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Topic: Oh man this game's good (Read 4286 times)
Just another person
Heya everybody. I'm sorry to create a thread that will most likely bring up the old "damnit not another one of those threads...[/i] thoughts, but I just had to make it. 
It was a long while since I enjoyed such a storyline. Honestly, in today's game market, it's not easy finding a game with such a storyline as UQM's. Every second of playing this game, whether I had to start over, or found a Rainbow World, was pure enjoyment.
Even if nobody cares, I had to share my thoughts about this game with other people that have played it. I'm now officialy a fan.
Death 390
Zebranky food

Posts: 44

Kill The Interloper!
I agree with the above comments, and would like to add that I think it's great that the praise isn't just from us "old guard" who played it on PC/3DO when it was first released, but that so many new players are discovering this little gaming gem for the very first time and are loving it!
Just goes to show graphics etc don't mean a thing when you have a well designed and well thought out game!
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
New Guard
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2005, 03:08:05 pm » |
Yea, I'm a new recruit too. I had played starflight back in the day, so I did already have a respect for older games, especially ones in this genre.
i agree best damn game i ever played when my big bro bought this game in a sci-fi pack with my other favorite star crusader i was enthusiastic cause my bro always bought the best games and i was right the game was so fun i had fun by just watchin over his shoulder while he played and just chose on the star map where to go next i was 8
man i still think this game would be perfect massive multiplayer if only someone would make it well i know what im doin when im turnin 14 (just 2 years) im gonna get a job and pay for a server and find a guy makin the game and let him use the server ive seen to many online fan games die before there glory cause there was no money for a server and they were good ones too
Death 390
Zebranky food

Posts: 44

Kill The Interloper!
You are certainly making some good points there! I hope you don't think I was being crttical of UQM in some way as that was not my intention. Neither am I infering that any updates are pointless.
I agree that the graphics haven't become in any way 'offensive' over the years or aged badly. The clear design and conceptual originality of the game have carried it through without a doubt.
The main point I was trying to make was that, for me, UQM (and indeed SC2) will always be a favourite due to the gameplay and not the graphics (or even the sound). They could be ray-traced in the manner of Atari's Asteroids and I would still love it.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2005, 11:43:37 am by Death 390 »
Death 390
Zebranky food

Posts: 44

Kill The Interloper!
Ahhh Vector graphics! That'll be what I meant! My bad! Thanks for putting me right
« Last Edit: September 14, 2005, 03:34:41 pm by Death 390 »
Zebranky food

Posts: 40

Sir Donsalot
I remember when I first started playing SC2, I was a mere teenager and absolutely gobsmacked at how good quality the graphics for the aliens while you were conversing was. Seeing the amount of detail especially with the Ur-quan and the Umgah and the fact that it was ANIMATED really blew me away!
Zebranky food

Posts: 21
The addictive power of SC2 took me away from my normal life for 2 weeks during vacation. Only sleeping, eating, and playing SC2.
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
I know this has been repeated ad infinitum ad nauseum, but I love this game.
I came across a magazine that had a note about SC2 in it and I bought the mag because of it. I was a huge fan and remember playing this game for hours. Challenging other players for hours was a regular thing in college
Thanks so much for all you who have brought this back. I'm seriously geeking over this.
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