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Author Topic: any mod to stop time yet?  (Read 2716 times)

any mod to stop time yet?
« on: November 24, 2005, 06:49:01 pm »

first off, let me say i am so friggin happy someone ported this game. i've missed this so much since my 3DO broke many years ago.
secondly, the only thing that bothered me in the 3DO version was the time limit. yea yea, everyone says you can beat it in much less time, but just knowing there's a time limit kills the fun for me. maybe i won't mine the crap out of every planet, but i'd like the option to.

i saw that someone made a mod to slow down time, but is there one to completely kill time? or, slow it down to a point where time becomes irrelevant.
is there a way to stop the death march?

thanks all
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Re: any mod to stop time yet?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2005, 07:26:25 pm »

I'm sure there are mods that extend the game I think.. while other mods "replace SC3", carrying on the legacy without evil Accolade (becuase SC3 was "wazzy"). Try a forum search..

About the Kohr-Ah Death March, there is a way to delay it, but you cannot ultimatley stop it with time alone. It is your destiny to stop the Ur-Quan. Lots of alien races give you hints/tips, and Hayes points you on the right direction when you start the game. Ask him loads of questions about the Old Aliance races, notably the Chenjesu and Mmrnmhrm, and ask him "How do I stop the Ur-Quan?".
« Last Edit: November 24, 2005, 07:28:47 pm by Elerium » Logged
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Re: any mod to stop time yet?
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2005, 05:14:48 am »

I've only slowed the time down to what seems reasonable.

If you were to completely stop the time then you wouldn't be able to beat the game (or would you), because i remember some of the important missions are time based...

and the most important one i can think of is getting the sun device, and if you were to stop time then you would never get the portal spawner.

theres a bunch of other things that i'm sure of that can be affected by the complete stopping of time, but maybe if the guys who look at the source code all day could tell me if it's possible to actually stop the Kohr-Ah death march by doing something in the source code?

that would be something I would make a mod for.

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Re: any mod to stop time yet?
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2005, 09:40:26 am »

I think you can still beat the game with stopped time, since the portal
spawner isn't a requirement. However, adding a hundred years to
your game should be more than enough to play the game to

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Re: any mod to stop time yet?
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2005, 12:58:08 pm »

ok how about this? you could use a modded exe that stops time, and you can do anything you want in the game. then, if / when you need to advance time, you  could replace the modded exe with the original one. think that would work?

or failing that...
kohr-ah death, didn't i read that your slow-time mod affected the earthing cruiser and possibly other things? also, how slow does it make time move?

thanks again guys!
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Re: any mod to stop time yet?
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2005, 02:10:50 pm »

I think you can still beat the game with stopped time, since the portal
spawner isn't a requirement.
Yes, but some side-plots will not work (AFAIK have the shofixti a time delay until they re-appear at the starbase).
Syreen-Mycon: isn't there a time delay as well?

There are several time triggered events (as the probes returning /spawning and the already mentioned natural IDF portal).

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Re: any mod to stop time yet?
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2005, 06:14:45 pm »


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