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Topic: UQM Recreation (Read 87300 times)
Posts: 656
Don't mess with the US.
I have decided to create a clone or sequel to UQM Using my Physics 2D Engine for the physics. I would like to use SDL via SDL.NET for the Graphics and IO so it can also compile on Linux. I first plan to make a newer version of Hyper Melee then proceed to making the single player from there.
To show that this is not the idle talk of an over ambitions programmer I offer you these 2 screenshots as proof of my intentions.
This earthling cruisers and missiles are both controlled by a primitive AI, and the missiles explode on contact.
And this one:
You can get more at this thread.
I won’t be really starting the project until my finals are over, but I could use some help it and can’t hurt to start getting a list of C# programmers who are interested.
If you want to learn C# but don’t want to spend the money to get visual studio 2005 just to have an IDE don’t worry Microsoft is giving away free versions of it. Unbelievable huh?
For Downloads of the source and binaries of this game go to:
« Last Edit: February 23, 2006, 01:58:04 am by BioSlayer »
Posts: 917
Thraddash Flower Child
C# & linux? Mono's not that advanced yet. Is your code easily portable to C/C++?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 134
Robot in Disguise
Hmm... I can't help myself from looking at the empty half of the glass and ponder what would happen if all the ambition programmers will help TWL, which is fairly advanced, instead of starting their own projects and eventually leaving them unfinished.
Maybe it'll be wiser for all to work on one project, so when the inevitable happens and a programmer leave the project before it is finished there will be others to replace him...
Nevertheless, good luck.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"Hmm... I can't help myself from looking at the empty half of the glass and ponder what would happen if all the ambition programmers will help TWL, which is fairly advanced, instead of starting their own projects and eventually leaving them unfinished."
This is a very good observation for freeware as a whole. For every 3 projects out there, 2 might go dormant for a long while or perhaps die, but if you took the assets of the two failed projects and combined them, you'd probably have another successful one.
The only thing is those two projects might have completely different goals that can't be met in a single game.
"1C) I plan to have the ships 3D rendered instead of Timewarps 2D sprites."
I think Timewarp uses sprites rendered from 3D models as well.
Frankly, there's good sense in not throwing more labor into the black hole of TImewarp. It's a little like saying, "I don't see why shipwrights don't get out here and try to dredge up and patch the Titanic, rather than launching new boats." No matter how fine a ship the Titanic may have been, it's well sunk and dead now, and all the labor in the world won't change that.
Timewarp was coded haphazardly, it's code is shambolic, and at most you can hope to be another foot soldier ground up in Stalingrad. On his own project, BioSlayer may well fail (who knows? he shows a clarity of vision that puts TW to shame), but if he fails, at least he failed doing something exciting, and if he succeeds, the credit is that of a creator, not a maintainer or advancer of bloatware.
It's like wondering why coders don't join the nine-year-old Starflight III, rather than making Weird Worlds, or pour their energy into Freecraft rather than making Wesnoth.
Posts: 520
Hey! I never abandon my projects, I just put them on ice... but I got a very large freezer. The size of it implies I'll finish all my projects simultainiously when I'm 100. Of course I suck donkeyballs at coding, but my SC project just took a tiny step forward with this primitive benchmark test 350 ships.
Bioslayer's physics engine is looking promising and I feel a certain envy. I don't even know how to make a quad tree but hopefully it'll come to me... maybe I'll get to decorate one for x-mas... every time I place a decoration in the tree there's little subdivisions happening... uh time to sleep I think. I hear the toothfairy drops a quadtree under your pillow if you're nice...
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"It's like wondering why coders don't join the nine-year-old Starflight III."
8 years old, I'll have you know (it has really just been the last 4 or 5 years, before that it was mostly an amateur project.) Besides, SF3 has already made strides to break out of the exclusive allegro library thing, and follow a newer, more organized coding structure.
"Yeah, however in BioSlayers game the ships will be 3D, not just sprites (even if they were rendered from 3D models in the first place)."
Oh, I thought he meant rendered ahead of time, not in game. In that case, what file format will you be using for your models, Bioslayer?
"Of course I suck donkeyballs at coding, but my SC project just took a tiny step forward with this primitive benchmark test 350 ships."
Cool, who's ships are those yellowish ones? Mrnmhrm, maybe?
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"Versus now, when it's a professional operation?"
Hey, what do you think professionals do in their spare time? Besides, it should really be about what you output, not what your career is. But what I meant was, the first few years of the project were probably more like throwing ideas around and experimenting with different coding approaches.
Not that this is any excuse to you, it seems you know a lot about how to go it alone and do a project right. Could we see a link to your website with your successful freeware game(s) for us to download?
Posts: 520
DS> It's the small personal fighter ships by the 'Space Amazons' (working title). They're the sisters of the Androsyn (read sex androids).
Professional can mean either "skilled" or "person who works with". Not sure what the proper terminology is for people's projects. I can think of these types, maybe somewhat blended with each other:
One guy having a 'crazy k00l' idea without having any skills. Extremely common.
The same guy, except his initiative skill is high, so he starts pulling unstructured teams together. Eventually the project pours out into the sand due to the lack of organization and faded intrest from team members. Rather common.
Something inbetween here.
More or less professional people getting together. Some of these projects actually emerge into a beautiful little butterfly.
The one man army, like the Cave Story guy. Rare.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"The one man army, like the Cave Story guy. Rare."
Aftermath, Black Sky, and now UQM Remake. It doesn't seem to be that rare anymore.
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