. I’ve spent countless hours fragging online. Good times with good people.
3. Battletoads (NES) – A lot of people I know are ambivalent about this one, mostly because it was ridiculously difficult to beat. But it was loads of a lot of fun beating up all those rats and pigs.
2. Heroes of Might and Magic 2 (DOS) – Ah, the ultimate in turn-based strategy. The hand drawn phoenixes, dragons, minotaurs, etc looked gorgeous at the time. And the music was awesome (the opera tracks were outstanding).
1. Star Control 2 (DOS) – Best of the best, IMO.
Zebranky food

Posts: 17

*Bloody campers* are the best
1: Half-Life 2: Just a damn good FPS.
2: Star control 2: BEST RPG EVER!!!!! &@#$ MARIO (RPG)!!!!!!
3: Counter-strike: Online FPS with blood and real dead bodies, doesn't get better than that.
4: Starcraft (Broodwar): Pays homage to Star Control (Terran Battlecruiser, Protoss Carrier).
5: Worms: World Party: Cute little worms, worming their way across the feild with BAZOOKAS, UZIS, SHOTGUNS and worst of all....... SHEEP!!!!!
..... Nuff said.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2006, 10:09:44 pm by Orzy-man! »
Zebranky food

Posts: 30
Dungeon Master 2 One of the most atmospheric RPGs. The music, the depressive backgrounds, weird spellcasting system, magic and technology combined... great.
2. Heroes of Might and Magic 2 That's all 3DO's fault!! MM4,5 and HMM1,2 were great. I enjoy these graphics even now. Monsters in MM4,5 were nice (if not to say CUTE ). Everything else - naah (well, maybe HMM3 is not that bad). And then, MM6, and everything gone wrong... 
5: Worms: World Party: Cute little worms, worming their way across the feild with BAZOOKAS, UZIS, SHOTGUNS and worst of all....... SHEEP!!!!! Ohh... when I first saw a Concrete Donkey in action... )
)))8o~ (Presumably 1st Ur-Quan Smiley)
Frungy champion
Posts: 75
Earth and Beyond Star Control 2/The Ur-Quan Masters
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
If you just have to have two:
1-Star Control II.
Sure, I was rather late to the party, having only bothered to play when UQM 0.4.0 was out. But the whole package is excellent. For one, the music. Who would have thought that a contest held by the impoverished devs would have resulted in one of the best game soundtracks of all time? Then there's the gameplay. The combat's solid, landing on planets to fetch minerals and lifeforms isn't too bad, and interacting with aliens was well done-you had multiple responses, and there were plenty of witty and humorous lines that didn't come off as cheesy. The story isn't too bad, either-I won't go into detail about that because I don't want to spoil anything. Other thoughts include the fact that you don't need to spend thousands on PC hardware just to play it(which is, sadly, the norm as of PC gaming today), and that Fwiffo has to be one of the best game characters EVER!
2-System Shock 2
I've played many games over the years, but I think this was the first one I truly loved. I read a small magazine article on it, and that somehow compelled me to pick up the game when it lay before my eyes on a store shelf one day. I never regretted it-the atmosphere was tense and scary, the gameplay fun, and the story good, with a few twists. Of course, I was younger then, and therefore more easily spooked-especially when I turned off the lights. The fact that my gaming skills weren't as good then didn't help things, nor was the lack of ammo laying around or the high prices of ammo from a replicator. Maybe my description isn't doing it enough justice(besides, the best way to experience a game is to play it), and maybe other games like Deus Ex or Fallout should take this spot, but I believe SS2 is the one title that really made me embrace video games.
(P.S.-I hope this topic isn't too old to bump.)
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Eeh... I guess I'll have to listen to the SFX. The general idea that it should launch fighters with a limited range is hardly an homage on its own.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
2-System Shock 2
I've played many games over the years, but I think this was the first one I truly loved. I read a small magazine article on it, and that somehow compelled me to pick up the game when it lay before my eyes on a store shelf one day. I never regretted it-the atmosphere was tense and scary, the gameplay fun, and the story good, with a few twists. Of course, I was younger then, and therefore more easily spooked-especially when I turned off the lights. The fact that my gaming skills weren't as good then didn't help things, nor was the lack of ammo laying around or the high prices of ammo from a replicator. Maybe my description isn't doing it enough justice(besides, the best way to experience a game is to play it), and maybe other games like Deus Ex or Fallout should take this spot, but I believe SS2 is the one title that really made me embrace video games.
(P.S.-I hope this topic isn't too old to bump.)
This is such an amazing game. Atmosphere, story, it's all there. Thank you for reminding me, I shalll dig it out of my cupboard immediately.
What's up doc?