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Topic: violent computer games (Read 20251 times)
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Nah, it isn't video games-- he's probably just getting into the spirit of the season.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

Get Down!
oops my bad for mt. st helens, and yes i play the most violent games ever.
i hate hilary clinton because she is one of the most worst censorship democrats ever, i expected the kind of censorship she wants form the republicans but not her.
Happy Kwanza day.
Celebrate your african culture
Umm no.The But is not a negative in this case.Its sekecting the israelites.So its more like it means "just".Heres proof look at why Jesus sais this here ill say it for u.But go ahead and check ure Bibles to see if im tellin the truth. No, it's a negative.
NIV: 24He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."
Ok now about what the current sterilization question. Well I say if ure so worried about over population. Then just make fornication and adultery illegal.That will lower baby count by about %25 (And thats the low estimate). And it will drastically slow if not completely STOP the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.And punishment can be 5 years and sterilization. Insane. Please try to be more practical.
Violation of personal rights. There is already precedent that this is unconstitutional... In Texas they had outlawed gay sex in a person's private home, and it was repealed. And obviously, having sex in public places is illegal anyway.
Besides, states make laws about marriage etc which I ASSUME means that they make the laws about adultery, so even if it was possible to outlaw it, it would be virtually impossible to get all states to outlaw it.
Sterilization is not a temporary thing. You can't sterilize somebody for an arbitrary amount of time. With use of drugs, this would be possible, but would be insanely expensive. Even the idea of punishing people by forcing them to undergo surgery and be that way for 5 years is pretty extreme.
The Biblical God is not, actually, omniscient and omnipresent. This is well demonstrated in Genesis during God's questioning of Adam in, I believe, chapter three. The questioning is more of a formality, it seems. Also, it appears that God might be giving Adam the chance to sort things out by talking; free will might also play a factor in that God does not always act upon his omniscience and gives people a choice. Anyway, I haven't really studied the matter at all, but this is in no way a simple proof that God is not omniscient and omnipresent. Quite a lot of the beginning of Genesis seems to be symbolic regardless.
Parents were put here to teach us.I dont even believe in much use of Public schools umm, wtf? Where did you get that from the Bible? Getting trained workers and updated information in textbooks is bad? Without public schools, and children learning from their father, you get people stuck in the family trade. Without real education this kid is going to be stuck a janitor the rest of his life, and his children after him unless he marries a well educated woman to bring them up. You get old wives tales, like, oh I don't know, having sex standing up makes a woman less likely to get pregnant (because sperm would mostly flow out) while in reality the sperm can swim up anyway.
Are you in support of ignorance and regression of advances in science? If otherwise, I strongly suggest you revise your opinion.
But they should still talk to thier kids when they both home, bout what the kid learned. Of course. Parents should be involved with their kids' lives.
Oh and i talk so strongly about parent involvement cause im Home Schooled. Besides the fact that your parents do not know nearly all of the subjects taught in school (advanced calculus? trig? world/american history? economics? phsyics? chemistry? biology?) and that just because they're your parents doesn't mean they're good teachers, public schools are still good for kids. Being homeschooled can often isolate children; yes, they might play with neighbors, but some are never able to. Being exposed to society helps children learn necessary skills for dealing with people and make oneself be more likable. After all, parents can't shelter children forever, as eventually they'll die. Or, more likely, the kid goes to college and gets a job.
Yeah, I know that many homeschooled parents know what they're doing and those kids can turn out to be much better than others. In many public schools, bullying is a problem too, so there's no ideal. But in my opinion, home schooling < public schools. I mean, come on.
I think I'm just rambling. yeah.
And this thread is several weeks old, but I just had to respond (especially cos I have nothing to do right now). And since this forum is half dead, it was still on the front page, so nobody can accuse me of bumping.
Oh. I don't really know anything about it, so thanks for clearing that up.
Still seems a little invasive to force surgery upon someone for one drunk, lustful night.
Posts: 1044

I was always under the impression that sterilization reversal after those procedures was pretty much "do your best to repair the damage, and hope the body can take care of regrowing the rest." In other words, not terribly effective most of the time, which in essence, made them irreversible.
Suffice to say though, I'm not on the up and up about the latest in surgical sterilization procedures. Have I got outdated info?
Posts: 917

Good Grief
First, let me clear something up. My parents had a lot of wild, drunken nights before they managed to have me. Kidding...kidding.
For the most part, steriziling someone these days is reversable. There are the odd cases where the tissue doesn't grow back properly, but this is usually in older people. The general rule of thumb, for men anyway, is if you want a reversal, do it in the first five years or so. After nine or ten, it's less likely to work.
Now, that's info from a few years ago, improvements to the process (and the reversal) are happening all the time.
There are other ways too, if, for some reason, the reversal doesn't work. Transfering eggs or sperm via surgory is also an option.
What sound does a penguin make?
Posts: 1044

A *very* expensive option. IVF and similar procedures will run into the tens of thousands of dollars.
Regardless, I guess my info is pretty badly out of date.
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