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Author Topic: New Open Source Game  (Read 8489 times)

Re: New Open Source Game
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2005, 02:46:12 pm »

Ah, I see your point. But it's still got quite a lot fo physics in it - just not those that would detract from gameplay. I suppose it's like an adventure game -- noone could possible fit a broom, shovel, etc. into their pockets all at once (or at all!) but it's nessesary to make the game.

Sometimes reality sucks. Still I agree; SC2, whoops, I mean UQM rules!

How's your code coming along OP?

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Re: New Open Source Game
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2005, 09:10:57 pm »

Maybe skimming through this thread I missed something. But
it strikes me as really easy to get an orbit going in UQM melee.
With the noted exceptions of the few ships which are not
effect by gravity, of course. The easiest is probably the Yehat.
They have enough thrust to pull directly away from the
planet, but are slow enough not to thurst in a jerky manner.
Chmmr are also very easy to manouver in and out of orbit.

I'm sorry if I missed something glaring, like we're talking about
real spaceship orbits.


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Re: New Open Source Game
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2005, 09:29:34 pm »

Since there is all this talk about gravity i dcided to put in my 2 cents on the topic.

This is some code I came up with that finds the velocity need to orbit a gravity well.

PosOfAccelPoint - this is the position of the gravity well.
PosofShip - this is the position of the ship.
AccelDoToGravity - this the acceleration do to gravity at PosofShip.

It returns the velocity vector that the ship must be going for circular orbit going counterclockwise around the gravity well.

public static Vector2D GetOrbitVelocity(Vector2D PosOfAccelPoint,Vector2D PosofShip,double AccelDoToGravity)
double MyOrbitConstant = 0.63661977236758134307553505349036; //(area under 1/4 of a sin wave)/(PI/2)

Vector2D distance = PosOfAccelPoint - PosofShip;
double distanceMag = distance.Magnitude;
Vector2D distanceNorm = distance*(1/distanceMag);

double VelocityForOrbit = Math.Sqrt(2*MyOrbitConstant*AccelDoToGravity*distanceMag);
return distanceNorm.RightHandNormal*VelocityForOrbit;

What it does is find the velocity that it will be going when it reached the gravity well. And then makes the ship go that velocity perpendicular to the direction of acceleration. So when the ship reaches ¼ of its orbit its velocity vector has been rotated 90 degrees.

Im pretty sure this would work in UQM except fo the fact that this code is C# and UQM is C.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2005, 09:31:51 pm by BioSlayer » Logged

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My Remake of UQM.
My 2D physics engine
Both are written in C#.
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Re: New Open Source Game
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2005, 12:03:17 pm »

Is accel point the periabsis (lowest point in the orbit)?
A retro burn to make orbit circular should start some time before you reach periapisis and it would end up some time after, so periapsis is at the middle.

Also, some eccentricity calculation is necessary, not only to know if you have an orbit instead of a slingshot, but also to prevent a crash on surface planet.

Geez, I am turning SC into a 2D simulator. Grin Smiley Wink
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Re: New Open Source Game
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2005, 07:53:53 am »

Descent combat and SC2 ships makes happy marriage...

Uh no it doesn't.  Inertial movement in 3D?  This will be totally different and (probably) nowhere near as fun.

Independence War 2, 3D game with inertial physics if you want to try it out.  I'm trying to see if I can get my bad disc replaced since I want to play this one again anyway.

For melee we are thinking of Descent style combat in an open space area with actual asteroids and comets that affect the combat. For storyline gameplay think of the old Masters of Orion 2. mining, colony building and tech tree development (also more like civilization but on a galactic scale.)

Well FreeSpace 2 is open source now and since FreeSpace was the next evolution of Descent and FreeSpace 2 the next evolution of FreeSpace you may have yourself an engine to use right there.  There are some basic gravity mods out there that would give you more of the SC2 combat in 3D feel though there was no inertial combat and you full ship motion.  Just a thought.  Of course I would love to the FreeSpace combat engine in SC2 but I'm a FreeSpace nut.  Smiley
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