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Author Topic: Combat a bit too easy?  (Read 3324 times)

Combat a bit too easy?
« on: November 14, 2005, 11:13:33 am »

Ive been playing UQM a few days now, and i must say its a great game. I played SC1 when it came out (about 15 years ago now) and SC3, but missed SC2 for some reason.

One thing I have noticed, is once you have a few weapons on the flagship, it seems really easy to kill legions of enemy ships without taking much damage. Kzer-Za dreadnoughts can be killed without even being hit, and against Kohr-Ar marauders I occasionally take a hit or two. Ive got two fusion cannons up front (for forward and spread fire) and the flagship seems able to carve though enemy after enemy.

Does anyone else find this? Are there certain enemy ships that the flagship isnt the best to use against? Ive got a few other ships in my fleet, but find no reason to use them, when the flagship kills everything so easily.

Re: Combat a bit too easy?
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2005, 02:54:18 pm »

There are a lot of things about games that you can change up yourself in order to change the nature of the game.  SC2/UQM happens to be one of them with respect to the flagship.  That's why people talk about playing different ways, because it changes the game and how it needs to be won.  In fact, I've taken to calling my battle config "Death Star" for that very reason - I can blow away just about anything in the game in about half a second without thinking.  Point in the general direction of the enemy ship, hold down fire button, hear victory ditty.

If you have the flagship mastered it sounds like you need to try using it more as a support ship and get good at combat with the regular ships (which IS a challenge if you aren't practiced).

Re: Combat a bit too easy?
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2005, 04:21:56 pm »

the regular ships are a lot more of a challenge to use.

I guess my gripe with the game, is that the regular ships are almost 'obsolete' compared to the flag ship. Basically, there seems to be so little use to use them, when the flag ship kills everything so easily. I kind of feel it takes some of the fun out of the game.

In SC3, the precursor vessel was quite powerful, but not ALL-powerful. I would use it in some fights, but in certain battles it would be wiser to use a regular ship. BUt I found in SC2, the flagship can handle all situations perfectly.

Are there any battles where the flag ship is not the best ship to use?
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Re: Combat a bit too easy?
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2005, 05:22:01 pm »

Are there any battles where the flag ship is not the best ship to use?
You'll find that using the flagship in some of the final battles is not a good idea.

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Re: Combat a bit too easy?
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2005, 05:28:17 pm »

Well, I first have to admit I'm more of a Fwiffo freak. (I guess this is part of the fun behind Spathi, their ships are killing machines (even though it takes some time), yet their cowardice prevents them from taking over the galaxy.)

Now the Flagship, the two battles I can think of right now would be:

Sa-Matra: Even with fully upgraded engines, it seems to be too slow and unmanoeuvrable to outrun all those balls of death and destruction. Oh yeah, when you run into the Sa-Matra, the flagship isn't the killing machine it used to be (ok, it still is, but in a different way with a lot more BOOOOOMMM!!!!! potential. Cheesy And you don't get your money back if the *upgrades* aren't what you would have liked.)

Chmmr: Ok, I never visited their space, but I can see one big problem, even with a pre-crystalprecursorbomb flagship. Zapsats. I don't know if they can stop the more powerfull shots the flagship can dish out, but if they can, taking it down will be a pain. But you can probably overwelm those with enough guns, so it isn't impossible. As if that isn't enough, that meanie is equiped with a tractor beam that, I fear, will pull you in fast. Add a big laser and you'll see your health drop FAST. Then again, I never fought it, so I can't be sure.

Any other ships that are the flagship's worst nightmare?

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Re: Combat a bit too easy?
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2005, 06:29:57 pm »

Actually, I don't like using the flagship at all.

I never fight a Dreadnought or a Marauder with the flagship. Sometimes I tried; I won, but I lost 20-30 crew. I know that's not important because a good flagship usually has 200-300 crew, and crew is cheap; buy, if you use a Jugger, you lose 0 crew.

That's only an example. I always fight with regular ships: I have 12 different kinds as escorts, and I always know which one to send against each enemy. The highest number of crew I have lost is 5; but usually I dont lose any.

I only used the flagship in the final battle (when you have to place it inside the Sa-Matra), and I found it my hardest battle by far.
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Re: Combat a bit too easy?
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2005, 06:58:48 am »

I also prefer using the escorts only, it makes it more interesting.
When starting a new game it makes it easier to rely on the escorts when you don't have enough resourses to build up your flagship.
I Also think Pkunk Furys are great in the final battle since they can outrun the missles.
Being caught in a swarm of battles in hyperspace in Urquan territory, even the flagship can be overwelmed.
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Re: Combat a bit too easy?
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2005, 02:54:37 pm »

I don't think I've used the flag ship in combat at all after
the first time I played the game. Sure you can upgrade it
and make it a killing machine, but I like using the
fleet. I dunno, just seems more sporting, I guess.

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Re: Combat a bit too easy?
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2005, 12:53:12 am »

The Druuge are a pain with the flagship. You have an enormous target profile. That's about it.

As for the Chmmr... well, that would be interesting. Maybe I'll hack the game to make the fight possible.

Re: Combat a bit too easy?
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2005, 05:15:40 pm »

Any other ships that are the flagship's worst nightmare?

Considering only ones that are in the main game.
My thoughts:
1) The Ilwrath.  If you don't come to the system with a gun in the tail, you can lose a lot of crew trying to hit the ship while cloaked.
2) The Mycon.  You got to chase them down and avoid the plasma balls while you're chasing them down.  Not too hard though.
3) The ones I find very difficult are the Yehat and Utwig for their shielding capability.  But by the time you mess with the Yehat you should have some escort ships that can deal with them, and you shouldn't even be fighting the Utwig anyway.
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Re: Combat a bit too easy?
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2005, 05:27:17 pm »

If the VUX had their intrusion device, then the first ship of every combat group would do some damage.

Agreed, Mycon can be BAD NEWS unless you have high-powered spread shots so you can shoot down the plasmoids... but if you do they're just another bunch of buttered mushrooms.
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