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Topic: A sensitive subject... (Read 2280 times)
Zebranky food
Posts: 1
Are there umm...
any, you know...
are there any cheats for The Ur-Quan Masters? I really want to get into this game, but my pathetically weak starship and the sheer time and effort of gathering enough minerals to upgrade it is daunting. Really, I just want to find someway of jump-starting the beginning of the game.
Zebranky food
Posts: 10
Interesting question. I guess it's about what you want to get out of the game. Since I played it many years ago and had a great time back in the day, being about to play it again on my Linux laptop at work is not about game play so much as it is about stepping back in time a little and reliving the past. So for me it's a "geez! this is cool!" kinda thing. But that said, I too wanted to make the game play much faster.
I played it once and I was using a complete star map showing all homeworlds, the locations of all important items to be found including rainbow worlds. So I spent a lot of time (the first go-around) just playing around... seeing if I could do anything I never did before. It was fun and all, but I wasted so much time that the Kor-ah started their tour of wiping out all life in the area... and while I used that to my advantage by following them around and getting the objects that I no longer needed to trade, bargain or fight for, I still didn't make it to the Sa-Matra in time to win.
So my second go around was about building my ship up fast enough to be of use in my galavanting about rather than following the story line too closely. I still needed to pick things up here and there... do the trading and stuff like that, but really it was focused mainly on building the ship up, getting the utwig bomb, releasing the chenjesu/mrnhrmm and getting myself into range of the sa-matra.
So I'll tell you my way of cheating:
First thing I did was sell off anything I didn't need. Any extra ships were completely unnecessary to me. I sold that stuff off, made sure I updated my thrusters to the max (so that I has less chance of being caught in hyperspace) and went straight for the warp pod. As a resource, I visited as many rainbow worlds as was convenient. This allowed me to get fuel from the melnorme instead of buying it with collected resources. Before long, I had no choice but to collect some resources by mining planets, but by that time, I was able to safefy mine without much difficulty and was even more selective about what I was mining so I could get the maximum value for the space I allowed myself. The goal, again, was to build my ship into a stronger fighting vessel. With two of the most powerful weapons at the front, three shiva furnaces and two guidance systems, I had enough to destroy any single ship in two blasts. Battles were short and R.U. accumulated quickly... much more efficiently than through mining. In fact, at that point in the game, mining consisted of visiting Mycon space and just wiping out as many of those puff-balls as possible. I got really good at that. Finally, I sensed it was time to go ahead and take on the Ur-quan.
I then got the Taalo shield, picked up the froggie-guy (which, wasn't totally necessary...if you like to battle, then by all means, fight your way through to the Sa-matra. I did it once just for fun), freed the Chenjesu/Mrnhrmm who modified the bomb and ship. Finally, I made my ship battle-ready by adding a single crew-pod, some shiva furnace, tracking and two big blasters... not the BEST configuration I had ever had, but it would do. I did not include a fuel pod! I had just enough fuel to pop over to the sa-matra area, then called for help from the melnorme, got re-fueled and then finished my trek to the sa-matra. I also brought a whole fleet of the avatars with me ... the only time I fought using anything other than my original ship. I used those to kick the asses of anything that got in my way. Saved the game at different points so I could play it out in different ways and ultimately battled by way through everything to win.
I played the game to the bare necessities of completion with focus on building my ship up. Speed is first, turning is second. After collecting enough RU, I was able to blast anything away without much effort. Then quickly mop up the details of the game to end it.
Visiting rainbow worlds was my primary source of technological build-up... it was very important and so you can see why mobility at high speed was of such importance. Avoid battles until they are useful for collecting RU.
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