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Topic: violent computer games (Read 20258 times)
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
I’ve been thinking about computer games and the criminal action that are committed in them. Though I don’t blame violent computer games as the sole reason for violence in children it is certainly a factor. Children are highly suggestible (monkey see monkey do) when they see a action performed by a person (virtual or otherwise) they automatically assume it’s an acceptable action unless informed otherwise. The problem in the 2 sides of this argument is that one side wants to eliminate computer games all together as a result, while the other side wants more and more detailed Gore. I have a compromise that both sides will hate, which I’m told is a sign of a good compromise.
The basic idea is to inform them that criminal actions are a bad thing. The rough design of the law is as such:
In a computer games if a character performs an action that would be illegal in real life the player must be informed that the action would be illegal in real life. The message would pop up stating the name of the crime the average sentence for the crime and other thing to drive the fact home. The game must also verify that the player understand the statement before game play can resume.
The idea is that the sudden interruption of game play would drive home that there are real consequences to action in real life.
Of course there has to be some kind of limit on what laws it tells you about.
A few examples would be stupid are: In a driving game you drive on double yellow lines “warning you have driven on double yellow lines this illegal, possible punitive measures that would result in real life are a fine and suspension of drivers license”
Another is in a RPG you kill a dear. “warning you have killed a dear without a license and out of hunting season this illegal, possible punitive measures that would result in real life are fines.
Good examples are like: “Warning you have just committed murder in cold blood, this is illegal, possible punitive measures that would result in real life are execution, life in prison, prison time, and so on. Also the person you killed would never come back."
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Wouldn't it be a lot simpler (not to mention more realistic and more fitting to gameplay) to depict the effects ingame? Kill someone in the game, cops start chasing you around, catch you, court decides you should be locked up for life. Game over. The Grand Theft Auto series does this, although it is watered down by having the cops let you go after some money changes hands (and the police's odd lack of tenacity in tracking down criminals).
Besides, what's wrong with the traditional idea of keeping impressionable young kids away from violent games in the first place?
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
This is crazy, what happens when you're playing a game in another universe/time?
"Warning, if this was in real life, on earth of the sol system, in the united states, in the present, you could be charged with murder for extracting someone's soul (and thus subsequently killing them) using a soul sucker (or any similar device), assuming that such a thing was possible, and it could be proven in the court of law."
"Warning, you have shot a Tyranosaurus Rex, which in this game numbers in the hundreds, and thus have killed an endangered species. If this was in real life (and Tyranosaurs were endangered, not extict) you could suffer serious legal penalties."
"Warning, you have just hijacked a tank and are driving it on a city street. Not only is it illegal for civilians to hijack or drive military property on government roadways, but your character was seen drinking heavily in a previous cut-scene and you are now considered driving under the influence, which would have serious consequences in reality. By the way, while you were reading this message, the villian you were fighting killed you and used a nuclear device to completely level the city who's laws you just broke."
Uh I disagree.
All games violent should be supervised by parents and should be taught to be wrong by thier parents.Either that or the parent should not allow thier child to play the game.Its not the games fault that the parents dont teach thier kids right from wrong.
Heck i wasnt allowed to watch Batman till i was 12 (and this was the animated series).Even with my parents constantly talkin to me about that stuff.
Thiers a reason GOD gave us parents.Parents were put here to teach us.I dont even believe in much use of Public schools.I understand that some parents need to send thier kids to school cause they cant teach.Example:A single parent needs to go to work,so they cant teach thier kid full time.But they should still talk to thier kids when they both home, bout what the kid learned.
Oh and i talk so strongly about parent involvement cause im Home Schooled.
Ivan Ivanov
*Smell* controller
Posts: 296

Internet Piracy
Thiers a reason GOD gave us parents... Urgh... Kindly keep your god out of this, if you will. But overall I agree. If a kid can't tell right from wrong, no amount of silly warnings will help. If a kid can tell right from wrong, he doesn't need those silly warnings in the first place, does he? Where the hell do people get the idea, that it's the job of game developers, movie directors and other artists to look after YOUR children? If you don't have enough time to explain such basic things, then you shouldn't have children, it's as simple as that.
I agree with Novus, the only reasonable thing to do this, is to have in game actions have in game consequences. Much more fun, much more realistic. Not to mention, your idea, BioSlayer, would promote violence via frustration. If I had to read a warning everytime I did someting wrong in a game, I'd become so frustrated after few hours of playing that I'd murder every single solitary developer that had anything to do with implementing this "feature".
Your bruises are reminders of naivete and trust
In a computer games if a character performs an action that would be illegal in real life the player must be informed that the action would be illegal in real life. The message would pop up stating the name of the crime the average sentence for the crime and other thing to drive the fact home. The game must also verify that the player understand the statement before game play can resume.
The idea is that the sudden interruption of game play would drive home that there are real consequences to action in real life.
GTA would be quite impossible to play then. And as D_S pointed out, playing sci-fi such as Star Control would give some freaky warnings.
Only... the fact is that lots of parents who shouldn't have kids do have kids. True, but that's the way it's always been. Unfit parents have been blaming society for a long time now. Rock&Roll, moving pictures, take your pick. In an ideal world, potential parents would have to take a test before getting a child. But banning violence on TV, or in videogames, or in lyrics isn't going to help children with unfit parents. They'll always find some outlet for their frustration.
What I meant was to say was, if that outlet isn't there they'll find something else. And that something might not be quite so harmless.
As for inspiration, I don't know. mankind has been pretty good at committing violent atocities so far through history, ith our without much inspiration or encouragement. The problem is, as you yourself stated earlier, that there are a lot of unfit parents out there. If we fix that problem, all the other ones will go away
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 142
If you watched the G4 special on violence in video games, there was one guy that mentioned that as the sale of violent games increased, the number of violent crimes decreased nationwide. If what he says is true, then this data goes against the claim that violent games makes kids more violent.
Ok ivan ure right i try not to shove my faith down people's throats,i'd just make thier hearts harder for when a man whoes stronger in the bible comes,im still learnin my Bible.
I was thinking more along the lines that the person would be informed the first and/or the second time the action was commited, but after that it would be like the "dont ask me this again" dialogs. And that only the more serious crimes would required this dialog box. I gave the example of dear hunting and driving on double yellow lines as dialogs that should not be implimented.
This still leaves out any unrealistic games, such as SC2. Unless you want TIE Fighter to pause and tell you that in real life killing freedom fighters for an oppressive regime is a crime.
God gave moses the ten commandments (twice) so we can know what is right and what is wrong. Which from my point of view makes me think God thinks we need to be told what is right and what is wrong.
True, but none of those included "Thou shalt not play violent games". Are we to take it that God approves of violent games then?
Ok ivan ure right i try not to shove my faith down people's throats,i'd just make thier hearts harder for when a man whoes stronger in the bible comes,im still learnin my Bible I'm not sure saying "That's why god gave us parents" is actually shoving your faith down someones throat. We don't even know which faith you belong to.
Good point buy hey he brung it up so im just trying to stay outa discussion of it.Ive been in too many forums where my faith got me in trouble and ive only gotten other people cold hearted about GOD.Cause im only 14 and i dont know all of my Bible yet.Ive only started to really study it just last year,Before 13 i was a fool .
So for now while i study,I try to keep outa confrontation.But i will not hesitate to defend my faith.Oh and im protestant.If u want more specific i'm mostly pentacostal.But i dont follow religion rules.Only rules i follow is from my Bible and whatever people it says i should obey.Example:honor thy father and mother.So i obey thier rules too
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