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Author Topic: Preference quirks in Nic's build - where to report bugs  (Read 2347 times)

Preference quirks in Nic's build - where to report bugs
« on: October 04, 2005, 05:13:14 am »

I'm seeing the following quirks with prefs in Nic's build on 10.4.2:

- On initial preference screen, the only prefs I can safely change (for windowed mode) are window size and to use open GL (which I must choose or I get yucky screen problems).  If I set any of the other prefs away from the default, the game quits when I say "OK".

- Once in the game, I can set any of the prefs using the settings menu.

- The game does not remember ANY prefs.  Each time I re-launch, I get the default settings screen back with default settings, and likewise in the game.

Does anyone else experience this?  Where should I report bugs - is the standard database appropriate for a non-standard build?

Re: Preference quirks in Nic's build - where to report bugs
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2005, 07:54:21 am »

Not sure about the rest, but the loss of preferences is normal. Currently the game does not save preferences (i've heard it will in the next release).

Read the docs, as I'm certain that all preferences can be set via command line switches, so you could create a custom shortcut and use that to set the preferences automatically.

- Dean

Re: Preference quirks in Nic's build - where to report bugs
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2005, 07:36:51 pm »

"I'm certain that all preferences can be set via command line switches, so you could create a custom shortcut and use that to set the preferences automatically."

how  / where do you enter them
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Re: Preference quirks in Nic's build - where to report bugs
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2005, 08:16:30 pm »

Do you know how to make a short-cut or edit short cuts in the windows start menu?

Sorry - just deleted the rest of the post I was writing.

Look here:,
and take a look in manual.txt (should be in the UQM-directory) for the different possibilities.

If you use the Explorer to open the UQM-install-directory and click uqm.exe to start the game, you can also make yourself a uqm.bat file.
principally, it is the same.

My .bat file includes for example:

uqm.exe  --fullscreen --addon deutsch --logfile deutschtest.txt --speechvol=0

You could also use the same line in the start line of the windows short cut (right click on short cut, properties, tab shortcut, line target).

But still you need to know what to put there. And don't forget to backup the old line (if there are paramters addded).

Actually, I have several batch files, with several different settings.

I hope I was of help for you.

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Re: Preference quirks in Nic's build - where to report bugs
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2005, 08:43:00 pm »

* laughs hysterically at all the Windows users trying to give advice on the Mac version *

There is absolutely no way to pass parameters to the game when launching via the Finder on Mac OS X.  That's why I built a pre-launch menu into my OSX version.  Problem is, I appear to have done something wrong in my approach, and it causes a SEGV deep within the bowels of Cocoa.  This seems to have gotten worse with the OSX 10.4.x vintage, and real-life commitments have kept me from looking at the issue at all, much less making any progress on tracking down its cause.  (three major projects at work due by the end of the year, which is coming up fast!)

So put simply, yes, I'm aware of the issues described, and would love to address them, but I'm all out of that magical thing they call "time" at the moment.  I expect to procure some more of it in the next couple of months, though.  Smiley
« Last Edit: November 16, 2005, 08:44:39 pm by 0xDEC0DE » Logged

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Re: Preference quirks in Nic's build - where to report bugs
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2005, 07:54:55 am »

* laughs hysterically at all the Windows users trying to give advice on the Mac version *

There is absolutely no way to pass parameters to the game when launching via the Finder on Mac OS X. 

Sorry, did not recognize that it's about Apple.
And I did not know that Apple cannot pass user-set parameters to a prog.
That's a real big minus for Apple!

Isn't there something like batch files where you can enter the preferences?

Apple has been a consideration for me (at least to test it), but I absoluteley need user-set parameters. So now I scraped Apple OS completly from my to-test list.

And I've heard so much positives about the Apple OS.

Good luck, then!
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Re: Preference quirks in Nic's build - where to report bugs
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2005, 08:56:29 pm »

You can't send parameters IN THE FINDER. You can however send parameters via the command-line, and of course in any scripts that you write.
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Re: Preference quirks in Nic's build - where to report bugs
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2005, 07:53:14 am »

So it is possible to write a batch/script file.
Didn't sound like it from 0xdecodes' answer
Thanks for clarifying this for me, Death 999.
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