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Topic: Exploring planets and Tanaka (Read 3194 times)
When you explore planets, theres a meter on your right side thats marked "DAT". If you kill biological lifeforms that meter fills up. What is "DAT" and what is it good for?
Also... I killed that Shofixti Tanaka early on in the game, not knowing how to escape a fight. I just dont have the energy to start over, so is there a way to complete that mission anyway? Any coordinates to another one of his species?
Oh, btw. I cant seem to find the solar system where the red probes are coming from? Ive checked all systems between the zaq-fot-pik and Epsilon Muscae, but they are nowhere to be found. Any coordinates?
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
When you explore planets, theres a meter on your right side thats marked "DAT". If you kill biological lifeforms that meter fills up. What is "DAT" and what is it good for? That's Bio Data, and you can sell it at specific aliens. You want it.
Also... I killed that Shofixti Tanaka early on in the game, not knowing how to escape a fight. I just dont have the energy to start over, so is there a way to complete that mission anyway? Any coordinates to another one of his species? There will be another one, in the same location, when you've done the other part of this quest. That is your last chance though. The quest btw, is not required to finish the game (but it will give you an advantage).
Oh, btw. I cant seem to find the solar system where the red probes are coming from? Ive checked all systems between the zaq-fot-pik and Epsilon Muscae, but they are nowhere to be found. Any coordinates? You'll come across more clues.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Thanks a lot mate. I felt so guilty killing all those lifeforms. Now i can do it with a clean conscience
Oh, silly me. I should read up on the different specs of the weapons before i speak 
Another thing.. Are there any other keys being used than Esc, arrows, enter, shift and F1? The damn thing doesnt have a control setup.
Thank you once again.
Kaiser II
Not quite. They're just animals. =P
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