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Author Topic: List of all the side quest.  (Read 4213 times)
Frungy champion
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List of all the side quest.
« on: November 25, 2005, 05:43:53 am »

I usually pass games (mainly rpgs) by zipping through it and then doing the side quest afterwoods (I did that in KOTOR, ffIV, etc etc) so can someone list all the side-quest.

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Re: List of all the side quest.
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2005, 09:27:17 am »

I think most of the side quests are tied together. For example, finding the
Beast, defeating ZUX and restoring the Shoxfiti race all go together.
Stoping the sprobes, destroying the Thraddish, finding the Chmmr....again
there are connections. Wow, it's like everything is, like, totally connected with
everything else.

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« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2005, 11:09:11 am »

Vux / ZEX goes with the Beast.
The reviving of the Shofixti goes after ZEX.
The revolution cannot come before the resurrection of the Shofixti.
Can be omitted (completly, all sub-parts of it)
Advantage here: cheap and lots of crew (after the second part). Plus a shipment when it might really be necessary (only all three parts).

Getting to the Chmmr goes with the Dogar&Kazon Thingy/Thraddash ridding.
Dwee Dill-Rats Warship Yuubuu.
Needs to be done, except if you're running late.

Ur-Quan-warp-pod goes with arilou.
This one can be left out, the won advantage is time.

Talanas' warm embrace comes with the revenge on the Mycon.
With the revenge on the Mycon comes the big flashlight.
Needs to be done, except if you're running late.

The Zoq-Fot-Piq.
Can be omitted. Advantage: An ally, loads of fun playing FRUNGY, the sport of kings, and of course, some less useful information (compared to the results of the frungy championship results).

Stopping the Pkunk from going.
Try to. If you can make it 4 times, you are better than me (they seem to learn to start only when i'm far away. And they move faster) Wink
Not really something. Nor helpful.
But a visit never hurts. And call 0-800-psychic. (Children under 18 need the permission of their parents or any other adult paying the phone bill.)

Slylandro: can be omitted, but helps getting rid of the red probes. Saves a lot of real-time due to less fighting.

Thraddash quests:
becoming master: fun, but could be omitted. Makes an ally though. One which runs away using the Mark V afterburner.
sending against Ur-Quan: either this or one of the other two needs to be done.
send the Ilwrath for a visit: either this or one of the other two needs to be done. this needs to be done, but time can be cut short for the Ilwrath, who might not be able to complete the voyage to the shubby dumbs.
Talking with them after "lending" certain parts from their junk-yard: really unnecessary and pisses them off. So don't do it.

Mycon egg-case fragments: partially comes with Talanas' warm embrace.
Other two sub-tasks are helpful when in need of recources and the technology is not good enough to catch the beast. Plus it keeps the records clean, might deflect a war-criminal trial in the sequel.

Groombridge and connected planets: Fun-Fun-Fun. Recources are no more necessary after all have been visited and after the gathered information has been implemented in a most promising way.

Melnorme: not necessary at all, but might help a lot.

Ultron plot: necessary, except if you're running late.

Being re-modelled by the Umgah: quite important, except if you're running late.

Helping the cowards: Why should you? Advantage: Huh, and even that only for a short time. Can be omitted completly. Find the Burvixese instead. They can give you more.

Making Fwiffo join you: absolutly necessary. The best ship and the best captain for it you could ever find. Plus, it counts as your daily good deed (if you're a scout).

Supox: Can be omitted, if you're running late. Otherwise, eat an hot dog with them. They even pay you with absolutly useless thrash.

Androsynth: Tell me where you found them, and I'll tell you what they can do for you....

Orz: can be omitted. Advantage: find an ally with well-trained marines among them.
And do not forget to enjoy the *sauce*! It is *best*.

Oh yeah: don't forget to sell everything you have to the Druuge. They really have great deals.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2005, 03:09:56 pm by Krulle » Logged
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Re: List of all the side quest.
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2005, 03:00:41 am »

Is their something special to do with the androsyth ruins?  And what about Vela?  Can I break the slave shield there?

Yes, I am Almighty.

Re: List of all the side quest.
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2005, 03:03:38 am »

Wow, i just realized that there are THREE ways to get the artifact guarded by the thraddash, after reading your post. I thought there was only two, but I see now that getting the Ilwrath to wipe them out would also give you access.

One question - is speaking to the Chenjesu on procyon 2 simply a matter of getting a hyperwave device and cruising over there? Or does something need to be done with the Ilwrath first? (ie are they guarding the planet?)

Re: List of all the side quest.
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2005, 04:29:41 am »

One question - is speaking to the Chenjesu on procyon 2 simply a matter of getting a hyperwave device and cruising over there? Or does something need to be done with the Ilwrath first? (ie are they guarding the planet?)

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Re: List of all the side quest.
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2005, 09:48:26 am »

One question - is speaking to the Chenjesu on procyon 2 simply a matter of getting a hyperwave device and cruising over there? Or does something need to be done with the Ilwrath first? (ie are they guarding the planet?)

Get the Sun Device, and they'll guard it for life, unless you do the big trick that is.
Is their something special to do with the androsyth ruins?  And what about Vela?  Can I break the slave shield there?

The Androysynth ruins point you on the insane frightningly path of what they took to be destroyed by the Orz. Apparantly it drives your men insane (Bukowski) so they don't really want to investigate further. It's the biggest question of Star Control- How did the Orz get rid of the Androsynth, and where are they now?

About Vela.. the only race to break a slave shield (on your side) is the Chenjesu, but they got shielded themselves. Humans can't break slave shields as we're not technologically advanced for that sort of thing Wink Guess the Ur-Quan got to you first, and shielded it Tongue
« Last Edit: November 26, 2005, 11:32:21 am by Elerium » Logged
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Re: List of all the side quest.
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2005, 03:05:32 pm »

The Chenjesu and Mmrnmhrm did not shield themselves. But there are hints that they were able to slip past the shield somehow. Maybe their chrystalline structure made it possible to divert the energy of the shield.

But there are no known ways to crack any shield by the player. And the text files of others are missing as well.

You are always able to speak to the Chenjesu/Mmrnmhrm or their hybrids, except for a very short period in the beginning (until you got either hypercaster) and after you have sent the Mycon to meet the Syreen.

And I've made a fault in the post above. Will correct it in a few minutes.

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Re: List of all the side quest.
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2005, 03:18:06 pm »

BTW, does anyone know what happens, if you send the Ilwrath against the Thraddash, but the Ilwrath arrive after the Kohr-Ah destroyed the Thraddash.
Will the game-trigger destroy the Ilwrath anyway (without opponent), or what?
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Re: List of all the side quest.
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2005, 08:50:25 pm »

BTW, does anyone know what happens, if you send the Ilwrath against the Thraddash, but the Ilwrath arrive after the Kohr-Ah destroyed the Thraddash.
Will the game-trigger destroy the Ilwrath anyway (without opponent), or what?

Good question.

By default I would say:

The Ilwrath go there and kill themselves (bug?) from not having anything to kill.
The Ilwrath move and stay there.
(Mod intervention would be nice to highlight this Tongue)

The Chenjesu and Mmrnmhrm did not shield themselves. But there are hints that they were able to slip past the shield somehow. Maybe their chrystalline structure made it possible to divert the energy of the shield.

But there are no known ways to crack any shield by the player. And the text files of others are missing as well.

You are always able to speak to the Chenjesu/Mmrnmhrm or their hybrids, except for a very short period in the beginning (until you got either hypercaster) and after you have sent the Mycon to meet the Syreen.

And I've made a fault in the post above. Will correct it in a few minutes.


The Ur-Quan shielded them, not the Chenjesu/Mmrnmhrm although they wanted to be shielded together.

You don't speak to the Chmmr using a caster if they are still under the shield, you talk to the Chenjesu I think.. it's up for debate. The Syreen tell you that you should talk to the Chenjesu (which probably would answer for the Mmrnmhrm as they can only speak in constanants). Or its both of them speaking but whatever.

Sooo in short, the only races I know that could do something remotley to a Slave shield are:

The Ur-Quan can shut down Slave shields (not needed though as they rather plant them up).
The Kohr-Ah could shut down Slave shields, but it has been said they "crack" the shield. So, they could blow it up (if the Ur-Quan are right).
The Spathi after studying the Sol shield.
The Chenjesu (being very knowledgable and superior) but they are no more.
The Chmmr, after inheriting all there is of shields from the Chenjesu.

It has also been speculated the Utwig were Slave shielded, and were the Faz- Milieu race (their homeworld is called "Fahz") and that their Slave shield ran out or busted up.

So that kinda fills in on who can make these shields. Humans can't as we drive nuclear powered engines from Russia made from recycled cars in Detroit, with pitiful Star Wars lasers and peace vault nukes.
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Re: List of all the side quest.
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2005, 04:12:00 am »

So Vela is a useless side quest?  How stupid.

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Re: List of all the side quest.
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2005, 11:44:12 am »

Not really, if you do it, you get a free Ur-Quan sphere of influence, which can be beneficial to know where you can "find the Ur-Quan" and stay away from it without getting ganged on by 2-5 more Dreadnoughts.

Other than that Vela remains for a comedic value. "SO THE RENEGADE HAS RETURNED!!" as well as finding out what happened to your homeworld which is funny.  Cheesy
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Re: List of all the side quest.
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2005, 05:00:11 pm »

So Vela is a useless side quest?  How stupid.
Flavah, Yo?  Cool
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