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Author Topic: The Warlok Files  (Read 3516 times)
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The Warlok Files
« on: February 12, 2005, 11:07:36 am »

Some time ago I managed to get my hands on a bundle of files the detailed what Star Control 3 should have looked like. Basically it was a compendium of ideas and sketches from the creative consultant of SC3 (whom ironically was never consulted for an ounce of the creative ideas behind the SC3 that wound up getting made).

Anyway, that was some time ago now, and intervening formats, motherboard blowouts, hard drive crashes and general bad luck has lead to me losing these files. They're an important resource even if only for inspiration.

Which brings me to my main problem. Actually locating the files is an incredible pain. Google searches turn up nothing, searches on both forums turn up vague references. Hell, the only clear cut phrase on where to get these files was "Go to the timewarp site" and the date on the post was before timewarp splintered into three seperate projects.

In any case, if anyone knows where I can obtain the Warlok files (apart from some vague comment, please) it would very much appreciated that this information be shared for the good of all if not to sate my needs to scrutinise the work in further detail.

Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance if you can help me.
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Re: The Warlok Files
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2005, 10:42:31 am »

It's also come to my attention that Yukki's site is also down. This is important because it held ideas that werent included in SC1 and 2 as well as images of ships that never made it into either game, not to mention miscellaneous behind the scenes facts (such as the rainbow worlds leading to an easter egg that never made it in, as well as a host of other things.

I think it's sad that we're losing important resources like this. Not even has the site backed up. We've essentially lost important concepts and ideas that helped to create the games that we know and love.

It's also a shame that nobody appears to know where these files can now be located since their primary sources have been lost to us. We're losing an important source of information about Star Control, even if the concepts never made it into the game they are nonetheless important, as even the debris of rejected ideas from a project might be sifted to find that small amount of gold that was missed on the first pass...
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Re: The Warlok Files
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2005, 10:11:58 am »

You can try Google's cache:

Search for it and click on the word "cached" instead of the main link.

(note that links won't go to the cache so you'll have to keep going back to google...)
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Re: The Warlok Files
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2005, 08:24:04 pm »

I've already done that, Google cache doesnt store images and that is ultimately what I need to access.
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Re: The Warlok Files
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2005, 07:24:12 am »

If you know the URL, try the Internet Archive WayBack Machine for a historical copy of the page (sometimes it has images too, sort of luck of the draw I've found). Evidently, Yukki's site is not archived here, but you may be able to locate another site.

It works well in conjunction with google- use google to locate pages (or where pages used to be) and use the wayback machine to retrieve an archived copy.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2005, 07:25:21 am by Halleck » Logged

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Re: The Warlok Files
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2005, 02:41:12 am »

My apologies for the thread necromancy, but I bring good tidings. In my travels through the Wayback Machine, I have located the Magic Box! Most of the files seem to be preserved (if you look at multiple versions of the site, that is).

Sadly, I have not been able to locate the Warlok files in the same manner. Fortunately after some research (and the realization that it's spelled Warlok without a c) I discovered that I have a backup of these very files, in the same state as I had first found them. I now present them to all of you.
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Re: The Warlok Files
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2005, 05:24:41 pm »

Nice to finally get these, thanks!

Now... some reactions:

Vod and Denrod are total wankage. SOO lame.
Even the comparatively mortal and limited Surbeddan are utopian to the wankage level.

Too many utopias in general.

And of course the Sshhaa. And as for their history... they have been at peace for over 6.5 trillion years? Umm... well, that's 400 times the age of the universe. Are they also time-travellers? Could be, what with the time travel plot. But more likely, the resources they can access are so plentiful that they have never had cause to compete ever since they figured out how to travel. That isn't cultural/social advancement. I'd like to see them when they have saturated the stars.
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