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Author Topic: UQM Recreation  (Read 87571 times)
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Ship of the Day: Dill-Rat Avenger
« Reply #210 on: February 13, 2006, 05:12:24 am »

I was making a chart of ships that still worry me and the Dill-Rat was among the highest so I decided to do it. The Dill-Rat required quite a few changes to get the cloak to work. The entire status box disappears as well so you won’t get to know your energy while you are cloaked. The Dill-Rat “model” follows the shape of the Dill-Rat very closely but it still looks wrong. Once the Dill-Rat cloaks all tracking weapons loose lock on the Dill-Rat, but the camera still follows it. Also when the Dill-Rat fires while cloaked it rotates to face its enemy.

Here is the chart I was working on:

I just wanted to express my impression from all the latest progress in the game.
many stuff is improved, I also noticed the delay of the ship selection screen after ship explosion was implemented! well done.
very good job with the sounds.
The sound was a pain to get working.

though, I hope you still remember that, at least in my opinion, all the timing/speed/damage parameters of the various weapons should be corrected (for instance- urquan fighters luanch rate should be faster, comet mode speed should be faster.... and so on) of coarse, these things aren't urgent.
Yea, fine tuning can wait. I always disliked game makers who spent all there time balancing a game when they should be squashing bugs.

I didn't really understand why the planet is more oval-like now. could you explain it?
The planet is oval because I don’t know OpenGL very well, but I'm trying to learn.

what 's with the .ini files definitions from TW that you needed? I wonder if that's accomplished? not that I found it out myself..
I got help on the timewarp forum.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2006, 05:20:01 am by BioSlayer » Logged

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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #211 on: February 13, 2006, 05:19:31 am »

"I was making a chart of ships that still worry me and the Dill-Rat was among the highest so I decided to do it. The Dill-Rat required quite a few changes to get the cloak to work. The entire status box disappears as well so you won’t get to know your energy while you are cloaked. The Dill-Rat “model” follows the shape of the Dill-Rat very closely but it still looks wrong. Once the Dill-Rat cloaks all tracking weapons loose lock on the Dill-Rat, but the camera still follows it. Also when the Dill-Rat files while cloaked it rotates to face its enemy."

I somehow have come to the conclusion that saying "Dill-Rat" brings you great happiness. Smiley

"Here is the chart I was working on:"

Wow, you've really come far. Why are you worried about the marauder, but not the broodhome?
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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #212 on: February 13, 2006, 05:39:11 am »

I somehow have come to the conclusion that saying "Dill-Rat" brings you great happiness. Smiley
Wow, you've really come far. Why are you worried about the marauder, but not the broodhome?
The Marauders blades spin but that does not affect the blades heading. It’s as if the blade is 2 different objects with a pivot, Then It also tracks but only enemies that are nearby. Also the lifetime is strange because it’s not based on range but on how many blades exist.
I’m gunna have to write a lot of code that is specific to the blade.

I did another line count:
Remasters: 14,307
Physics2D: 18,257
Total: 32,564
« Last Edit: February 13, 2006, 06:15:20 am by BioSlayer » Logged

There are none so blind as those who will not see. — Jonathan Swift

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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #213 on: February 13, 2006, 07:18:20 am »

I just downloaded the recent version.  I installed the proper .net framework but the application gives the following exception(using a just in time debugger): System.TypeInitializationException

I'm using winXP, ati x800 pro, athlon 3100+
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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #214 on: February 13, 2006, 08:14:59 am »

I just downloaded the recent version.  I installed the proper .net framework but the application gives the following exception(using a just in time debugger): System.TypeInitializationException

I'm using winXP, ati x800 pro, athlon 3100+

i get that same deal with the newer versions (doesn't happen with 1.0.4)

I have :
WinXP Home
 .NET 1.1 /w service pack, and .NET 2.0
AMD Athlon 64 3400+ (2.9 GHz)
1.50 GB of Ram
(i doubt this will help, i just wanna be a show off  Grin)

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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #215 on: February 13, 2006, 08:38:05 am »

I just checked, 1.0.4 does work, 1.0.5 and 6 do NOT.  Wierd...

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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #216 on: February 13, 2006, 09:03:46 am »

Unfortunately that does not tell me much other then that it happened in a static constructor and I have a few of those. I should have seen this coming. Don’t worry I have some experience debugging programs where I have no access to the machine itself.

I have just written a new version that catches the errors and displays them to screen. And lets you give me that information so I can see what is screwing up. I suspect the sound is the problems though.

EDIT: If you want help me debug you can send me your machines  Roll Eyes me and my P4 2.4 Ghz and 512 MB rambus. That happens to be 4 years old.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2006, 09:08:31 am by BioSlayer » Logged

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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #217 on: February 13, 2006, 10:36:37 pm »

Forgive me if this has been covered already, but now that we're 14 pages into this thing I find combing though the past pages daunting.

So for those of me who've forgotten, what are your long term goals for this project?

(I'm resisting the urge to try to prompt certian responced from you about certian aspects I would like to see, but this is your project and I want an honest answer.)

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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #218 on: February 13, 2006, 11:19:43 pm »

Oddly enough the version with debug, although a tad slow loading up, actually does work perfectly.  I like the aspect of the avatar's satellites moving off when they die.
However the mycon's primary weapon is suppose to die with weapon fire.  I was unable to destroy the shots with the dilrats...didn't try anyone else yet. 

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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #219 on: February 14, 2006, 12:55:35 am »

Forgive me if this has been covered already, but now that we're 14 pages into this thing I find combing though the past pages daunting.

So for those of me who've forgotten, what are your long term goals for this project?

(I'm resisting the urge to try to prompt certian responced from you about certian aspects I would like to see, but this is your project and I want an honest answer.)
Ill ignore the implication that I am dishonest in my posts.

I was hoping to have a website by now. So all the information could be presented in a nice clean format. Once helleck gets it up I can start getting a lot of info on it.

I’m remaking the entire game, not just the melee. The idea is to remake UQM with code that is over-engineered for the task. Making it so it can be easily extended and changed.

After I have the entire game remade and working to my satisfaction I might work on a sequel or something to that effect, but I don’t want to go into detail because that is so far off that it’s not worth contemplating.

The plan is to make it very close to the original except where I take liberties. A few changes that I can think of off the top of my head are:

Add home world like graphics for melee, solar system and hyperspace. But still having movement restricted to 2D.

Realistic Physics.
Ability to add ships without having to recompile source.
Network multiplayer.

Planets and moons move in their orbit as time passes.

Add sub quests that are found through exploring.
Add the black spathi squadron.

There are a lot of things I want to be done but a lot of them require complex explanations of what I mean.

Oddly enough the version with debug, although a tad slow loading up, actually does work perfectly.  I like the aspect of the avatar's satellites moving off when they die.
However the mycon's primary weapon is suppose to die with weapon fire.  I was unable to destroy the shots with the dilrats...didn't try anyone else yet. 

Strange I hate it when errors disappear on their own. 
Thanks for pointing that out the problem with the mycon. I have fixed the problem.

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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #220 on: February 14, 2006, 01:35:18 am »

Oddly enough the version with debug, although a tad slow loading up, actually does work perfectly

same here (very wierd indeed)

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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #221 on: February 14, 2006, 03:19:20 am »

Ill ignore the implication that I am dishonest in my posts.

I meant to imply nothing. I just meant that if I started asking about this-or-that it may serve to alter your answer, when my purpose was to get YOUR idea of what this project is about, not your responce to my ideas about what this project is about.

So, now that you've done that...

Why realistic physics? Is it because it's easier to program? (Don't try to fool me. I know the math behind them both.) The problem with that is SC was never about real anything. Why do you lose crew when you ship gets hit, but your hull remain unharmed. In a "real" scenario, once you start losing, chances are you gonna keep losing as your weapons /thruster /life support systems fail one by one. Why not make it so if you hit someone you do damage to both ships relative to the speed you were going. That would be more realistic.StarControl is about gameplay, not realistic models of space combat.

In other words, if you don't put gravity whip in the game I'm going to be disapointed.

Now, I noticed you had a thing where you were trying to animate the original 2-D conversation pictures, and that's fine, but if I were you I'd work on some 3-d character animations instead. FF or PR3 (don't remember which) mentioned that they liked the way the 3D characters were done in StarCon, so you can go ahead with their aprovial. However, it will be difficult on a programming level. Character animation is always a pain, but it's your decision in the end. However, I suspect that that little bit of decision wil probably wait, hu?

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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #222 on: February 14, 2006, 03:23:04 am »

I was hoping to have a website by now. So all the information could be presented in a nice clean format. Once helleck gets it up I can start getting a lot of info on it.
Yeah sorry about that... if you want I can whip up a quick temporary one just so you can get the information out.
That actually might be better... the more content we have, the easier it will be to decide what sections to split it into and how to organize it.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2006, 03:27:53 am by Halleck » Logged

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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #223 on: February 14, 2006, 09:24:17 am »

Why realistic physics?
Because I want to and because I can.

Is it because it's easier to program?
It’s a hell of a lot harder.

(Don't try to fool me. I know the math behind them both.)
What possible reason would I have to lie to you?

Now, I noticed you had a thing where you were trying to animate the original 2-D conversation pictures, and that's fine, but if I were you I'd work on some 3-d character animations instead.
It is going to be the originals 2D pictures, unless you have a complete set of high quality 3D character models or know some one who is extremely good and is willing to spend months making the models for all the races for free. What is more likely is convincing some one like Arne to spiff up the current images a bit. Like what clay is doing in the “make it better thread.”

Yeah sorry about that... if you want I can whip up a quick temporary one just so you can get the information out.
How bout just putting up a wiki for now? I’ve seen some pretty good wiki only sites.

I've updated the CVS witht he most recent changes.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2006, 09:31:55 am by BioSlayer » Logged

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Re: UQM Recreation
« Reply #224 on: February 14, 2006, 02:55:22 pm »

In other words, if you don't put gravity whip in the game I'm going to be disapointed.

I agree about this point. currently getting a gravity whip with the star isn't affective at all, and it seems that most of the slow ships are generally faster to balance things a bit.
I'd choose to change that, but the only case in which I'd be concerned is if it's gonna take a lot of code manipulation.
because if we're talking about a few tweaks to the parameters, this could even become an optional feature.
however, except for this I'm completely pro-realism.
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