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Topic: serenity (Read 3393 times)
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Posts: 200

« on: October 22, 2005, 09:23:31 pm » |
serenity is now out in almost all countries, what do you all think of it?
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to make this topic.
I've never seen it, but here in Utah I heard it was sold out when it was first released and that some people couldn't get in to see it. I got told that it was an awesome movie.
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
I liked it.
Some people say you should watch the Series Firefly first.
But I saw the movie then the series and now I want to watch the movie again because I watched the series.
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Posts: 200

I liked it, not much char dev so it's good to watch a few firefly epps.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Yeah, I was really confused by the seemingly explanationless character changes.
Even assuming those made sense if you knew the characters, there were a bunch of weirdities which damaged SoD for me ( Spoilers hidden)
Principally, the scene with the Reavers chasing and then battling... there were so many holes in that, it's boggling.
Secondly, why would she whisper 'Miranda' when triggered in the bar?
Thirdly, it takes discipline and patience to run and especially repair and manufacture spaceships. How could the Reavers still have functioning spacecraft after all this time?
« Last Edit: October 28, 2005, 07:22:07 pm by Death 999 »
Serenity rocked my world, but I'm not sure what I'd make of it if I hadn't just watched the series ~ 2 1/2 times on DVD. I'm pretty sure that Wheedon made it to finish out the series and answer the open questions, since Firefly was pulled after a single season and peoples were palpitating for more!! Regarding a previous spoiler -- hopefully not spoiling -- the Reavers can maintain ships 'cause they are really bent on inflicting pain, and have discipline so far as that is concerned. They still have reason and whatnot, they're just really mean!
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109

Yeah, I was really confused by the seemingly explanationless character changes.
Even assuming those made sense if you knew the characters, there were a bunch of weirdities which damaged SoD for me ( Spoilers hidden)
Principally, the scene with the Reavers chasing and then battling... there were so many holes in that, it's boggling.
Secondly, why would she whisper 'Miranda' when triggered in the bar?
Thirdly, it takes discipline and patience to run and especially repair and manufacture spaceships. How could the Reavers still have functioning spacecraft after all this time?
I'm not sure what 'weirdities' you are talking about. The only obvious one that lept out at me was the intro sequence in which Simon Tam gets alot more explanation into the work being done on River than was evident in the series. As far as any other discrepencies I'm not sure what else there was that couldn't potentially be explained by the six month gap between the series and the movie. It is also worth noting that there are inconsistencies within the series itself because of the different people involved. Mal in the pilot is a fair bit darker than the Mal in the rest of the series due to the demands of the FOX execs that they lighten him up. Wash was usually 'in the zone' when doing any tricky maneuvers, but in 'The Message' he instead spazzes out while trying to lose the Feds in the canyon. That time it was simply the actor wanting to play it that way for a change (because lets face it, Wash is alot more fun when he isn't 'in the zone' ).
As for your particular points:
1) Which holes are you referring to? The only one that lept out to me was the fact that Feds put together a small fleet just to capture/kill Serenity. Even this only bugs me slightly, as you could argue that (A) this target is ridiculously important since they intend to do something that could seriously damage the government, and (B) the Serenity had only a few scenes before eluded capture and thus could have warrented the addition of other vessels in the operation to 'net' the quarry.
2) Why not? Maybe some part of her psyche has put together why it is so important that they get her back? I could see her mind making a connection between the order to 'attack' as a way of tracking her down, and then make the connection of *why* they want her back. I admit, I first thought 'why?' the first time I saw it in the theater but I don't think it is that unreasonable.
3) I'm with Edgewood on this one. There doesn't necessarily have to be an association of the extreme aggression to being unable to reason. I feel like you might be falling into the trap here of assuming anything not on camera simply didn't happen, both on this point and others. The fact is we *only* see Reavers when they are making a raid, both in the show and in the movie.
Death 999
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Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Re: serenity
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2005, 07:15:09 pm » |
Holes in the scene I complained about earlier:
1: The reavers' ships are all the same speed as each other and as Serenity (or else they wouldn't still be clustered together at the end) 2: Though Serenity managed to stay ahead all the way they chased it, somehow it ended up facing a collision of heavy ships during the melee. While not under fire from the feds. 3: not one fed ship was assigned to intercept Serenity. 4: Nebulas aren't that dense (standard SF brainbug, though...)
I haven't seen the series, so I'm lacking some information, but these seem odd.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2005, 07:17:56 pm by Death 999 »
Posts: 580

Re: serenity
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2005, 09:25:23 pm » |
I'm watching Firefly now, until I'll go watch it in cinema... It's been out just for a little while, though.... Got to watch the series before the movie, I think...
Posts: 580

Re: serenity
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2005, 07:12:14 pm » |
Whoa... It's great.
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