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Author Topic: Super Melee (possibly in-game too) - Vux battles  (Read 3341 times)

Super Melee (possibly in-game too) - Vux battles
« on: December 13, 2002, 06:33:53 am »

In Super Melee (can't remember if it's ingame too), fights with Vux ALWAYS start close-range.  Usually the Vux ship is able to  get the drop on the situation and blast its entire battery of laser at you.  It works the other way, also, if you use a vux ship.  I thought it was random where you start on the battlefield, so I don't know why the Vux ships cause both ships to spawn so closely to each other.

Re: Super Melee (possibly in-game too) - Vux battl
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2002, 12:06:04 pm »

That's not a bug, it's a feature, and has been one since the original Star Control.  It was even in the manual for the game <>:

The Intruders are capable of appearing in Truespace adjacent to any enemy vessel; the crews' navigational abilities make the sneak attack a favorite tactic of these bipedal nasties.

Re: Super Melee (possibly in-game too) - Vux battl
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2002, 01:05:59 pm »

Thanks, and for the record, I am an idiot.
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Re: Super Melee (possibly in-game too) - Vux battl
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2002, 01:07:06 pm »

Actually I've noticed that in the game that the Vux ships don't appear right next to you. Maybe that really is a bug.

I'll test to see if the same thing happens in the DOS version.
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Re: Super Melee (possibly in-game too) - Vux battl
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2002, 01:12:36 pm »

Vux don't appear next to you in the PC DOS SC2 full game either. Odd
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Re: Super Melee (possibly in-game too) - Vux battl
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2002, 10:28:08 pm »

The Vux ships do (usually) start next to you in the PC version of SC2 also, I can vouch for this.    An example would be, when fighting a fleet of Vux ships..   After you have destroyed the a Vux ship, the next replacement is likely to warp in to battle on top of you.   If the Vux ship destroys you however, your next ship will warp in at a random (I guess its random) spot and the Vux ship will be floating wherever it was when it destroyed your last ship.  

When you destroy that Vux ship, odds are the next Vux to arrive will again warp in on top of you.  They don't do this 100% of the time, but they do it often enough to where I would eventually have to return to starbase for crew.  (In    the PC SC2 I used to destroy Vux ships with a fleet of Spathi to farm resources, when they warp in on top of you,  they are sometimes able to nail you for a second with their laser.)

I would like to say however, that I haven't really noticed the Vux ships warping in on top of me in UQM.  Maybe once or twice, but it doesn't seem to happen nearly as often as in the PC SC2.
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Re: Super Melee (possibly in-game too) - Vux battl
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2002, 10:51:50 pm »

I too noticed that the VUX didn't drop right on top of me.

I only fought one contingent of VUX ships before high-tailing it out of there, so I dismissed it as a one-time thing...

but apparently it isn't.  I was able to beat 3 Intruders in a row with one Cruiser, because they never started anywhere near me...

Oh God, please don't let me die today!  Tomorrow would be SO much better!
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