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Topic: The Captain's wife??? (Read 6559 times)
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
",,Oh, Talana? Could you come here for a second? Look, I've got this lovely invisible necklace. Mind if I put it on you to see how it looks?" (Let's hope she doesn't realize that you can't see invisible necjklaces, so there's no use in seeing how they look on her.)"
This experiment could very well end with her seeing what color comes out of you, when she sticks you with that dagger of hers. But maybe that's what you consider to be the fun part.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 100

Oh, but there are some things you can do to prevent that. Such as wearing a nice bit of armour underneath your clothes. Even nowadays we've got stuff that's quite light and could stop most of the metal. (It may be all the rage there, but I definitely won't dress up like her. I would catch a cold. Not to mention I'm male, and I would feel emberassed if I dressed up like that.)
Or, you simply hire someone else to do it. I don't know how strong a Syreen is, but I prefer not to find out personally. My muscles aren't exactly...big.
And the last precaution? A fast ship, all fuelled up. Then I can run to the other end of the galaxy. I know what happened to the Mycon when they angered the Syreen, and I don't want to be next.
And to be totally safe, it would be a hell of a lot easier to first put a bunch of sleeping pills in her food. You can still see the colour without having to worry about anything. (with the excepton of other Syreen and security cameras)
,,That was the worst and most boring movie I’ve ever seen. Lousy special effects.” Sergeant ironhead. The real reason why the alien brain on Cydonia was destroyed while in the middle of displaying a message telling the X-com operatives not to fire.
Hoe meer zielen, hoe meer vreugd! (yes I'm dutch)
It has been pointed out that Syreen and Humans may not be genetically compatible, despite outward appearance. Talana and the Captain might have adopted (my "it all fits" idea is that they adopted some 'synth they saved from Orz), or Talana may have used a human donor egg.
If u remembered correctly in SC3 it was revealed that the early evolution of humans and syreen were almost identical except that the syreen didnt develop the "male dominence" that our cultures have had. So i would think they would be genetically compatible. Later the syreen developed their phycic powers. Also the fact that the kids have non-blue skin doesnt prove that they arent half syreen and half human. It may be like when a black person and a white person have kids. The kids are almost always black cus those are the stronger genes or something like that. The kids might get other traights from there mom like her phsycic powers. Also those werent his kids those were his grandchildren if u remember correctly.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
As for black-white parents, the children are usually intermediate. They are however, very noticably darker than white, and (due to this and other less savory cultural factors) tend to get lumped in... but if you look at it simply they really are pretty much in the middle.
As for the Syreen, I thought that info was revealed in SC2.
As for the grandkids, I figured that they were children of their children and a human, so that the human genes ended up dominating. For example, if Syreen skin tone is determined not by one gene but by a complex network, and a nonfunctioning network produced no tint... then quarter syreen would almost always have no syreen tint.
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