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Author Topic: Star Control 5  (Read 10568 times)
Dave Morse

Star Control 5
« on: December 15, 2002, 09:55:20 am »

I dreamed up the plot for Star Control 5 "The Pkunk Masters".

It seems that since the end of SC2 the Pkunk have been busy taking over the galaxy.  First it was the poor Yehat, enslaved under the iron panty-hose of their pseudo-mystical matriarchy.  Since then the VUX, Androsynth, Shofixti, Human, and Druudge have fallen under their sway.  Now its up to you, a lone wacky rhyming Thraddash, to save the galaxy from this (admittedly) wacky but (infuriatingly) non-rhyming death machine.

What, you say?  The Pkunk ships aren't good enough to make good bosses?   Just change the reincarnation probability to 99.9% and the world will ~tremble~ before them.
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Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2002, 10:13:08 pm »

The Pkunks are just too busy to be hugging, snuggling and being happy all the time and they dislike violence etc. so I find this idea extremely unfitting for the Pkunk.

If there would be a "The <race> Masters", it would be humans or Chmmr.

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Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2002, 11:55:25 pm »

StarCon 5: The Spathi Masters


I see the Druuge as a possible slaver race...They just need to deal with that recoil problem their ships are experiencing and maybe add some dynamo's so that you don't have to keep throwing crew in the oven.

Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2002, 05:25:43 am »

The Pkunks are just too busy to be hugging, snuggling and being happy all the time and they dislike violence etc. so I find this idea extremely unfitting for the Pkunk.

If there would be a "The <race> Masters", it would be humans or Chmmr.

Scanning for 'Sense of Humor'... .... No sign, captain.
Dave Morse

Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2002, 08:11:32 am »

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Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2002, 02:15:39 pm »

And they say I'M evil  Tongue

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Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2002, 04:51:34 pm »

And they say I'M evil  Tongue

You are, for referring to me as "they".   Wink

But really Fsi-Dib, how could you not read this post as anything other than a blatant joke?

Hey David Morse, as long as we'd be playing a Thraddash, do you think we could also introduce ourselves to others as the "Fat Obstreperous Jerks"?  (in rhyme of course)  Perhaps we buddy up with the last remaining Dill-rat.  Those two together in one ship ... referring to them as jerks would not be a problem for other races.  Of course the Dill-rat would always introduce himself as "I am the last of the Dill-rats ... dwe the warshippers of Dogar and Kazan ..."

And if they combined their tech to make one ship, you'd have a cloakable ship with fire coming out of both ends.

Their call to battle would be "Burn birdies burn!"

Now that's offensive.   Tongue

Joe Larson

Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2002, 10:27:20 pm »

Ha! The Pkunk being the conquors of the galaxy! That's funny! A rhyming thradash has to expose them. Funny! It could have taken a serious turn, but it's still funny!
How about the galaxy trying to tell him (our rapmaster thradash) he's paranoid, no one believing it. Then his suspicions get totally confermed. Somewhere there's these bad-assed pkunk running the whole show, even leading the other huggy fuzzy pkunk to ruin. Our our brave thradash piloting his highly modified "blue dart" joins with the black stripe spathi squadrin. They've long known about the evil pkunk. They equip MC Thradash with a weapon to pinpoint the problem and in a suicidal effort saves the galaxy, making some rhyming comment on the way out as he lights up a stogie. The universe is safe and they knew they were in danger.
See, humans or Chmmr taking over is to serious. Let some other series have the serious humans. Let's have a laugh, yawl!

Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2002, 11:50:07 pm »

They equip MC Thradash with a weapon to pinpoint the problem and in a suicidal effort saves the galaxy, making some rhyming comment on the way out as he lights up a stogie

If it has a "Parappa the Rapper" interface, I'm there.  Smiley

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Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2003, 04:41:02 pm »

Like the Pkunk, I'm resurecting this thread, just to see what anyone happens. Flame me if you want, but I've been thinking the "Pkunk Masters" idea was a pretty good one that's been long forgotten. (Sure, lots of other threads have been long forgetten, but I haven't been thinking about those ones lately.)
Does anyone remember this thread? If you've never seen it, here it is again. Enjoy.

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Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2003, 08:56:14 pm »

How about Elite/Privateer style Star Control and name "The Melnorme Traders" Cheesy
« Last Edit: May 04, 2003, 08:56:31 pm by Mark_Vera » Logged

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Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2003, 01:56:31 am »

And seeing as the Melnorme trade in iformation, we'd learn a whole lot about the SC universe as well, tons of cool info!

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Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2003, 11:17:32 am »

an utwig say's"whats that ultron tell captain zelnick to hellborne pkunk and who ever turns evil ok"
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Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2003, 01:57:15 am »

Idea!! The Pkunk told you that the Ilwrath became totally evil after becoming just a little bit more perfect.... RIGHT!!??
Let this happen to the pkunk. Would solve their hippy posture...

Update: [looks up topic] And the melnorme (ex- mael-num) want to help the pkunk, because it involves killin Ur-quan [/looks up topic]

I have to learn to keep track of topics...
« Last Edit: May 08, 2003, 01:58:36 am by Rider » Logged

if I wanted a signature, I would have filled in the signature area
Dave Morse

Re: Star Control 5
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2003, 09:46:45 am »

After an absence of 3 months from the list, imagine my suprise on coming back and seeing my thread still in the top 10...

The Pkunk crashed my game tonight, clear sign that they are EVIL
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