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Author Topic: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?  (Read 7289 times)
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Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« on: September 28, 2005, 09:15:57 pm »

Hey, any dungeon and dragons fans here? Sci-fi, computers
and D&D just seem to flow together....

I've been playing...well hardly ever. As soon as I got the
basic concepts down people started hitting me up
to DM.

The reason I ask is I recently released this D&D character with IE support. Any comments or suggestions
are welcome.

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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2005, 04:12:33 am »

well I'm currently playing baldurs gate for the first time. this game is so much fun. bow users are way over powered though.

in my youth, we used to play pen n paper d&d. it was more acting out then rolling the dice. we would only roll for things that were in question. it kept the flow of the story going. there were times when things would get so funny, the game would come to a stand still. wed be laughing so hard at who was going to pull the mystery lever. it pure comedy some of the scenes wed act out. good times.

going to download your program now. will try tonight later. much too busy right now.
Zebranky food
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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2005, 04:25:53 pm »

scifi is about the "possible", while fantasy is about the "impossible".
But sometimes the impossible becomes possible, like going to the moon.
So the boundary is hazy.
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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2005, 02:40:31 am »

If it "becomes" possible, then it wasn't really
impossible to begin with.

Sci-fi is about using technology we don't
have (yet) to do things we haven't done, yet.

Fantesy is about doing the things in
our imaginations, most of which we wouldn't
really want to do whether possible or not.

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Zebranky food
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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2005, 05:14:31 am »

Fantasy is usually related to magic, but magic becomes technology when someone discovers the way to make magic.
Zebranky food
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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2005, 12:08:07 am »


Sci-fi is still a form of scince isn't it ?
while fantasy is... well... a fantasy, and dosen't have to be logical or follow any rules.
Zebranky food
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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2005, 04:45:12 pm »

Sometimes reality follow no rules.
So Reality is fantastic sometimes.
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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2005, 06:30:19 pm »

Sci-fi CAN follow rules, it doesn't mean they always do Cheesy. Sometimes you can't make things interesting by folowing the rules. What would you rather have, a movie in which the main characters zip around the galaxy in the fastest, biggest hot rod beyond Saturn, or would you prefer to have them go into some sort of freezing (or worse, a generation ship) and fly around in this piece of junk that can't accelerate faster than 1 g (and don't even think about lightspeed!).

And as for Dungeons and Dragons, I'm afraid I have to say I never really played it.

,,That was the worst and most boring movie I’ve ever seen. Lousy special effects.” Sergeant ironhead. The real reason why the alien brain on Cydonia was destroyed while in the middle of displaying a message telling the X-com operatives not to fire.

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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2005, 08:18:53 pm »

Played D&D since well since a while ago.

If you don't want to play fantasy RPG there's always Alternity or Chill or Call of Cthulu or Star Wars RPG.   If you want to go way back then there's Traveler where there were rules on how to generate random star systems, ship combat rules, ship creation rules... way ahead of it's time.

White Wolf made all kinds of great RPG's if you want to boycott WotC.   

One I always wanted to play and didn't get the chance was Changeling:The Dreaming. 

Here's a link I just found if you need to look up some RPG that you have forgotten the name to:
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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2005, 03:08:24 pm »

I used to play the swedish D&D (Drakar och Demoner) and Mutant... but now everyone has scattered to the winds and I mostly just illustrate. I've got some works in American RPG magazines (WotC) and DragonMech (D20 mech steampunk). I just came into contact with Rifts, which appeals to me a bit cuz it's so broad. I also have my own project (since 15 years).

Never quite liked the D20 systems. I always wanted more logarithmic 'there's always a chance' systems, but unfortunately that usually means long tables or formulas slowing down the game.
Deus Siddis
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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2005, 09:38:31 pm »

"Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?"

I like Dragons. Dungeons don't have enough windows for my tastes. Plus the real estate bubble is going to break at some point.
Ivan Ivanov
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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2005, 01:49:54 pm »

I hate D&D's.
Not the pen and paper type, but any kind of computer adaptation of the system.
I mean, it was designed as a pen and paper game. Using rounds, or turns, as a way of meassuring time, statistics for characters attributes and abilities and similiar stuff, was put there because there was no other way of making a pen and paper game work.
If you make a computer game you can throw half the statistics away, and put the other half "behind the curtain", so you can actually enjoy the game without seeing a virtual die beeing thrown every time you try to slash someone (a'la morrowind).

Also most of fantasy worlds are unreal.
Yes I know it's fantasy! It's just that I still think some common sense rules should apply.
For example, if you free the a distressed city from Evil Armies of Darkness, and get a big sack of money in return, you get strange feeling that something is wrong when it turns out that this small fortune you just raised is berely enough to buy yourself a half-decent sword.
And to top it, you'll find dozens of better swords in the hands of goblins doing something undoubtedly sinister in a rotting cave.

Another thing, why is every war between Good & Evil always thought out in a single battle of a bloody big size? How many wars in human history were actually fought this way?
And beside that, once this great battle is over, everything in 100 mile radius is in ruins 80% of the population is dead, how is everything rebuilt in a matter of months, or few years tops, so that we can see the same hero in a cheesy sequel? Or worse - a number of sequels. I mean how many bloody big battles can the world take?

Like I've said, it's unreal, it's just plain silly, I can't take it!

Thank you, and sorry for the rant.

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Deus Siddis
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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2005, 04:12:08 pm »

"I hate D&D's.
Not the pen and paper type, but any kind of computer adaptation of the system.
I mean, it was designed as a pen and paper game. Using rounds, or turns, as a way of meassuring time, statistics for characters attributes and abilities and similiar stuff, was put there because there was no other way of making a pen and paper game work.
If you make a computer game you can throw half the statistics away, and put the other half "behind the curtain", so you can actually enjoy the game without seeing a virtual die beeing thrown every time you try to slash someone (a'la morrowind)."

Ah, sweet justice. I was beginning to think I was the only one who felt this way.

Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2005, 05:04:57 pm »

It's getting where the only place one can meet decent Role Players is in persistent worlds played on Never Winter Nights build. 
If you don't like to role play a semi evil worshipper to Malar the God of the Wild Hunt then play those other on-line games.
But if you care to role-play you have to use the game engine that is popular and where the other good roleplayers can be found.   
Roleplaying is not only about gaining levels and power and stuff... role playing is... amature acting.

It's like Fantasy Sims game but the individuals are run by people not a CPU...

Am I getting through?
Ivan Ivanov
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Re: Any Dungeons and Dragons fans?
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2005, 07:22:31 pm »

It's getting where the only place one can meet decent Role Players is in persistent worlds played on Never Winter Nights build. 
If you don't like to role play a semi evil worshipper to Malar the God of the Wild Hunt then play those other on-line games.
But if you care to role-play you have to use the game engine that is popular and where the other good roleplayers can be found.

I don't care to roleplay, at least on the internet , because there is no such thing as a good role player.
Seriously, it is hard enough to have a small group of people pay attention during a pen and paper session (and keep in mind that during such games you have the advantage of smacking a defiant player, that's making fun of everything, with the GM's manual), how do you hope to keep some order in a situation where no one has direct contact with anyone, and people don't know each other either?

Roleplaying is not only about gaining levels and power and stuff...

I know that.
For me, roleplaying is about hearing a good story, set in a world that doesn't look like it was designed to tell this single solitary story, and just fall apart when it's finished.
Finally roleplaying is about having a decisive influence on the development of the main character, and a reasonable amount of influence on the world through your character's actions.

role playing is... amature acting.

It's like Fantasy Sims game but the individuals are run by people not a CPU...

Well, that's why I stay away from on-line RPG's. I'd rather have the roles played out by professional actors, thank you very much.

Am I getting through?

« Last Edit: October 18, 2005, 07:39:13 pm by Ivan Ivanov » Logged

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