for sharkus i have tried your port and i can say that this is a great game for the PSP fomat,though i have never heard of or played this game befor it works realy well for this system because it is easy to look at on a small screen like the psp and there is no button bashing needed BUT...i found a bug , a real nasty one too i am using a psp fat running 5.00 m33 4 CF when ever i enter the atmophere of an inhabitted "PLANET" no matter what planet or inhabittants (save for the UR-QUAN base on your EARTHS MOON) the game gives the option of converse or fight. no matter what i chose, the psp freezes then shuts down for example the ZOG-FOT-PIK home world and ORZ playground and well,ambush planets.....other planets and worlds no problems,hyperspace encounters no problems i have yet to succesfully visit another races world to accuire allies thereby leaving my human captain alone in this univers and his strugle against the ur-quan to be honnest i have choke emulators and a gagle of roms and ports galore but out of all this is the one game i can think of that realy makes sence for the psp and i would realy like to play it further but cannot
p.s for any one annoyed by this post.......BLOW ME! i don't care if bug reports go here or not. i've done my testing and thats what i found peace out bitches
Zebranky food

Posts: 15
Sounds like an out of memory problem. UQM isn't all that friendly to the PSP when it comes to allocating and freeing memory. I'll take a look when I have a chance.
thank you sorry about the "bitches" i had low blood sugar at 4 a.m. it took too many hours just to find a place to report this bug ,any other ports need testing i'd be happy to help
peace out man!
yeah NO!!! not interested my only intention was to point out an unseen flaw in someones hard work and to get one messege to one guy and im not joing 20 forums to do so! reporting a bug should not be this much trouble it took way to long to find some place to report this thing last night and just when i was about to give up i stumble upon this place.wich i did not want to join i might add but had to just to make a post.a post not as incriminating as others ! so befor i unsubscribe here i'm going to look for this said "bug database" if its an easy thing to find i'll eat crow,however if it starts to look like more hassle then the P.S. is for you.
my appologies for attempting to help
p.s for any one annoyed by this post.......BLOW ME! i don't care if bug reports go here or not. i've done my testing and thats what i found deal with it bitches !
yeah... ooh... no.. looks like.. oh.... YOU SUCK!! no crow for me you still suck and as usual blow me! im out
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 12:42:36 pm by lostlinfoot »
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
just made a custom icon & BG for the eboot and thought I would share..enjoy!!

Posts: 580

Bug Arne to finish this..
Blood sugar's a bit low today? Eat... crow? lostlinfoot kind of owned, you guys.