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Topic: Remix Pack 4 - The New Alliance of Free Stars (Read 212806 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
It's been a looooong hiatus for The Precursors, but we're finally back in business. Despite not having completed the fourth remix pack (yet), we decided that we're close enough that we can start releasing the pack in smaller doses. From today, we'll strive to release at least one track from the new remix pack every friday. To kick this party off, we're giving you not only one, but two Utwig remixes, and to top it off they both play in the game during different circumstances.
Since we're not releasing these remixes in packages yet, you'll have to add them to the game yourself. This can be done by creating a folder called "comm" under the content folder in the Ur-Quan Masters install folder. Under the new comm folder, create another folder called "utwig" and place the two OGG-files there (the game won't play the MP3-files. )
The first Utwig remix, "Mask of Ultimate Embarrasment and Shame", was composed by Tore Aune Fjellstad and Espen Gätzschmann. OGG - MP3
The other remix, "The Ultron", was composed by guest composer Casey Monroe. OGG - MP3
Keep an eye on this thread for updated information on new releases.
UPDATE - January 13th 2006
As we promised, here is an update with more remixes. This time we'd like to showcase two guest contributors. One of the tracks has already been released as a preview several years ago, but has lost none of its charm or quality since then. The other is a better kept secret, yet still shares the same traits.
The first track was made by George E. Nowik, and is a remix of the Shofixti theme. OGG - MP3
The second track was made by A. Keren, and is a remix of the Chmmr theme. OGG - MP3
To add the OGG-files to the game, you must once again make new folders under the comm-folder. This time they are "shofixt" for the Shofixti remix, and "chmmr" for the Chmmr remix.
UPDATE - January 20th 2006
A new week, a new set of remixes. Today the spotlight is on Forevian, a newcomer to this remix pack. One of his remixes, Frungy Party, was released as a preview in late 2005 and is being released officially today. The other is the Supox remix, called Shake Yer Rootz.
"Zoq-Fot-Pik - Frungy Party": OGG - MP3
"Supox - Shake Yer Rootz": OGG - MP3
The folder names to use the remixes in UQM this time are "zoqfot" and "supox" respectively.
UPDATE - January 27th 2006
Today's remix belongs to what might be the most mysterious race in Star Control 2, except for the Precursors themselves: The Orz. This remix was originally made by Riku, and later re-remixed by VOiD, resulting in the first musical collaboration between the two of them.
Orz - *Squeezing* the *Juice*: OGG - MP3
The folder name to use the Orz remix in the game is simply "orz", still under the "comm" folder.
UPDATE - February 3rd 2006
Today we have another Forevian classic for you. It's karma, dude!
Pkunk - Pkunks Not Dead: OGG - MP3
Folder name: "pkunk", still under the "comm" folder.
UPDATE - February 11th 2006
Better late than never! This week's remix is very cool, if I have to say so myself. This is a bonus release, and as such won't be part of remix pack 4 itself, but can be added freely to the game to replace the old remix if people feel like it. Behold: A new Hyperspace remix, by none other than Mark Vera!
Hyperspace - Lightyears Away: OGG - MP3
Create a folder called "lbm" in the content folder of your UQM installation, and place the OGG file there to hear it in the game.
UPDATE - February 24th 2006
Today's release isn't a remix, but a completely new track made for the Ur-Quan Masters by Riku Nuottajärvi and Harri Hakala. It plays if you leave the game at the main menu for a while.
Credits: OGG - MP3
Create a folder called "credits" in the content folder of your UQM installation, and place the OGG file there to hear it in the game.
UPDATE - March 3rd 2006
This week's remix is the long-awaited Fwiffo theme, remixed by Mark Vera. The Spathi now have two different themes, one for when you talk to Fwiffo, and one for their homeworld.
Spathi - Fwiffo's Starrunner: OGG - MP3
To listen to it in the game, create a folder called "spathi" under your comm-folder, and place the OGG there.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2006, 11:44:45 pm by TiLT »
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Great, and THANK YOU!
Posts: 817
Dudes! Way cool guys. Looking forward to every Friday from here on out Keep up the great work!
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
These tracks sound great. They are both equal in my opinion. The Ultron is my favorite right now because I'm happy about the new music. I really like that glorious... noise.. thats at the end of it and isn't quite regular.
They are super repetative though. I wouldn't say its the best music, I woulda liked a bit more developement. But its great non the less, and I'm really looking forward to next friday.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Cool, the final countdown to the final remix!
A grand celebration is in order! We prepare now for the festivities!
Napoleon TNT
Yes! This is sooooo ultimate that the music is going forth! Thank you all! Keep up the awesome work!
Posts: 580

FRUNGY PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111oneoeneoenoneeneeneeneeneeneen
Err.. yes.. Great work!
Posts: 1044

I just listened to both, and as usual, they are some fine pieces of music. Not quite "in my MP3 player" awesome like some of the others (Thraddash), but a fine job nonetheless. I can't wait to hear the rest!
Speaking of the rest, will we eventually be able to get a full pack release for the game like the others? Or will these only come individually?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
After all the remixes have been released individually. we'll assemble them in a pack just like the other remix packages.
Frungy champion
Posts: 50

Great news! Finally!
Good stuff, both of those tunes.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Just got a chance to hear them. Both pieces are excellent.
It sounds like the first is pre-ultron repair, and the second is post.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2006, 05:15:04 am by Deus_Siddis »
Posts: 752
Personal Text
Hm... the first remix takes the utwig way more seriously than I ever have. 
The second one is a bit grandiose, but perhaps that's fitting for the utwig.
I don't really know, I'll have to try them in game before I pass judgement. Still, I've always imagined the utwig theme to be a bit more... cheesy. Something to match their moping, self-pitying countenance. The middle of the mask theme, starting at 01:17, is more what I had in mind. I guess I'm put off a little bit by the voices- not that there's anything bad about them in particular, but it gives the impression that the utwig are solemn monks or something of that nature, instead of whiny and pompous adolescents (which is how I've always thought of them). Maybe other people don't have the same impression... it would be possible if you play without the 3d0 voice packs. 
Both of these pecies will probably grow on me, though. They usually do.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2006, 05:36:54 pm by Halleck »
 Currently working on: Going outside more
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I always hated the voice acting because I took the Utwig a little bit more seriously than Halleck -- and the first remix really captures them for me. Fabulous.
The second is kind of... er... well, it does about as well as one could hope given that it is attempting to convey the post-Ultron Utwig with the same underlying theme.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"I always hated the voice acting because I took the Utwig a little bit more seriously than Halleck"
I agree, the voice is what needs to change, not the remixed music. The Utwig Juggers are very effective in battle, after all. The endless sobing and so forth just doesn't fit.
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