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Topic: Frungy minigame inside Ur-Quan Masters is waiting to be made (Read 12887 times)
Frungy - Sport of kings
What is Frugy, this wonderful sport of kings? What do you need to play it? Who is leading in Interstellar Frungy League? OK, I know that there is no real rules or anything known about Frungy, so why don't we simply make it? It would be great if we could have a Frungy minigame inside Ur-Quan Mastersm, but we first have to choose what will Frungy be, it's rules, equipment, etc. Since I am not registired (yet) I cannot post poll's. Simple say what you think. So, should Frungy be similar to: football basketball soccer chess tennis or some strange telephatic game that only Pik can play (at least I think that brown guy is a Pik)
Posts: 1044
I think half the fun of Frungy is not actually knowing anything about it. The Blue guy (Somehow I always saw him as the Fot, despite what are likely vehement denials to the contrary) talks so enthusiastically about it, and then Green (Zoq?) shuts him down before you can get any details... And so we're all left wondering, what exactly IS Frungy, the sport of Kings?
Making a minigame of it would spoil the mystique of this wonderful game forever, leaving it just another tired old football or basketball.
Then again, I think the other half of the fun with Frungy is contemplating exactly HOW a creature like Blue would play any sports at all. Does he manipulate... Well, whatever equipment Frungy uses, with his tongue or what?
Posts: 1044
The fact that Green and Blue fight about it and use the term as an insult, and neither one of them is actually the Fot? Add in the fact that Brown probably knows that it's the Fot, and can't (or won't) say so.
I guess it's sort of funny... But I still think Blue is the Fot.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3874
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Hey! I just figured out how to make a frungy game.
So, you start a franchise. You hire players for various positions with bizarre names, keep track of their statistics which you can't quite figure out what they mean, and so forth. Each time you start a franchise, the relevance of the various statistics -- and even what the statistics ARE changes, so you have to figure out afresh what a winning team looks like.
What do you think?
For example:
PotKop (Pik) Loop average: 3.9 Time to Defractate: 3.2 sec Total passing (from/around): 16/312 Lesser Wiffles: 1 Greater Wiffles (abridged): 0 (1) Augments (reversed): 30 (2) Intractations: 3 ~~~ Fielded as: center mid-flogsetter
Posts: 1044
I can see it now:
Kohr-Ah Marauder captain: "We will destroy your planet now." Frungy Manager / Starship Captain: "No! I still haven't figured out how to improve my Loop Average!"
Posts: 1044
Not necessarily. I should say it would involve a random number of players per team, which changes each game, and each of the three species would have bonuses and penalties to each stat, to reflect the particular strengths and weaknesses of Zoq, Fot, and Pik in a game of Frungy.
Of course, figuring out a good balance of players would be just as challenging as figuring out what all those statistics even mean in the first place.
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