Topic: UQM Recreation (Read 87630 times)
But of course, some of us moved on from that to professional gigs. And by "professional" I don't mean "amateurish, horribly out-of-date, and scared to admit to our meager fanbase how slowly things are coming." I'm sorry if I'm harsh on failed projects, but honestly, who are you kidding? Timewarp and SF3 both have, what, about 35-50 man years of labor on them? In six man-months Aftermath was built. How can you possibly explain that, other than by poor management, sloth, and incompetence? TW is at least playable, if ugly, incomplete, and unimpressive. But SF3 is simply what you'd expect a group of high schoolers ca. 1993-94 to produce after about six months of work: a few prerendered extremely polygonal graphics with gross textures, a meager graphics engine, and a bunch of huge promises.
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
So many Posts...
(If I understand everuthing correctly, that is)
You understand correctly.
Bioslayer's physics engine is looking promising and I feel a certain envy.
Dont feel envy when you can have access to all of it's source code and an IDE to compile it for free!
Oh, I thought he meant rendered ahead of time, not in game. In that case, what file format will you be using for your models, Bioslayer?
I don’t know yet. I'm taking a computer graphics course next semester, so it’s almost perfect timing. Also I am planning to use SDL.NET so it most likely will be one supported by that library.
Aftermath, Black Sky, and now UQM Remake. It doesn't seem to be that rare anymore.
I think its gunna need a better name then "UQM Remake" any suggestions?
There is a good reason why these solo projects (at least mine in particular) are happening. Programming languages have come a long way since the days of SC2. C#'s Garbage collector does at least 50% of the work for me. Also IDEs that make programming a lot easer have become insanely easy to use and learn. The increase in processing power since then makes it so you can write a game in an “inefficient” language and get away with it. The availability of generic high level libraries that come standard with languages now a days also reduce the amount of work, because its already been done. It has come to the point where anyone with a bit of patience, a brain and a computer can program some pretty fancy programs.
Right now I’m thinking about the general implementation, the big picture. So any feature requests or ideas that pertain to this stage of development would be greatly appreciated.
Or any libraries you know of that would be useful for this project. Remember they have to be compatible to C# in some way. These are the few libraries I’m thinking of using.
Graphics: SDL.NET Sound: SDL.NET I/O: SDL.NET Scripting: Lua.NET Physics: Physics2D (of course)
I should rename my project to Physics2D.NET just to make it consistent.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2005, 08:21:21 am by BioSlayer »
Posts: 520

Dont feel envy when you can have access to all of it's source code and an IDE to compile it for free!
Well, I'm a Basic guy, because I have zero patience. I'm using BlitzMax now, it's somewhere between Basic and C. It can do linked lists, 'types' with methods, inheritance etc. It's fast enough for most of the stuff I do too.
Aftermath, Black Sky, and now UQM Remake. It doesn't seem to be that rare anymore.
Yeah, maybe it's becoming more common, because it's much easier to code and create assets now. One man armies were probably the most common 'back in the day' though, lots of commercial games were made by just one guy (Adventure for example). Ghyyaah! Makes me wanna resurrect my Adventure project.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
That doesn't appear to be freeware.
"In six man-months Aftermath was built."
No, Aftermath is not finished.
"Timewarp and SF3 both have, what, about 35-50 man years of labor on them?"
Hey, most of the people who you feel have failed the SF3 project (including the management) are gone, the majority of those working on it today came in less than a year ago to restart things. To us it is a new project. What sucks is that people still blame us for failures we never made. If we haven't brought a game to compeletion 7 years from now, then you can hammer us.
"I think its gunna need a better name then "UQM Remake" any suggestions?"
Well, if you can't use "Star Control," maybe something that relates to the rise/return of the (New) Free Star Alliance.
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
I added Ray tracing stuff to the physics engine.
 See that little line? That took hours to code. But the cool thing is that each time it hits something it gets impulse applies at the point of contact. Right now I’m thinking on how to do a uniform collision event architecture for both collidable bodies and rays.
raytracing will be used for all the "lasers."
As of right now everything is in the physics engine that is needed for the project to go forward. The Drones lighting will need a little tweaking to be done, but all the core needs are there now.
I should really be studying for my finals and getting my projects done but this thing pulls me like a magnet.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2005, 12:58:34 pm by BioSlayer »
Posts: 520

What's this garbage collector? ( I'm using BlitzMax and it has some C stuff. I coded an array that keeps lists of objects (sort of like a quadtree, but just an array (not very memory efficient but it saves me the trouble to create trees)). I think I'm linking and deleting everything as it (the objects) moves through the array cells, and I made lots of bounds checks and object counting. Still the program just slows down. It happens in a 'Type' (might be class in C) Method where I got a local handle to the objects I iterate through (for loop) when doing a Pythagora distance check. I asked on a forum and I got the reply that I should run the garbage collector (automated in the new version of BlitzMax I'm DLing now), and that should fix the problem. )
Disregarding my problem (It might be solved when you're reading this), why are garbage collectors needed? Are objects spontainious or unstable somehow? Maybe my Method Local Temp object handle isn't deleted after the Method ends/returns? I'm puzzled (and completely new to Methods and Linked lists).
Edit, yep it works now, Mister 'Garbage Collector', whatever he does, did the trick. Screen.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2005, 12:36:47 am by Arne »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 142
I know a little OpenGL. I can draw colorful 3D object with OpenGL and do a little morphing stuff with them... but lighting and texture mapping are beyond me right now. I'm still trying to figure out the NeHe tutorials on those topics. If I put a little time into it, I can figure that stuff out.
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
maybe instead of "drawing" lines in a circle, "draw" circles that expand from the ship and look for collisions
(I don't mean to implicitly draw them, of course)
I Think I miss understood your question.
This is all the code that was required to make that fan of rays once the ray code was in the engine (I re-factored this to remove line wrapping.)
double lenght = 700; double impulse = 5000000; double deltaAngle = .03; double endAngle = 1.9;
Vector2D direction = Vector2D.Rotate(Vector2D.XAxis, this.mainship.Rotation); Vector2D origin = this.mainship.Current.Position.Linear + direction * (this.mainship.BoundingRadius + 30); RaySegment2D forwardSegment = new RaySegment2D(origin, direction, lenght); world.AddIRay2DEffect(new AttachedImpulseRay(this.mainship, forwardSegment, impulse, new SingleStep()));
for (double angle = deltaAngle; angle <= endAngle; angle += deltaAngle) { Rotation2D subRotation = new Rotation2D(angle); RaySegment2D leftSegment = new RaySegment2D(origin, Vector2D.Rotate(direction, subRotation), lenght); RaySegment2D rightSegment = new RaySegment2D(origin, Vector2D.Rotate(direction, -subRotation), lenght); world.AddIRay2DEffect(new AttachedImpulseRay(this.mainship, leftSegment, impulse, new SingleStep())); world.AddIRay2DEffect(new AttachedImpulseRay(this.mainship, rightSegment, impulse, new SingleStep())); }
Also it would not be easier to make an expanding circle to do the detection because rays will not always be grouped in such a fashion. Actually the only place where I can see the use of a large grouping of rays will be in implementing the umgahs weapon which is more of a polygon then a circle.