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Topic: Army men (Read 4585 times)
Army men
« on: November 07, 2005, 09:42:18 pm » |
Hi its me Nathan again.So who here has played the classic Army Men games. Im not talkin bout the crappy sarges heroes ones either.Im talking about Army Men,Army Men 2,and Army Men Toys In Space.Anybody think of making a fan game of it?Or a Strategy game?Ok im just dreamin when i say mmog.But thatd be cool.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
Re: Army men
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2005, 11:34:34 am » |
I didn't really like the Army Men games very much..
Re: Army men
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2005, 05:04:59 am » |
the only problems with army men ive had is that they listened to the complainers who didnt know jack u know the people who said they need better graphics and stuff. well i liked how they were proggressing adding new things every time. Then Sarges heroes came out god it sucked they changed the feeling of it being a toy soldier game, to a war game. It didnt feel like toys any more and dont get me started on how hideous they made Sarge. Too add salt to the wound look what they did with the rts. When it came out i was so happy. My favorite top down game into a rts. (when i was real lil and looked at the back of the box wantin the game. I thought it was rts game.Thats how i got alot of ideas,but thats another story)But they changed the graphics completely(hated those laser bolt looking things that came outa the guns.I liked the lead looking bullets from army men originals 1,2,3),Brung in Sarges heroes.Point is they started good then screwed up royally .
Crazy Chris
Re: Army men
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2005, 01:58:36 am » |
I wonder if they'll make a better kinda game that doesnt suck for the PC and X360, it'd look cool and probably with all their army men games would have nice plot. Maybe if they made Army Men: toys in space in 3D or something like that , well maybe even a 1st personarmy men shooter!!!
Posts: 1044

Re: Army men
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2005, 08:39:11 pm » |
I would love to see TA2. Unfortunately, Cavedog went out of business years ago, so unless someone really wants the rights to a title that's been dead for ages, I don't think it'll ever happen.
Posts: 1044

Re: Army men
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2005, 11:38:15 pm » |
In all honesty, I haven't played in ages. I should really pick the game up again sometime.
Still, the game was certainly unique in many respects. Unfortunately, I've never seen an RTS game lend itself to standoffs and stalemates quite like this one before; the infinite supplies of resources simply means that all players will tend to buiild up "invincible armadas" and "Impenetrable fortresses" rather quickly and easily. I have played against AIs in skirmish games for 3+ hours before I was finally able to make a reasonable dent in their forces that I could exploit for a win... And that's only because the AI is a bit stupid about how it distributes its rebuilding efforts after an attack. I can't imagine what this would be like against a human player; I imagine it could go on for weeks without a resolution.
Mind you, this all backs up the plot they put forward for the game, what with it being a galactic war that has lasted millennia with no clear victors. It also does nothing to express the sort of joy I get from waltzing my Commander into an enemy base and capturing every building and unit in sight.
Re: Army men
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2006, 09:41:04 am » |
Well first off, its a deadlink kohr ah.
Second, good news guys a designer of TA "chris taylor" is making a spirited sequel. Meaning the guy missed TA so he decided to make a game like it. Im not talkin bout a free remake.Im talking about a full blown $50 game ure gonna see in wal-mart. The games name is Supreme Commander. the guy loves big vehicles no i am not gonna make that over used joke. Im just saying wow these are huge. A battleship that doesnt fit on the screen?!!!
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